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0215.00 Member Performance Evaluations

Administrative Rules Adopted by Bureaus Pursuant to Rule Making Authority (ARB)
Policy number
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215.00, Member Performance Evaluations


  • DIR 315.30 Satisfactory Performance
  • DIR 345.00, Employee Information System (EIS)
  • DIR 1501.00, Field Training Program
  • Performance Evaluation Forms (Intranet)
  • BHR Administrative Rule 3.08, Probationary Period
  • BHR Administrative Rule 9.02, Performance Management


  • Performance Evaluation: A formal assessment conducted between a supervisor and their direct report employee on an annual basis or other specified time period.


  1. The Portland Police Bureau recognizes the importance of open, meaningful dialogue between members and their supervisor regarding work performance and career development. The performance evaluation is designed to be a professional development tool used by supervisors to identify a member’s areas of strengths and areas in need of improvement for a particular period of time.


  1. Non-sworn and non-represented sworn members (i.e., those at the rank of Captain and above) shall have yearly performance evaluations conducted by their supervisor in accordance with Bureau of Human Resources Administrative Rule (HRAR) 9.02, Performance Management.

1.1. In addition to the performance standards established in HRAR 9.02, Performance Management, non-represented sworn members shall also be evaluated on the following criteria:

1.1.1. The timely and thorough review of After Action reports, to include modifying findings as appropriate;

1.1.2. The consistency with which they ensure that all subordinate supervisors in the chain of command are held accountable for inadequate After Action reports and analysis, and receive appropriate corrective action, when necessary;

1.1.3. The timely review of Employee Information System (EIS) records for employees under their supervision and new to their command, and timely entries into EIS when required;

1.1.4. The timely and thorough completion of administrative investigation findings; and

1.1.5. The promotion and coordination of community outreach efforts.

2. Performance Evaluation During Probationary Status

2.1. Non-represented non-sworn members shall be given at least one formal performance evaluation during their probationary period in accordance with HRAR 3.08, Probationary Period.

2.2. District Council of Trade Unions (DCTU) represented members shall be given a minimum of three written evaluations during their probationary period, as defined in the DCTU labor contract.

2.3. Sworn members at the rank of officer in a probationary status during their first 18 months of employment shall have their performance evaluated in accordance with Directive 1501.00, Field Training Program.

2.3.1. After completing probation, officers shall have yearly performance evaluations conducted as described below, beginning with the anniversary month of their Bureau of Human Resources (BHR) to class date.

2.4. Sworn members in a probationary status following promotion shall have evaluations conducted by their supervisors on a bi-monthly basis.

2.4.1. Supervisory probation evaluation forms shall be provided by the Personnel Division and shall be completed and returned to the Personnel Division in a timely fashion.

3. Non-Probationary Sworn Member Evaluations.

3.1. Supervisor Responsibilities.

3.1.1. Schedule an annual performance evaluation on the anniversary of their BHR to class date with each sworn member under their direct supervision.

3.1.2. Complete a Performance Evaluation Form (located on the Intranet) for each scheduled review using the rating factors described within the form. The key rating factors include, but are not limited to, administrative, supervisory, and service functions.

3.1.3. Forward the completed form to a second supervisor of the same rank for review, comment, and signature (if the evaluated employee works in a unit with more than one supervisor).

3.1.4. Conduct the formal evaluation with the member. The formal evaluation should include the supervisor’s observations and should include a discussion of each category of the performance evaluation. Topics for discussion during the review may include:

Recognizing and commending the member’s performance strengths;

Identifying areas needing improvement;

Providing guidance on correcting areas of concern; and

Acknowledging individual accomplishments during the review period. The member being evaluated may provide comments in the designated sections of the evaluation form or attach a written response with additional comments as a supplemental document. If a member transfers to another division in the middle of a review period, the new supervisor will consult with the member’s previous supervisor and review the member’s previous performance evaluation for information regarding work performance and review employee’s EIS performance discussion tracker (PDT) and record that review in the PDT. See DIR 345.00, Employee Information System (EIS).

3.1.5. As a component of the performance evaluation, supervisors shall review members’ training records at least semi-annually to ensure members have completed necessary training.

3.1.6. Send the original evaluation form with any written response submitted by the member through channels to the Responsibility Unit (RU) Manager or their designee following the evaluation meeting with the member. After review by the chain of command, the RU Manager or designee shall forward an electronic copy of the completed performance evaluation and any written response submitted by the member to the Personnel Division in a non-editable format, e.g., PDF, for inclusion in the employee’s personnel file (201 file) and the BHR employee file.

3.1.7. Complete each performance evaluation by the last day of the month in which a member’s annual anniversary occurs.

4. RU Manager or Designee Responsibilities.

4.1. Ensure performance evaluations are completed in accordance with this directive.

4.2. Retain one printed copy in the member’s Field 201 file at the RU.

5. Authorized and restricted uses of non-probationary member performance evaluations.

5.1. Performance evaluations are not a disciplinary tool and shall not serve as the basis for discipline, discharge, or demotion.

5.2. For Portland Police Association (PPA) and Portland Police Commanding Officers Association (PPCOA) members, these evaluations will not impact a member’s contractual pay increases. For non-represented sworn members and non-sworn members, these evaluations will be considered in determining an annual merit pay increase in accordance with HRAR 9.02, Performance Management.

5.3. For PPA members, performance evaluations may be used as a basis to promote where all other promotional criteria between multiple candidates are basically equal.

5.4. For PPCOA members, performance evaluations may be used as part of a full evaluation of a member’s work history for purposes of promotion or specialty assignment.

6. Public Records Requests.

6.1. The Bureau considers performance evaluations generally to be exempt from public disclosure. The Bureau will not release performance evaluations unless required to do so by law.


  • Originating Directive Date: 10/30/14
  • Last Revision Signed: 3/17/20
    • Effective Date: 4/16/20
    • Next Review Date: 4/16/21

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