Martin Luther King Jr. Day closure

Most City of Portland offices will be closed Monday, Jan. 20, to observe Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

1110.00 Personal Appearance Standards

Administrative Rules Adopted by Bureaus Pursuant to Rule Making Authority (ARB)
Policy number
On this page

1110.00, Personal Appearance Standards


  • DIR 0210.90, Recognition and Awards
  • DIR 0317.40, Authorized Use of Bureau Resources
  • DIR 1120.05, Clothing Allowance for Plainclothes Assignments
  • DIR 1200.00, Inspections, Maintenance, Responsibility and Authority
  • Uniform and Clothing Guide (Uniform Committee – Intranet)


  • Body Art: Modification of the body’s appearance for the purpose of creating a design, form, figure or art.  Body art includes, but is not limited to, branding, piercing, scarification, and tattoos.


1.    This directive establishes grooming, dress code, and other general appearance standards for all Bureau members. Sworn members shall refer to the Uniform and Clothing Guide for specific guidance on uniform standards.

2.    The Bureau expects all members to be well-groomed and exhibit a professional appearance while performing their official duties. A professional appearance conveys that Bureau members take pride in their work and are committed to the Bureau’s high standards of professionalism, and potentially builds trust in the community. 

3.    The Bureau recognizes that there are many ways to exhibit a professional appearance and that standards can change and be subjective. In evaluating professional appearance, the Bureau primarily considers a member’s ability to safely and effectively perform their duties, including using or wearing equipment needed for Bureau operations.


1. Authorized Off-Duty Uniform Use. 

1.1.    Off duty members shall not wear a Bureau uniform, complete or in part, without prior consent of their RU manager.  If authorized, the entire uniform of the day will be worn. However, the uniform may be worn to and from work if the route is direct and the member will not be involved in conducting personal business. If worn to and from work, it is permissible to wear a civilian jacket or raincoat in lieu of the uniform coat.

2.    General Grooming Standards.

2.1.    Hair.

2.1.1.    Members shall keep their hair clean, neatly groomed and styled in a manner that does not interfere with their assigned duties. 

2.1.2.    Dyeing or highlighting hair is permitted, but members’ hair color must be consistent with a naturally occurring color range and must be professional in appearance. Members are prohibited from dyeing or shaving patterns, text, or prints into their hair.    The Chief may grant a temporary exception to this rule in limited and special circumstances (e.g., allowing pink dye for Breast Cancer Awareness month).

2.1.3.    Sworn member specifications while on duty.    Sworn members shall style their hair in a manner that does not interfere with uniform headgear or any specialized equipment and will not interfere with the member’s safety and effectiveness.    Hair that extends past a member’s shoulders shall be secured to prevent hair from covering the member’s face. 

2.2.    Facial Hair. 

2.2.1.    Members shall keep all facial hair clean and neatly trimmed.

2.2.2.    Sworn member specifications.    Sworn members are permitted to wear mustaches, goatees, and/or beards, if they carry 
shaving equipment should an emergency situation dictate immediate removal or trimming of facial hair (e.g., the need to don a gas mask during a crowd control event). 

2.3.    Sworn members in plainclothes or undercover assignments shall be excused from conforming to the grooming standards set forth in this directive.  

3.    Dress Standards.

3.1.    Responsibility Unit (RU) Managers shall have the discretion to establish attire guidelines for professional staff in their units. All members shall wear professional attire that is appropriate for a work environment.

3.2.    Sworn members in uniform assignments shall act in accordance with the Bureau “Uniform and Clothing Guide” with regard to uniform, equipment, or other clothing requirements.

4.    Jewelry.

4.1.    Members are permitted to wear jewelry that is professional in appearance, inoffensive, and does not interfere with their assigned duties or pose a risk to the safety of others.  

4.2.    Sworn member specifications while on duty.

4.2.1.    Sworn members working in a patrol capacity/field operations in a uniform capacity shall not wear more than two rings total.    Rings should be worn in such a way so as not to interfere with the use of equipment or hinder the member’s ability to use their hands or fingers.

4.2.2.    Sworn members may wear one watch, one bracelet, and one concealed necklace.

4.2.3.    Sworn members may wear studs or other earrings that fit closely against the ear and do not extend below or around the earlobe.    Ear gauges and ear stretching plugs larger than a dime’s size in diameter are prohibited.

4.2.4.    RU Managers or a designee may grant exceptions to the required jewelry standards when necessary for a specific assignment.

5.    Body Art.

5.1.    Members may have or display body art, however, they are prohibited from displaying body art on the face or neck that cannot be easily concealed (i.e., behind the ear or the base of the neck), except for reasonable cosmetic or medical purposes.
5.2.    Any body art that is visible on the member’s wrist or hand requires approval from the member’s Branch Assistant Chief. 

5.3.    Members are prohibited from displaying body art that is obscene, offensive, or biased toward a legally-protected class, or otherwise discriminatory in nature.

6.    Court Appearance.

6.1.    Members shall wear professional business attire or a full uniform when appearing in court.

6.1.1.    Members shall adjust their court attire if a reasonable request is made by the attorney handling the case (i.e., a City Attorney or District Attorney).

7.    Accommodations and Appeals.

7.1.    The Bureau shall consider accommodations to the grooming standards in this directive on a case-by- case basis for religious or medical reasons only.  

7.2.    Members seeking a religious or medical accommodation can submit a request in writing to the Bureau of Human Resources (BHR) Business Partner.

7.3.    Members may submit a memo through Personnel Division to their Branch Assistant Chief to appeal a Bureau decision that forbids the member from displaying their body art. The Branch Assistant Chief shall make a final determination on the permissibility of the member’s body art.

8.    Command Staff and RU Manager Responsibilities.  

8.1.    May exempt a member from wearing the uniform for the duration of a specific assignment if civilian clothing would be more appropriate.  RU managers and supervisors will ensure their members conform to the uniform and equipment requirements. 

8.2.    Inspect members to ensure all uniforms and equipment are serviceable, authorized, and that the body armor is less than five years old.

8.3.    In situations where duty assignments require deviations from this directive, RU managers may authorize variances.


- Originating Directive Date: 09/06/01

- Last Revision Signed: 02/15/23

- Effective Date: 03/17/23

- Next Review Date: 03/17/25

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