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0210.90 Recognition and Awards

Administrative Rules Adopted by Bureaus Pursuant to Rule Making Authority (ARB)
Policy number
On this page



  • DIR 335.00 Discipline Process
  • DIR 336.00 Police Review Boards
  • DIR 1110.00 Appearance Standards

PROCEDURE (210.90)

All community and Bureau members are encouraged to report acts of exemplary service to the community or Bureau that are deserving of recognition. Bureau members and community members may report such acts through any RU manager. The RU manager will forward all award nominations to the Branch Chief for their review. The Branch chief will forward all award nominations to the Review Board Coordinator (RBC). The RBC will determine if the UFRB has made any findings on cases related to the award nomination, or if there are UFRB pending cases related to the award nomination. The RBC will forward all award nominations with their findings to the EAP Awards Facilitator.

Nominators may submit copies of police reports, news articles or other written materials as supportive documentation. The Award Review Committee may initiate award nominations. The Chief of Police may issue an award outside of the established awards process for those acts that are obvious and time is of the essence in the presentation of the award.

The EAP facilitator will schedule committee meetings and notify its members with written information regarding nominations one week prior to scheduled meetings. The Award Committee meetings will be scheduled in the months of February, March, April and May for the Awards Ceremony to be scheduled in June and September, October, November, December for the Awards Ceremony to be scheduled in January.

The Committee will meet to review and investigate the circumstances of each nomination submitted. If the Committee recommends against an award or recommends a lesser award, they will notify the nominator before submitting the nomination and their recommendation to the Chief of Police. If the nominator is not satisfied with the Committee’s recommendation, the nominator may contact the facilitator, and schedule an oral presentation before the Committee. The facilitator will excuse the nominator from the voting portion of the Committee meeting. The Committee will forward all award nominations to the Chief of Police with their recommendations.

The facilitator will review Awards Committee recommendations The UFRB findings will be added to the Awards Committee recommendations report before forwarding to the Chief of Police. No award will be presented until the UFRB has determined that the member’s actions were within Bureau policy.

The final decision to approve, disapprove or modify the type of award the nominee should or should not receive will be made by the Chief of Police. The Chief of Police will forward a list of approved awards to the facilitator, and the facilitator will forward that list to the Independent Police Review Division (IPR). The facilitator will notify the nominator and nominee of the outcome of the approved awards.

The EAP facilitator will complete an award memorandum, signed by the Chief of Police, titled Personnel Order – Personnel Commendation addressed to each award recipient. It will contain a summary of the action or service performed by the recipient. Personnel will distribute the order for Bureau-wide recognition and place a copy in the recipient’s Personnel file. The facilitator will schedule an awards ceremony twice a year where the Chief of Police will present the awards.

The facilitator will draft a narrative for each award. The narrative will be forwarded to the Chief’s Office, Public Information Officer for review and will be read at the awards ceremony.

Award Review Committee (210.90)

The Committee will be comprised of eighteen members (seventeen voting members and the facilitator voting only in order to break a tie) as follows:

a. Operations Branch: six members, one from each precinct and one sergeant appointed by the Operations Branch chief.

b. Services Branch: Two members appointed by the Services Branch chief.

c. Investigations Branch; Three members appointed by the Investigations Branch chief.

d. Command: Two members appointed by the Chief of Police.

e. Non-Sworn: Two members, one a non-sworn supervisor, appointed by the Chief of Police.

f. Community: Two members selected by the Chief of Police and drawn from members of the Police Advisory Committees.

Committee meetings will be held on a regular basis. Members will be asked to serve a two year commitment on the committee. At the 18-month mark, new community members would attend two meetings along with the outgoing member to provide an orientation to the process. Members must attend at least three committee meetings per calendar year to maintain their standing. Sworn members must submit a notice of court unavailability for the dates of the meetings. If a member is unable to attend a committee meeting, he/she is responsible for finding a replacement to attend the meeting.

A quorum will consist of eight voting members and the facilitator. A quorum is required for the Committee to consider recommendations.

Description of Awards – In Order of Distinction (210.90)

Medal of Valor

The Medal of Valor is the most distinguished award presented to a sworn Bureau member for an act of outstanding valor. The nominee must have demonstrated, in great degree, the qualities of selflessness, personal courage and devotion to duty. The Medal of Valor award will include a medal worn on a neck ribbon, a burgundy ribbon bar with a “V” insignia in the middle, a miniature ribbon bar of the same design and a framed certificate. Factors for consideration of the nominee for this award are:

a. The act involved the preservation of human life.

b. The situation was extremely hazardous; the nominee was able to evaluate the situation, was aware of the hazards and took action.

c. A strong possibility of death or serious physical injury existed when the nominee acted.

d. The nominee’s actions were consistent with good judgment and Bureau training and policy.

e. The nominee would not be subjected to reasonable criticism had he/she not taken action.

f. The objective was of sufficient importance to justify the risk.

Civilian Medal – Heroism (210.90)

The Civilian Medal – Heroism is the most distinguished award presented to a non sworn Bureau member or a community member for an outstanding act of heroism. This act must be consistent with the factors described in the Medal of Valor section of this DIR. The Civilian Medal – Heroism will include a medal worn on a neck ribbon, a purple miniature ribbon bar, and a framed certificate.

a. The act involved the preservation of human life.

b. The situation was extremely hazardous; the nominee was able to evaluate the situation, was aware of the hazards and took action.

c. A strong possibility of death or serious physical injury existed when the nominee acted.

d. The nominee’s actions were consistent with good judgment.

e. The nominee would not be subjected to reasonable criticism had he/she not taken action.

f. The objective was of sufficient importance to justify the risk.

Police Star (210.90)

The Police Star is awarded to any sworn Bureau member who sustains a serious physical injury or dies while taking proper police action; or to a non-sworn Bureau member or community member who sustains a serious physical injury or dies while properly protecting the life or property of another. The Police Star award will include a pin ribbon medal, a black ribbon bar, a miniature ribbon bar and a framed certificate. Factors for consideration of the nominee for this award are:

a. The nominee required protracted medical care because of the injury.

b. The nominee will suffer protracted pain or disfigurement because of the injury.

c. The nominee’s actions would not tend to discredit such recognition.

Police Medal (210.90)

The Police Medal is awarded to any sworn or non-sworn Bureau member or community member for an act of exceptional courage that distinguishes their action from normal service. The Police Medal award will include a pin ribbon medal, a blue ribbon bar with a burgundy section in the middle one third, a miniature ribbon bar and a framed certificate. Factors for consideration of the nominee for this award are:

a. During the course of an extended investigation, the nominee was exposed continuously and singly to personal danger.

b. Deadly force was used against the nominee and a serious risk to their life occurred.

c. There was a serious threat to their life and the nominee had to use deadly force to address the threat.

d. The nominee acted with personal courage in a single act, but it did not necessarily include the preservation of human life.

e. The nominee’s actions were consistent with good judgment and Bureau training and policy.

f. The nominee was shot at or seriously menaced but still completed the required task.

g. The nominee acted properly to protect people or property with less regard for their own well being than for the well being of the person or property they were protecting.

Life Saving Award (210.90)

The Life Saving Medal is awarded to any sworn or non-sworn Bureau member or community member who saved the life of another person. The Life Saving Medal award will include a pin ribbon medal, a green ribbon bar, a miniature ribbon bar and a framed certificate. Factors for consideration of the nominee for this award are:

a. The nominee was aware of the seriousness of the situation.

b. The nominee acted purposely.

c. The nominee did not carelessly create the situation causing the need for them to act.

d. If the nominee had not acted, it was more likely than not the person would have died.

e. The nominee rescued a person from what would have otherwise become a life-threatening situation.

Distinguished Service Medal (210.90)

The Distinguished Service Medal is awarded to any sworn or non-sworn Bureau member or community member for exceptional accomplishments, which went above and beyond their assigned work duties or responsibilities and furthered the goals of the Bureau and/or enhanced the livability of the community. The Distinguished Service Medal award will include a pin ribbon medal, a blue ribbon bar, a miniature ribbon bar and a framed certificate. Factors for consideration of the nominee for this award are:

a. The nominee made a significant and major contribution to the development of programs, policies or procedures, which had a substantial and positive impact on the goals of the Bureau.

b. The nominee conducted a long-term investigation or solved a neighborhood problem that had a tremendous impact on the community.

c. The nominee took exceptional action while assisting the community.

d. During the course of ones career, the nominee performed in an exceptional manner (of greater significance than those acts noted for the Achievement Medal).

Officer Mark Zylawy (Z-Man) Distinguished Service Medal (210.90)

The Officer Mark Zylawy Distinguished Service Medal is awarded to any sworn Bureau member who consistently delivers police service in a manner that embodies the values of the Portland Police Bureau. The sworn members are to be recognized for their compassion towards others, their excellence in service and their high moral and ethical standards in which they deliver service on a day to day basis. The Officer Mark Zylawy Distinguished Service Medal award will include a Montana Blue pin ribbon medal with a Montana Gold Z emblazed in the center of the medal, a Montana Blue Ribbon Bar with a Montana Gold Z emblazed in the center of the medal, a miniature ribbon bar and a framed certificate. The award will be issued once a year, at the January award ceremony, the month that Officer Mark Zylawy was killed. Factors for consideration of the nominee for this award are:

a. The nominee has delivered police service on a day to day basis with compassion and has made a marked impact on the community

b. The nominee has a high moral and ethical standard that has earned them a large degree of respect and praise among their peers.

c. The nominee is tactically sound.

d. The nominee delivers service with a high degree of dedication to duty and consistently strives to improve the organization and community.

e. The nominee mentors others in delivering superior police service.

f. Preference will be given to members acting in a uniform capacity.

Nathan Thomas Memorial Distinguished Service Medal (210.90)

The Nathan Thomas Memorial Award is awarded to any sworn or non-sworn Bureau member or community member for an act of outstanding performance by which the nominee demonstrated in great degree, exceptional communicative accomplishments which further the goals of Community Policing and/or shows acts of selflessness, personal courage, and devotion to the community. The award will include a pin ribbon medal, a blue, green, blue ribbon bar, a miniature ribbon bar and a framed certificate. The Nathan Thomas Memorial award will be issued once a year at the June award ceremony. Factors for consideration of the nominee for this award are:

a. The act serves as an example of excellence in communication.

b. The individual defused a violent/explosive situation through communication.

c. The act served as a linkage between the Police and the community.

d. The outcome of the act is long lasting and serves as a definition of community policing.

Achievement Medal (210.90)

The Achievement Medal is awarded to any sworn or non-sworn Bureau member for achievement that went above and beyond their assigned work duties or responsibilities meriting greater recognition than a Commendation Medal, but not sufficient to merit the Distinguished Service Medal. The Achievement Medal award will include a pin ribbon medal, a dark blue ribbon bar with a light-blue section in the middle one third, a miniature ribbon bar and a framed certificate. Factors for consideration of the nominee for this award are:

a. The nominee’s act brought great credit to the Bureau and the profession.

b. During the course of a long-term assignment, the nominee performed in an exemplary manner.

c. The nominee acted as an outstanding role model or mentor for others within the criminal justice profession.

d. The nominee made a significant contribution to the development of programs, policies or procedures, which had a substantial and positive impact on the goals of the Bureau.

e. The nominee conducted an investigation, made an arrest or solved a neighborhood problem that had a marked impact on the community.

Commendation Medal (210.90)

The Commendation Medal is awarded to any sworn or non-sworn Bureau member or community member for performance(s) that went above and beyond their assigned work duties or responsibilities meriting greater recognition than a Letter of Commendation. The Commendation Medal award will include a pin ribbon medal, a light-blue ribbon bar, a miniature ribbon bar and a framed certificate. Factors for consideration of the nominee for this award are:

a. The nominee was/is involved in a distinctive off-duty activity, which supported(s) the community.

b. The nominee exemplified the Community Policing philosophy through close cooperation with the community and/or other agencies.

c. The nominee has received Letters of Commendation or awards from the Bureau, from other agencies or organizations or from private citizens which bring credit to the Bureau and the community.

d. The nominee authored law enforcement related material published in a national publication.

e. The nominee solved a long-standing problem through his/her own initiative.

f. The nominee performed with distinction as an Acting Sergeant, Lieutenant, Captain, or non-sworn Supervisor or Manager.

Unit Commendation Medal (210.90)

The Unit Commendation Award is awarded to any unit, relief or division whose members, as a group, performed in a manner, which if performed by an individual, would merit recognition in the form of a Commendation Medal, Achievement Medal or Distinguished Service Medal. The Unit Commendation Award will include a Letter of Commendation with an annotation of Unit Commendation Award at the top and a light-blue ribbon bar with a dark blue section in the middle one third, and a miniature ribbon bar, a framed certificate presented to each unit member; and a framed certificate to the unit, relief or division. The Unit Commendation Award uniform ribbon bar may be issued to any member who has previously earned a Unit Commendation Award signed by the Chief of Police.

Issuance of Ribbon Bars (210.90)

a. Sworn members receive both ribbon bars.

b. Non-sworn members receive the miniature ribbon bars.

c. Citizens do not receive ribbon bars (except with the Citizen Medal – Heroism).

Letter of Commendation (210.90)

The Letter of Commendation is awarded to any sworn or non-sworn Bureau member for distinguished service. If the service only affected a RU, the RU manager will sign the letter. If the service affected the Bureau, the Chief of Police will sign the letter.

Certificate of Appreciation (210.90)

The Certificate of Appreciation is awarded to any community or Bureau member who directly aids the community in promoting the Community Policing effort in a distinctive way. The Certificate of Appreciation will include a framed certificate and a letter signed by the Chief of Police describing the nominee’s contribution to the law enforcement effort.

Replacement of Awards: Damaged or Lost Awards (210.90)

Past recipients of the Medal of Valor, the Police Medal and/or the Police Star (gray ribbon) may exchange their previous uniform ribbon bar for the redesigned uniform ribbon bar. The facilitator will repair or replace damaged or lost awards at his/her discretion.

Purchase of Duplicate Medal or Ribbon Bars (210.90)

Members wishing to purchase duplicate medals or ribbon bars must contact the facilitator to arrange the purchase through the Fiscal Services Division.


The RU manager who receives award nominations will ensure that an Award Nomination Application, along with all available supportive documentation, is completed and forwarded to their appropriate Branch chief. Nominators may forward a copy of the awards nomination to the facilitator but the original must be forwarded through channels to their appropriate Branch chief. The Branch chief will forward all award nominations to the Review Board Coordinator (RBC) The RBC will forward all award nominations with findings to the Award Facilitator in EAP. The Personnel manager is responsible for the support and overall functioning of the awards process. The facilitator will provide clerical support, act as the custodian of the files and will provide the Chief’s Office with a list of recommendations to fill Committee member vacancies. The RBC will also be responsible for reviewing personnel files and IAD files when that information applies to a case under review.

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