1501.00 Field Training and Evaluation Program

Administrative Rules Adopted by Bureaus Pursuant to Rule Making Authority (ARB)
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1501.00, Field Training and Evaluation Program


  • DIR 1500.00, Training
  • Training Division Standard Operating Procedures 3-3 – 3-6
  • Bi-Weekly Phase V Evaluation Form (Training)
  • Weekly Phase I-IV Evaluation Form (Training)
  • End of Phase Evaluation Form (Training)
  • Field Training Officer Evaluation Form (Training)
  • Field Training and Evaluation Program Standardized Evaluation Guidelines (Training)


Bi-Weekly Observation Report: An evaluation of Phase V Recruits, based upon Field Training and Evaluation Program Standardized Evaluation Guidelines that is completed bi-weekly by the Field Training Officer (FTO) electronically or on the approved printed form.

Entry (Training) Phase: The preliminary training stage of the Field Training and Evaluation Program, during which Recruit Officers work closely alongside their designated Field Training Officer and are assigned basic tasks, such as operating the radio and driving.

Field Training Conference: A meeting between the Field Training and Evaluation Program Coordinator and the assigned FTO designed to review a Recruit’s progress and to develop plans for correcting deficiencies.

Field Training and Evaluation Program (FTEP): A comprehensive process designed to train police Recruits in the most effective manner to become police professionals.

FTEP Coordinator: An officer, assigned to the Training Division, designated as the Operations Coordinator of the FTEP.

FTEP Director: The lieutenant, or designee, assigned to the Training Division, responsible for the management of the FTEP program.

FTEP Sergeant/Supervisor: The sergeant, assigned to the Training Division, responsible for Recruit training.

Field Training Officer (FTO): A member who has successfully completed the Bureau’s FTO School and has maintained certification, including re-certification classes, as scheduled by the Training Division. The FTO is responsible for monitoring and documenting Recruit Officer’s performance and providing resources to assist in their FTEP completion.

FTEP Standardized Evaluation Guidelines: A Bureau form that captures the standards by which Recruit performance is evaluated. Key areas include, but are not limited to, knowledge of applicable laws, ordinances and Bureau policies; report-writing ability; safety; and field performance.

Recruit Officer (Recruit): A sworn member of the Bureau who has not completed the probationary period.

Recruit Training Sergeant: A sergeant from each relief at each precinct designated as the coordinator of the FTEP for that relief.

Training Phase I: The first training stage of FTEP, during which Recruits continue to work closely with their designated FTO. Generally during this phase, Recruits are responsible for all driving duties, geographic orientation, and radio operation, and may manage common calls for service.

Training Phase II: The second training stage of FTEP, during which Recruits assume more responsibility and begin multi-tasking in the field (e.g., driving, geographic orientation, and managing varied calls for service).

Training Phase III: The third training stage of FTEP, during which Recruits begin periodically working without direct guidance and exercising independent judgment and control on all daily operations of patrol. Generally, FTOs will only provide post-situational critique during this stage.

Training Phase IV: The fourth training stage of FTEP, during which Recruits work without direct guidance of their designated FTO and establish self-initiated activity goals.

Training Phase V: The final training stage of FTEP, during which the Recruit works independently and is assigned standard patrol duties.

Weekly Observation Report: An evaluation of Phase I-IV Recruits, based upon the Standardized Evaluation Guidelines, that is completed weekly by the FTO electronically or on the approved printed form.


1. This directive establishes training procedures and program requirements for Bureau Recruits.

2. The Bureau is committed to appropriately training its Recruits to guarantee professional service delivery, while also engaging and serving the needs of the community. The FTEP is designed to provide new officers with the skills and experience necessary to meet the performance standards established by the Bureau for sworn members. The Training Division will provide instruction that equips this set of members with the tools necessary to carry out their functions safely, adequately, and professionally.


1. Field Training.

1.1. All field training shall be consistent with PPB’s annual training plan.

1.2. Recruit Officers.

1.2.1. Recruits shall complete field training assignments on a rotating basis between at least two precincts.

1.3. Field Training Officers.

1.3.1. All FTO candidates shall have a demonstrable record of professional conduct and suitable work performance. Members who have been subject to disciplinary action based upon the use of force or mistreatment of individuals with mental illness within the three preceding years, or twice in the preceding five years, shall be prohibited from serving as FTOs.

1.3.2. PPB shall select FTOs based on key factors that are set forth in the Training Division Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) 3-4. These factors include, but are not limited to the following: Tenure as a permanently appointed sworn member; Discipline history; Performance history; Demonstrated maturity; and Demonstrated knowledge of Bureau policies and procedures.

1.3.3. The FTEP Director or designee shall provide a current list of FTOs to the IA Captain or designee. As FTOs are added, decertified, or they retire or are otherwise removed, the FTEP Director shall ensure that PSD/IA has an updated list. If a case involving an FTO is opened, the IA Captain or designee shall provide notification to the FTEP Director within one business day when there are allegations that, if true, would impact the FTO’s ability to effectively train a recruit officer. If the allegations are sustained and necessitate the removal of the FTO from the program, the IA Captain or designee must notify the FTEP Director within one business day of case closure.

1.4. Training Division.

1.4.1. The Training Division shall maintain a standard operating procedure (SOP) outlining the standards and criteria for FTO selection, training, certification, and de-certification.

1.4.2. The Training Division Captain or designee shall notify RU Managers of pending FTO Schools.

1.4.3. The Training Manager shall be responsible for the certification and re-certification of FTOs who have successfully completed FTO School.

1.4.4. RU Managers may request the suspension or de-certification of an FTO through the Training Manager. The Training Manager has the sole discretion to de-certify or suspend an FTO.

1.4.5. FTO qualifications. All FTOs shall receive 40 hours of initial training and annual in-service training to maintain certification. The training captures the following key areas, which include, but are not limited to: Management; Intervention and counseling; Scenarios; Civil liability; and Performance evaluation. FTOs and Recruit Training Sergeants shall be required to maintain, and demonstrate on a regular basis, their proficiency in managing recruits and subordinates, practicing and teaching community-oriented policing, and solving problems effectively. PPB shall maintain current documentation of FTOs’ evaluations and training.

2. Training Phases.

2.1. Projected Completion Timelines.

2.1.1. Entry Phase: Four weeks.

2.1.2. Phase I: Five weeks.

2.1.3. Phase II: Five weeks.

2.1.4. Phase III: Five weeks.

2.1.5. Phase IV: Five weeks at a minimum.

2.1.6. Phase V: The Recruit Officer shall remain in Training Phase V until the completion of the probationary period.

2.1.7. The timelines listed for each phase, with the exception of Phase IV, are recommended schedules. The Bureau retains the right to modify those timelines and to terminate a recruit at any phase of the training process. Program advancement shall not automatically confer advancement to a permanent position until the recruit has successfully completed the probationary period.

2.2. Entry Phase through Phase IV.

2.2.1. Recruits shall generally begin the Entry Phase upon completion of the Basic Police Academy.

2.2.2. Recruits shall then incrementally advance to Phase V (working independently) through a comprehensive and progressive process involving field training, observation, critique, evaluation, and review. The Recruit shall be given additional responsibilities as their skills develop. The Recruit shall be assigned to ride with a certified FTO in all training phases except Phase V.

2.2.3. FTOs shall not be assigned the same Recruit for more than two consecutive training phases.

2.2.4. FTOs shall work with their Recruits to complete the Department of Public Safety Standards and Training Field (DPSST) Training Manual.

2.2.5. FTOs will critique the Recruit’s daily activities. The Recruit’s regularly assigned FTO will use FTEP Standardized Evaluation Guidelines to complete a Weekly Evaluation prior to the week’s end to reflect performance for each day. The FTO will discuss the evaluation with the Recruit and both the FTO and the Recruit will sign the evaluation.

2.2.6. If, due to technical issues, the FTO is unable to complete a Weekly Evaluation electronically, they shall send an original typed or handwritten document directly to Training. The FTO shall forward a copy of all Weekly Evaluations to the FTEP Coordinator.

2.2.7. In the unusual circumstance in which a Recruit is assigned to work with a member who is not a certified FTO (e.g., if the assigned FTO is on leave), the sergeant shall ensure the Recruit is placed with a suitable non-FTO member.

2.2.8. A non-FTO member shall not be assigned a Recruit if the non-FTO member has been subject to disciplinary action as described in Section

2.2.9. The non-FTO member shall not be required to complete a Weekly Evaluation. Instead, that member shall write an inter-office memorandum to the FTEP Coordinator, detailing their activities and the Recruit’s performance during the period the Recruit was assigned. These memoranda shall not cover periods longer than one week. The assigned non-FTO member shall review the content of their memorandum with the Recruit, who shall, in turn, acknowledge the review with their signature. The assigned non-FTO member shall then send the memorandum directly to the Training Captain or designee and forward a copy to the FTEP Coordinator and the assigned FTO.

2.3. Phase V.

2.3.1. Recruits who have successfully completed all previous training phases and consistently met the acceptable performance standards, as defined in FTEP Standardized Evaluation Guidelines, shall advance to Phase V training status.

2.3.2. Phase V continues until completion of the probationary period, unless the Recruit’s performance reflects serious deficiencies, in which case the Training Division Captain or designee shall review the Recruit’s performance to determine an appropriate course of action.

2.3.3. During this final phase of field training, an FTO shall be assigned to closely monitor the Recruit’s performance; however, Recruits are permitted to work independent of direct supervision. Using FTEP Standardized Evaluation Guidelines, the FTO shall complete a Bi-Weekly Phase V Evaluation Form electronically to document the Recruit’s performance. The FTO shall discuss the evaluation with the Recruit, who shall, in turn, acknowledge the review with their signature.

2.3.4. An FTO may only be assigned to monitor the performance of a maximum of two Phase V Recruits at a time.

2.3.5. As staffing permits, the Bureau shall assign Recruits to a district in reasonable proximity to the FTOs district to facilitate the mentoring and monitoring of the Recruit(s).

2.3.6. An FTO who is assigned to mentor a Phase V Recruit shall not be assigned a Recruit participating in another Training Phase.

2.4. Recruit Training Sergeant (Precinct) Responsibilities.

2.4.1. Maintain a thorough understanding of the policies and procedures contained in this directive.

2.4.2. Facilitate the assignment of Recruits to FTOs. Recruits shall be assigned the same shift and/or days off as their FTOs.

2.4.3. Ensure that weekly Evaluations for Phases I-IV Recruits are completed and submitted to the FTEP Coordinator.

2.4.4. Ensure that Bi-Weekly evaluations for Phase V Recruit Officers are completed and submitted to the FTEP Coordinator.

2.4.5. Notify the Training Division in writing of any performance deficiencies with either Recruits or FTOs, and work with the Training Division to address the deficiencies.

2.4.6. Notify the FTEP Sergeant in writing of any personnel changes for the position of Recruit Training Sergeant or Scheduling Sergeant at the Responsibility Unit (RU).

3. Program Advancement.

3.1. Prior to the completion of each training phase, the Recruit’s assigned FTO shall complete an End of Phase Evaluation Form, including the FTO’s recommendation for advancement to the next training phase, or retention in the current training phase. After the FTO discusses the evaluation with the Recruit, both members will sign the form.

3.1.1. The FTO shall forward a copy of the form to the FTEP Coordinator.

3.2. For Training Phases I-IV, the FTEP Sergeant and FTEP Coordinator must review and approve the evaluation prior to the Recruit’s advancement to the next training phase.

3.2.1. If the reviews are in conflict, the FTEP Director shall determine whether to advance the Recruit to the next phase.

3.3. No recruit shall be considered for advancement to Phase IV until the Recruit has successfully completed the Bureau’s Advanced Academy.

3.4. Prior to advancement to Phase V, the FTEP Director, FTEP Sergeant, and FTEP Coordinator shall review the evaluation for approval.

3.4.1. The FTEP Coordinator shall provide written notification of the Recruit’s advancement to both the Recruit and their RU Manager.

3.4.2. Recruits are prohibited from working independently prior to this notification.

3.5. No Recruit shall be considered for advancement to Phase V until the Recruit has completed both the mandatory five-week observation period in Phase IV and the DPSST Field Training Manual.

4. FTO Notification.

4.1. FTOs shall be responsible for notifying the FTEP Coordinator when:

4.1.1. Their Recruit has been involved in a significant incident (e.g., collision, pursuit, serious use of force, etc.).

4.1.2. Their Recruit is absent for more than one week.

4.1.3. Their Recruit is not meeting training timelines.

4.1.4. The FTO changes precincts, shifts, or days off.

4.1.5. The FTO has an approved leave (e.g., vacation, FMLA, military leave, etc.) of more than one (1) week.

4.1.6. The FTO receives notification that they are the subject of an Internal Affairs Investigation.

4.1.7. The FTO has been promoted or transferred from a uniform patrol assignment.

5. Field Training Conferences.

5.1. The FTEP Coordinator shall schedule Field Training Conferences upon receipt of each End of Phase Evaluation. Additional Field Training Conferences will be scheduled as needed to evaluate and discuss the Recruit’s performance.

5.2. The FTO should be prepared to discuss their Recruit’s field training performance and to provide recommendations for future training.

6. Probationary Performance Summary.

6.1. The FTEP Coordinator shall draft a performance summary if the Training Division has determined that a Recruit does not meet standard performance requirements.

6.1.1. The FTEP Coordinator shall submit the summary through channels to the Chief or a designee, who shall then determine a course of action.

7. FTO Evaluation Forms.

7.1. Recruits shall evaluate their assigned FTO using the FTO Evaluation Form. Recruits shall complete and forward the form directly to the FTEP Coordinator within two weeks of completing their assignment with an FTO.

7.1.1. Recruits shall not advance to Training Phase V until all FTO evaluation forms are completed and properly submitted.

7.2. The Training Division shall maintain the FTO evaluations.

7.3. To maintain and enhance the quality of the FTO program, the FTEP Sergeant or designee shall review the evaluation with the FTOs to give training feedback. Their use is not intended to be disciplinary in nature and will not have disciplinary consequences.

8. DPSST Requirement.

8.1. Recruits not currently certified by DPSST will attend and graduate from the DPSST Basic Police Academy prior to their assignment to uniform patrol, unless DPSST grants a waiver of the Basic Police Academy.

8.2. Recruits currently certified by DPSST, or those members granted a waiver of the DPSST Basic Police Academy, will be given an orientation to Bureau procedures as determined by the Training Division prior to their assignment to uniform patrol.

8.3. Recruits must satisfy their DPSST Certification Requirements prior to the end of their probationary period.


- Originating Directive Date: 05/01/15

- Last Revision Signed: 08/01/19

- Effective Date: 08/31/19

- Next Review Date: 08/31/20

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