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1020.00 Weapons Administration

Administrative Rules Adopted by Bureaus Pursuant to Rule Making Authority (ARB)
Policy number
On this page

1020.00, Weapons Administration


  • DIR 0316.00, Drug, Alcohol, and Tobacco Free Workplace
  • DIR 1010.00, Use of Force
  • DIR 1010.10, Deadly Force and In-Custody Death Reporting and Investigation Procedures
  • DIR 1015.00, Less Lethal Weapons and Tools
  • DIR 1021.00, Weapons Qualifications
  • PPA/PPCOA Substance Abuse Policy (intranet)


  • Aerosol Restraints:  A hand-held aerosol spray containing organic capsaicin oils derived from pepper plants, which affects individuals for several minutes, designed to impair vision and breathing.  Most effects dissipate within 30-40 minutes.
  • Ammunition:  Projectiles, along with their fuses and primers, which can be fired from a firearm.
  • AR-15:  A Bureau approved and issued carbine rifle.
  • Baton:  A Bureau-issued instrument designed for guiding, blocking, pushing, jabbing, striking, or applying control holds while engaged in a police action.
  • Certified Armorer (CA):  A sworn member who has successfully completed armorer training in a weapons system currently used by Bureau personnel, and is designated as an approved armorer by the Training Division.
  • Certified Instructor (CI):  A sworn member who has successfully completed a Bureau or, when the Bureau does not have a certification process, an accredited instructor school in a weapons system and is currently designated as a weapons system instructor by the Training Division.  Certified instructors may qualify members in any weapon system during a qualification range period; however, only certified instructors of a specific weapon system are authorized to instruct members who are conditionally qualified in that specific weapon system.
  • Chemical Incapacitant: The following, together or separately:

(i) Handheld or launched munitions and devices specifically designed to cause temporary pain, temporary irritation, temporary disruption of vital processes, temporary incapacitation, temporary disability or permanent harm through the toxic properties of toxic chemicals, or their precursors, that would be released as a result of the employment of the handheld or launched munitions and devices; and

(ii) Any equipment specifically designed for use directly in connection with the employment

of handheld or launched munitions and devices as described in subparagraph (i) of this subparagraph. “Chemical incapacitant” includes handheld and launched chemical munitions, but does not include tear gas.

  • Conducted Electrical Weapon (CEW):  A weapon, including Tasers, designed primarily to discharge electrical charges into a subject that will cause involuntary muscle contractions and overrides the subject’s voluntary motor responses.

o   Arcing: Activating a CEW without discharging the probes or making contact with a person, to serve as a warning to the person.

o   CEW Application: The contact and delivery of an electrical impulse to a person using a CEW.

o   CEW Cycle: An activation of the CEW for a duration of up to five (5) seconds.                                                                                    

  • Firearm:  A weapon, by whatever name known, which is designed to expel a projectile by the action of powder, excluding less lethal weapons
  • Impact Munitions:  Bureau-issued munitions that are deployed by less lethal certified officers and are fired from a launcher.  Impact munitions are not intended to produce deadly effects, but just as with other impact weapons, they can cause serious injury or death.  Although this munition is designed to be less lethal, it is not to be considered non-lethal.
  • Kinetic Impact Projectile (KIP): All non-lethal, less lethal, or semi-lethal projectiles, including but not limited to rubber and plastic bullets, beanbag rounds, sponge rounds, and pellet rounds.
  • Less Lethal Launcher:  A Bureau-issued weapon system capable of delivering  munitions.  Bureau issued launchers designated as less lethal launchers will be conspicuously marked.
  • Less Lethal Weapons: An apprehension or restraint tool that, when used as designed and intended, is less likely to cause death or serious physical injury than a conventional lethal weapon such as a firearm.
  • Primary Firearm:  A Bureau-approved firearm carried on duty.
  • Secondary Firearm:  A Bureau-approved firearm other than the primary firearm that is carried in a concealed manner as a backup firearm.
  • Shotgun:  A Bureau-approved, 12-gauge, pump-action shotgun.
  • Specialty Munitions: Bureau-issued munitions that are used by specialty units and are not intended to produce deadly effects, but just as with other impact weapons, they can cause serious injury or death.  Although this munition is designed to be less lethal, it is not to be considered non-lethal.


1.      This policy governs the authorization, safe management, secure storage, inspection, maintenance, issuance, and forfeiture of Bureau-approved weapons.

2.      Members are required to exercise due caution at all times while loading, unloading, and transporting firearms.  Safety is paramount, and PPB shall hold its members to the strictest of standards regarding firearms safety.

3.      Directive 1010.00, Use of Force, and Directive 1015.00, Less Lethal Weapons and Tools, govern the use of all Bureau-issued weapons and any other weapon used in the exercise of police powers.

4.      Members in probationary status and members who are in a non-qualified status are required to successfully complete firearm training and qualify with duty firearms and other service firearms before they are permitted to carry and use firearms.


1.      Safe keeping and handling:

1.1.            Vehicle storage of primary and secondary firearms, shotguns, AR-15s, and less lethal launchers.

1.1.1.         Other than while parked in the sallyport at any law enforcement facility and lodging a prisoner, any firearms issued by the Bureau or personally owned shall not be left in any City vehicle without securing the weapon with one of the following Bureau-approved security devices:  1) locked firearm storage box secured to the vehicle; 2) chain attached to the trunk of the vehicle specifically made for securing firearms; 3) secondary trunk lock approved by the Bureau Fleet Manager; or 4) vehicle’s weapon locking mount.  Simply locking the firearm in the trunk of a City vehicle without a secondary lock is prohibited.

1.1.2.         When a weapon is secured in a vehicle, members shall lock their vehicles when the vehicle is left unattended.  If a member is unable to lock the vehicle under exigent circumstances, members shall make reasonable efforts to have the vehicle locked as quickly as possible.

1.1.3.         If a vehicle has a weapon secured inside but is towed, parked in a service garage, or absent duty need, is left unattended for an unreasonable period of time, members shall immediately notify an on-duty supervisor, who shall ensure that the weapon is returned to the precinct armory.

1.1.4.         If electrical or mechanical failure renders the vehicle’s weapon mounting lock inoperable, the immediate supervisor shall ensure that the vehicle is placed in the most secure facility available at the precinct and the member shall notify a morning relief supervisor in writing of the need to remove the weapon.

1.1.5.         The shotgun and less lethal launcher shall be secured with an approved security device in the vehicle after ensuring the action is closed on an empty chamber, safety on, if applicable.

1.1.6.         The AR-15 shall be secured with an approved security device in the vehicle after ensuring that the weapon is in the carry condition (bolt forward on an empty chamber, loaded magazine in the magazine well and the selector in the safe position).

1.2.            Members operating in a patrol capacity shall not carry weapons on their external vests, except the following:

1.2.1.         A conducted electrical weapon (CEW) when carried in a retention holster and in a location authorized by the Training Division.

1.3.            If relying on their authority as law enforcement officers to carry and conceal a firearm, members shall not carry firearms if they are under the influence of alcohol or drugs as defined by the PPA/PPCOA Substance Abuse Policy, pursuant to Directive 0316.00, Drug, Alcohol, and Tobacco Free Workplace.

1.4.            Members shall not unnecessarily brandish any firearm.

1.5.            Members shall not store any firearm on Bureau premises, except where the place of storage is locked.

1.6.            Members shall follow the rules and regulations of correctional facilities regarding carrying and storing of firearms.

1.7.            Members shall exercise due care in securing and storing their weapons while off duty to prevent unauthorized access.

2.      Firearms.

2.1.            All sworn members shall carry one Bureau-authorized primary firearm, whether in uniform or in plain-clothes assignments.

2.1.1.         While in uniform, members are authorized to carry:          Glock 17, 9mm parabellum.          Glock 19, 9mm parabellum.          Glock 34, 9mm parabellum.          Glock 45, 9mm parabellum.

2.1.2.         While in a plain-clothes assignment, members are authorized to carry:          Glock 17, 9mm parabellum.          Glock 19, 9mm parabellum.          Glock 26, 9mm parabellum.          Glock 34, 9mm parabellum.          Glock 43x, 9mm parabellum.          Glock 45, 9mm parabellum.

2.1.3.         All Glock firearms carried on duty shall be black in color.

2.1.4.         The Responsibility Unit (RU) Manager may grant an exception to this firearm requirement based on investigative needs (e.g., undercover).

2.1.5.         Firearms shall be loaded and unloaded in the designated safe areas within each precinct or division as prescribed by the Training Division.

2.2.            All sworn members in a uniform assignment shall use the standard Bureau-issued holster specified by the Training Division while on duty.

2.2.1.         Members can submit a written request to use a personal holster to the Chief of Police through channels.  If a waiver is granted, the requesting member is responsible for the purchase, repair, maintenance, and replacement of the non-issued holster.  The member’s RU Manager shall notify the Training Division of the waiver.

2.3.            Primary Firearm.

2.3.1.         Issuance.          Primary duty firearms (Glock firearms) shall be issued to all newly-appointed sworn members.         Members may request an authorization letter from the Training Division to purchase a firearm for duty use from an outside vendor. The letter shall comply with all state and federal requirements.          Sworn peace officers who serve as Portland Fire Bureau Arson Investigators may be issued a primary duty firearm upon request.  All Bureau weapons qualifications requirements must be satisfied prior to issuance.

2.3.2.         Modifications.          Only certified armorers and certified firearms instructors shall modify or perform repairs on Glocks carried on duty.          All on-duty firearms shall have the Glock-recognized standard trigger pull weight of 5.5 pounds.  PPB prohibits modification of trigger pull, weight above or below this standard.          Non-factory sights, such as high visibility or night-sights, must be installed by a certified instructor or certified armorer.  The member shall qualify with the non-factory sights prior to carrying the firearm on duty.  Lasers and red dot sights (e.g., GLOCK MOS) are not permitted unless authorized by Training Division.          Slip-on or adhesive-type grips that are of a non-permanent nature are authorized at the member’s expense.          Members may have the following Glock factory parts installed by a certified firearms instructor or certified armorer:  extended slide stop lever, extended magazine release, and a +2 magazine floor plate.          The slide, frame, or internal parts of the firearm shall not be modified in any way, except in the course of repair by a certified firearms instructor or certified armorer.          Only Glock factory parts shall be used in the firearm, except as outlined in

2.4.            Secondary Firearm.

2.4.1.         Within the parameters of this policy, members may choose to carry one secondary firearm, but are not required to do so.          A member may request to carry more than one secondary firearm.  All requests to carry additional secondary firearms must be authorized by the Training Division Captain.

2.4.2.         Prior to carrying a secondary firearm, members are required to receive approval to carry the secondary firearm from the Training Division Captain and they must qualify with the secondary firearm.          At the time of the initial qualification, the certified instructor (CI) or designee shall document the serial number of the secondary firearm and qualification type in the Bureau’s Learning Management System (LMS).          The CI or designee shall verify the serial number of the secondary firearm on an ongoing basis at the time of each subsequent qualification.

2.4.3.         Members shall notify their command-level supervisors upon qualification or disqualification of any secondary firearm they usually carry.  Upon reassignment, members shall notify their command-level supervisor of the secondary firearm they usually carry.

2.4.4.         No firearm shall be carried on duty that has not been inspected by a Training Division CI or certified armorer (CA) for that class of firearm. Members must also qualify on the firearm in accordance with Directive 1021.00, Weapons Qualifications, prior to carrying it on duty.

2.4.5.         The firearm must be a double action revolver or a semi-automatic pistol. Additionally, the revolver or pistol must have a minimum capacity of at least five rounds.  The revolver or pistol shall be a .38 caliber, .380 acp caliber, or 9mm parabellum.

2.4.6.         Secondary firearms shall be carried in a holster and in a concealed manner.

2.4.7.         No modification shall be made to any secondary firearm unless approved and inspected by a certified instructor.

2.4.8.         The approved secondary firearm should be used only when the primary sidearm is not available or is inoperable.

3.      Shotgun.

3.1.            Only shotgun qualified members shall carry  Bureau-issued and personally assigned shotguns, except under exigent circumstances.

3.2.            While on duty, members shall only use Bureau-issued shotguns.  

3.3.            When not in use, the shotgun shall be stored in a Bureau-approved armory in the following conditions: action open, safety on, and verified to have an empty chamber and unloaded magazine tube.

3.4.            When checking out their issued shotgun from the armory or se­cure storage area, members shall conduct a function check to ensure the shotgun is working properly.

3.5.            At the beginning of their shifts, members shall load the magazine tube of the shotgun with only 00 buckshot ammunition or only rifled slug ammunition.  Members shall not have a combination of these two rounds loaded in the magazine tube.  Members shall load the side saddle with spare rounds of the type not loaded in the magazine tube.  If tactically feasible, members should utilize the most appropriate type of ammunition based on the totality of the circumstances.

3.6.            At the beginning and end of shift, the shotgun shall be loaded and unloaded in the designated safe areas within each precinct or division as prescribed by the Training Division.

4.      AR-15.

4.1.            Only AR-15 qualified members shall carry Bureau-issued and personally assigned AR-15s, except under exigent circumstances.

4.2.            While on duty, members shall only use Bureau-issued AR-15s. 

4.3.            When checking out their issued AR-15 from the armory or se­cure storage area, members shall conduct a function check to ensure the AR-15 is working properly, to include checking the attached light and sighting system.

4.4.            The AR-15 shall be loaded into the carry condition and unloaded in the designated safe areas within each precinct or division as prescribed by the Training Division.

4.5.            When not in the carry condition, all AR-15s shall be unloaded with a yellow safety block inserted into the magazine well, the action locked open, and with the selector in the safe position.

4.6.            An AR-15 may be transported to a sworn member’s residence the night before and night after an approved training session, with approval from the RU Manager.  The AR-15 must be transported directly to and from the residence, the training site, and RU.  The AR-15 shall not, under any circumstances, be left unattended in a personal vehicle.  While in transit, members shall adhere to the vehicle storage procedures outlined in this directive.  Members shall store the AR-15 in a lockable rifle case or a lockable gun safe while at the residence.

5.      Less Lethal Weapons.

5.1.            Conducted Electrical Weapon.

5.1.1.         Only trained and certified members are authorized to carry a CEW.  Members shall refer to 1021.00, Weapons Qualifications, for additional guidance on certification requirements.

5.1.2.         Certified members shall only carry Bureau-issued CEWs and cartridges.

5.1.3.         All members of the rank of officer and sergeant in a uniform assignment shall carry a CEW, unless waived by the overseeing Assistant Chief.  All members at the rank of Lieutenant and above may carry a CEW, if preferred.  For all other units, the carrying of a CEW remains at the discretion of the RU Manager.

5.1.4.         CEWs shall be carried in a position on the member’s body such that it can be drawn with the support-hand of the member.

5.1.5.         Members carrying the CEW are responsible for checking operability at the start of each shift.  Members shall also perform, at a minimum, weekly spark tests to ensure weapon functionality.

5.1.6.         Members shall exercise due care in securing and storing their CEW while off duty to prevent unauthorized access.

5.2.            Aerosol Restraints.

5.2.1.         Members shall be trained in the use of aerosol restraints prior to issuance.

5.2.2.         All members in a uniform assignment shall carry Bureau-issued aerosol restraints in a manner such that the tool is immediately available for use, if necessary.

5.3.            Less Lethal Launchers and Munitions.

5.3.1.         Only members trained on and certified in Bureau-issued less lethal launchers and impact munitions are authorized to carry and use those tools in their designated capacity.

5.3.2.         While on duty, members shall only use Bureau-issued less lethal launchers and impact munitions. 

5.3.3.         Sworn members at the rank of officer and who are certified less lethal launcher operators in uniform assignments shall carry a less lethal launcher in their patrol vehicle when their primary duty is call response.          Sworn members at the rank of sergeant and above who are certified less lethal launcher operators in uniform assignments may carry a less lethal launcher.

5.3.4.         Members shall conduct a function check to ensure the less lethal launcher is working properly, including the optic and sling prior to each shift.  In addition, members shall inspect each of the impact munitions loaded in the buttstock and leg pouches.

5.3.5.         Less lethal launchers shall only be loaded with Bureau-issued impact munitions in a safe manner consistent with their training (i.e., not loaded until needed).  Certified members are required to visually and physically inspect each impact munition during loading, if feasible.

5.3.6.         When not deployed, the launcher shall be secured in a vehicle with an empty chamber.

5.3.7.         The launcher shall have two impact munitions carried on the butt stock, and the member operator shall have a Training-approved carrier loaded with at least five additional rounds of  impact munitions at the beginning of their shift.

5.3.8.         Additional  impact munitions shall only be stored in a Training-approved carrier.

5.3.9.         Members who no longer wish to carry a less lethal launcher can request de-certification by routing a memorandum through channels to the Training Manager.

5.3.10.     All less lethal launchers and ammunition shall be removed from vehicles and stored in their respective Responsibility Unit’s armory when not in use or at the end of shift.  If the operator has an issued leg pouch for ammunition, it shall be stored in a locker.

5.3.11.     Specialty Munitions.      Only trained and certified members are authorized to carry specialty munitions.  Members shall refer to 1021.00, Weapons Qualifications, for additional guidance on certification requirements.      Certified members shall only carry Bureau-issued specialty munitions.      Members who are certified to carry the less lethal launcher and non-patrol specialty munitions may carry those munitions on patrol when authorized by the RU Manager.      All certified members of the rank of officers and sergeants shall carry specialty munitions when authorized to do so in the performance of their duties as required by that specialty unit and/or at the discretion of the incident commander.      Specialty munitions shall be stored in a safe and secure manner in the less lethal weapon’s supplied carrier, if available.

5.3.12.     While on duty, members are responsible for securing the less lethal launcher during transport in patrol vehicles.

5.4.            Less Lethal Impact Weapons (Batons).

5.4.1.         Members shall receive training on the PR-24 side-handled baton and the asp (straight expandable baton).  These are the only batons  authorized for general member use.          Specialty units (e.g., Public Order Unit [POU]) shall receive training on long baton use.

5.4.2.         The PR-24 side-handled baton is issued to every sworn member, but shall only be used in specific tactical situations (e.g., riot or crowd control) as directed by an incident commander.

5.4.3.         The asp baton is issued to every sworn member.  Members who choose to carry the asp baton shall do so in a manner such that the tool is immediately available to use, if necessary.

6.      Specialized Weapons.

6.1.            The Chief may authorize, in writing, specialized weapons and ammunition for use by designated units (e.g., SERT) that are not authorized for all members.  Only members assigned to these designated units, while in that assignment, may use the special firearms authorized for that unit.

6.2.            If a member leaves a specialized unit, it is that member’s responsibility to return all specialized equipment and weapons within five working days to the unit that issued the equipment.  The supervisor must affirmatively acknowledge that all weapons and equipment are returned by the departing member.  This may be done by Bureau email copied to their respective RU Manager.

7.      Ammunition.

7.1.            Members shall only use Bureau-issued and authorized ammunition while on duty.

7.2.            All pistol magazines shall be loaded to capacity.

7.2.1.         Members are required to carry at least two maga­zines in addition to the magazine in their primary firearm while in uniform.

7.2.2.         Members are required to carry at least one magazine in addition to the magazine in their primary firearm while in a plain-clothes assignment, unless exempted by their RU Manager.

7.3.            All AR-15 magazines shall be loaded as prescribed by Training Division.   

7.4.            Members shall be issued new duty ammunition at least annually.

7.5.            The Training Division shall determine which ammunition is authorized, subject to the approval of the Chief of Police.

8.      Training.

8.1.            The Training Division shall approve training and certification courses for every Bureau-issued or approved weapon.  Members shall refer to 1021.00, Weapons Qualifications, for additional guidelines.

9.       Weapons Cleaning and Maintenance.

9.1.            After discharging a weapon on duty for qualifications, training, practice, or in the official course of duty, members shall clean their weapon(s) in a manner consistent with Bureau standards prior to returning to duty unless exigent circumstances exist.  Supervisors shall ensure that members are provided an adequate opportunity to thoroughly clean their weapons(s) in a manner that is consistent with Training Division prescribed standards.

9.1.1.         However, in accordance with Directive 1010.10, Deadly Force and In-Custody Death Reporting and Investigation Procedures, involved member(s) shall surrender the weapon used in a deadly force incident to Detectives or criminalists.   

9.2.            When weapons become contaminated, fouled, thoroughly wet, or dirty while on duty, members shall clean the weapon as soon as possible, or prior to the end of the shift.  The Training Division shall provide gun-cleaning equipment at the Justice Center and Training Complex ranges.  Precinct Commanders shall provide gun-cleaning equipment at the precinct.

9.3.            Firearms that are the property of the Bureau shall only be repaired by a CA for the respective weapon system, or a qualified contractor retained by the Training Division.

9.4.            Any firearm authorized by the Bureau to be carried on-duty and found to be malfunctioning or needing service shall not be carried and shall be promptly presented to a CA or the Training Division for inspection.  Any firearm determined to be in need of service or repair during an inspection will be immediately removed from service.  If the firearm is the member’s primary duty firearm, the Training Division will issue a replacement firearm to the member until the duty firearm is rendered serviceable.

9.5.            All maintenance and repair documentation is the responsibility of the Training Division and that Division will keep on file such documentation for each firearm.

10.  Responsibility, Accountability, and Control.

10.1.        Members.

10.1.1.     Members are responsible for maintaining individually issued weapon(s).  Members shall store their weapons in a secure manner.

10.2.        Supervisors.

10.2.1.     Supervisors are responsible for monitoring issuance procedures for weapons that are not assigned on an individual basis.  Supervisors shall determine when members are required to carry additional weapons, such as the shotgun and less lethal launcher.

10.2.2.     Supervisors are authorized to carry additional impact munitions.  Impact munitions shall be stored in an approved container authorized by the Training Division.

10.2.3.     Supervisors are responsible for securing all weapons (shotguns, AR-15s, less lethal weapons) for members who have been injured or are unable to return their weapon(s) to the armory.

10.3.        RU Managers.

10.3.1.     RU Managers are responsible for the security, inventory, storage, issuance, cleaning, maintenance, and auditing of weapons assigned to their RU.  Weapons include shotguns, AR-15s, and less lethal weapons (CEWs, launchers).      RU Managers shall ensure that armories established at their units meet the minimum following requirements:     Maintained in accordance with Directive 60.60, Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs). SOPs will address storage protocols of weapons, the maintenance of a sign-in/sign-out log, and requirements of members prior to signing weapons in or out;     Managed by a certified armorer responsible for inventorying and servicing weapons;     Restricted entry to authorized members only;     Prohibit the storage of loaded weapons; and     Ensure weapons are locked when not in use.

10.3.2.     Any firearm, less lethal launcher or CEW in need of reassignment shall be transferred to the Training Division and entered into the Police Bureau’s inventory.

10.3.3.     RU Managers are responsible for ensuring that shotguns and less lethal launchers within their RU or assigned to members within their RU are inspected, at a minimum, annually.      RU Managers shall ensure shotgun and less lethal launcher inspections include, but are not limited to, an examination of the cleanliness and proper lubrication of the weapon, a review for damage or unauthorized modifications, verification of the weapon’s serial number, test firing, and assessment of the weapon’s sighting.      The Tactical Operations Division (TOD) Manager, or designee, is responsible for ensuring that specialty weapons within SERT are inspected, at a minimum, annually.      The POU Manager, or designee, is responsible for ensuring that specialty weapons within the unit are inspected, at a minimum, annually.

10.3.4.     RU Managers shall have the discretion to issue and assign less lethal weapons to any certified members in the RU.

10.3.5.     RU Managers shall ensure that less lethal launchers are assigned in a manner that optimizes their continuous availability throughout their precinct for emergency deployments.

10.3.6.     RU Managers shall ensure that their assigned members are provided with the opportunity to comply with the weapons cleaning and maintenance section of this directive.

10.3.7.     RU Managers shall ensure that the provisions of this directive are followed within their RU.  Members shall refer to Directive 1200.00, Inspections, Maintenance, Responsibility, and Authority for additional guidance.

10.4.        Training Division.

10.4.1.     The Training Division Manager is responsible for procuring and controlling the Bureau’s inventory of all weapons, including allocations, inspections, and maintenance.

10.4.2.     The Training Division shall procure, inventory, track and issue CEWs and cartridges, and less lethal launchers and munitions to other units.

10.4.3.     The Training Division Manager shall approve all modifications to primary firearms, shotguns, AR-15s, and less lethal launchers.  Members shall not make any modifications without written authorization from the Training Division Manager unless otherwise allowed within this directive.  

10.4.4.     When a weapon no longer meets Bureau requirements or serves Bureau purposes, the Training Division will dispose of the weapon in accordance with Directive 660.10, Property and Evidence Procedure.

11.  Member Process to Purchase Bureau-Issued Firearms.

11.1.        All firearm sales shall comply with applicable federal and state regulations.

11.2.        Sworn members (who have completed background checks) may acquire certain Bureau-approved weapons from the Training Division.  A retiring member with a City-issued primary firearm may purchase that firearm at the original price paid by the City, plus any applicable Federal Excise Tax (FET). 

11.3.        Any sworn member or arson investigator who requests to purchase a firearm upon leaving the Bureau must receive approval from PSD to check for open Internal Affairs (IA) cases no sooner than 2 weeks before their separation.  If there are no open IA cases, and PSD agrees to approve the purchase, PSD will sign off on the separation checklist allowing the member to purchase their firearm and notify the Training Division of the approval.  If the member has open cases, the cases shall be reviewed on an individual basis to determine eligibility to purchase a firearm.

12.  Off duty firearms.

12.1.        The carrying and using of firearms by members while off duty based on their authority as law enforcement officers is permitted by the Chief of Police. The Chief of Police may rescind the privilege should circumstances dictate (e.g., administrative leave, disciplinary action). 

12.2.        Members shall carry their Bureau identification at all times when armed and in public, whether on duty or off duty.

13.  Forfeit and replacement of firearms.

13.1.        When a member’s primary firearm is confiscated as evidence following an application of deadly force, the member shall be provided a Bureau-owned firearm that is the same make, model, and caliber for temporary use.

Effective:        8/4/2023

Next Review: 8/4/2024

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1020.00 Weapons Administration

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1020.00 Weapons Administration

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