Martin Luther King Jr. Day closure

Most City of Portland offices will be closed Monday, Jan. 20, to observe Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

0905.00 Non-Force After-Action Reporting, Review, and Investigation

Administrative Rules Adopted by Bureaus Pursuant to Rule Making Authority (ARB)
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0905.00, Non-Force After-Action Reporting, Review, and Investigation

•    DIR 0315.30, Satisfactory Performance
•    DIR 0330.00, Internal Affairs, Compliant Intake, and Processing
•    DIR 0333.00, Criminal Investigations of Police Bureau Employees
•    DIR 0345.00, Employee Information System
•    DIR 0630.05, Vehicle Interventions and Pursuits
•    DIR 0631.70, Investigation of Animal Problems 
•    DIR 0635.10, Portland Police Bureau Response to Public Order Events
•    DIR 0720.00, Special Emergency Reaction Team (SERT) and Crisis Negotiation Team (CNT) Use
•    DIR 0740.00, Explosive Device Incidents and EDU 
•    DIR 0900.00, General Reporting Guidelines
•    DIR 0910.00, Use of Force Reporting, Review, and Investigation
•    DIR 1010.00, Use of Force 
•    After-Action Form 
•    ICS forms

•    Administrative Review:  A written determination that requires the gathering and evaluating of information to develop a course of action.

•    After-Action Report:  A written report that describes a police action and assesses its adherence to policy through critique and evaluation using required criteria. 

1.    This directive establishes requirements for reporting, reviewing, and investigating certain non-force related member actions and events.

2.    The Bureau is committed to promoting and preserving systems of transparency and accountability. When member action warrants administrative review, the Bureau is dedicated to reporting and investigating the event to determine if the member’s action was in accordance with Bureau training and policy.

1.    Non-Force After-Action Reporting Requirements.
1.1.    Supervisors shall complete an After-Action Report for the following events:
1.1.1.    Member injury resulting in hospital admission or death. For all other member injuries, supervisors shall enter critiques and recommendations in the appropriate section of the injury log entry.
1.1.2.    Injury to a suspect in custody, not sustained through member use of force. 
1.1.3.    Police vehicle collision. 
1.1.4.    Any incident or event for which an Incident Action Plan was written.
1.1.5.    Damage to or loss of city property, excluding cell phones.
1.1.6.    Any other non-force incident or event, as directed. 
1.1.7.    Vehicle Pursuits.
1.1.8.    Special Emergency Reaction Team (SERT), Crisis Negotiation Team (CNT), Rapid Response Team (RRT), or Mobile Field Force (MFF) deployments that are managed by a Critical Incident Commander (CIC) or a Crowd Management Incident Commander (CMIC).   
1.1.9.    Explosives Disposal Unit (EDU) deployments where an energetic tool is used.  
1.1.10.    Any Bureau-issued weapon use against an animal.

1.2.    Directive 0910.00, Use of Force Reporting, Review, and Investigation, governs all use of force reporting. Nothing in this directive replaces the requirements outlined in Directive 0910.00.

1.3.    After-Action reports must meet the requirements of Directive 0345.00, Employee Information System (EIS).

1.4.    The chain of review for Non-Force After-Action Reports will end at the Responsibility Unit (RU) Manager, except for those instances outlined below, which will be reviewed by the appropriate Assistant Chief or designee. 
1.4.1.    Injuries to a member or suspect in custody, that result in hospital admission or death. 
1.4.2.    All Police Vehicle Collisions.
1.4.3.    Incident or events for which there was a written Incident Action Plan, that require resources or funding (other than cost recovery or secondary employment) outside of the originating RU. 
1.4.4.    Any operation for which an Incident Action Plan was written under Section 2. of Directive 0630.05, Vehicle Interventions and pursuits. 
1.4.5.    All Vehicle Pursuits.
1.4.6.    SERT, CNT, RRT, or MFF deployments that are managed by a Critical Incident CIC or a CMIC.

2.    Non-Force After-Action Report Format.
2.1.    The format shall not be changed or altered without the permission of the Chief of Police.  The report format shall include:
2.1.1.    Summary: The summary will be a short one or two paragraph narrative that describes the significant facts of the event.
2.1.2.    Resources: Discuss resources used for the incident, such as approximate number of personnel, specialty units, special equipment, outside agencies, or any other Bureau or City of Portland resources. 
2.1.3.    Critique Findings and Recommendations: The critique findings and recommendations will contain a thorough analysis of the incident.  It will address any applicable directives, whether or not members complied with such directives, and any recommendations made or actions taken to address issues.
2.1.4.    Supporting Documentation: The After-Action Report shall include supplemental information related to the incident.

3.    Non-Force After-Action Reporting and Review. 
3.1.    The supervisor shall complete an After-Action Report within 7 days of the event.  
3.2.    The RU Manager shall review the After-Action Report and submit recommendations to the appropriate Assistant Chief within 21 days from the date of the event.  

3.3.    The appropriate Assistant Chief or designee shall review After-Action Reports when applicable within 28 days of the event.

3.4.    Upon approval by the RU Manager or appropriate Assistant Chief, all After-Action Reports shall be uploaded to and stored in the appropriate recordkeeping system.

4.    Non-Force After-Action Reporting Accountability.
4.1.    The overseeing Assistant Chief shall forward copies of the Non-Force After-Action to the Training Division and Internal Affairs when there are training deficiencies and/or claims of misconduct implicated in the report that cannot be resolved in the After-Action.

4.2.    All supervisors in the chain of command shall be held accountable for inadequate reports and analysis. As a result, all supervisors shall be subject to corrective action or discipline for the accuracy and completeness of After-Action Reports completed by other supervisors under their command. Corrective or disciplinary action may include training, demotion, and/or removal from a supervisory position, based on repeated deficient report reviews at any level of command.

4.3.    Where member action indicates policy, training, tactical or equipment concerns, the immediate supervisor shall document those concerns in the After-Action Report. The RU Manager or appropriate Assistant Chief shall ensure that concerns are addressed in a timely manner.

4.4.    When, after investigation, member action is found to violate policy, the Bureau shall ensure that member misconduct is adequately addressed and, when appropriate, investigative findings and corrective action are taken fairly and expeditiously to resolve the issue.

4.5.    The appropriate Assistant Chief, or designee, has the discretion to reassign an investigation to the Detective Division, Professional Standards Division, or any Bureau supervisor, thereby taking it out of the After-Action chain of command as described.

4.6.    The Chief may delegate the authority to review, audit, and authenticate After-Action Report entries to ensure consistency across the Bureau.

Effective:          11/1/2024
Next Review:    11/1/2026

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