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0210.80 Extra Employment

Administrative Rules Adopted by Bureaus Pursuant to Rule Making Authority (ARB)
Policy number
On this page

*This directive is currently under review*



  • Extra Employment Permit Form (Personnel)

POLICY (210.80)

No member shall engage in any work, occupation, profession, business, partnership, self-employment, or management of another’s property except as provided herein:

a. Sworn members may:

1. Teach law enforcement subjects with the approval of the Chief of Police.

2. Engage in extra employment designed to improve the police image (i.e., write articles for professional journals) with the approval of the Chief of Police.

3. Engage in the sale of products of their own creativity that does not require licensing (i.e., painting, art works, unique fabrications).

b. Non-sworn members may engage in extra employment with the approval of the Chief of Police. However, they shall not work:

1. At any employment which is hazardous.

2. At any employment likely to diminish the effectiveness of the member.

3. At any employment likely to erode the dignity of police services.

4. At any employment which results in another qualified person being deprived of rightful employment.

5. At any employment which involves the mixing, selling, or serving of any alcoholic beverages.

6. In or about an establishment where alcoholic beverages are consumed, unless specifically approved by the Chief of Police or Branch chief.

7. In any capacity connected with ambulance services or taxicab company.

8. As a process server or bill collector or any employment in which police power is used for private purposes of a civil nature.

9. At any employment which assists in any manner the case preparation for the defense of any criminal action or civil process.

c. Members (sworn and non-sworn) are permitted, without specific approval of the Chief of Police, to make investments, rent their own property to another (unless a business license is required) and enter into partnerships which are operated exclusively by others provided such investment, rental or partnership is not in violation of the provisions under section b, or likely to jeopardize the reputation of the member or the Bureau.

d. The Chief of Police may grant exceptions in cases of financial hardship. A financial statement is required with any such request. All hardship requests will be handled in a confidential manner.

No more than twenty (20) hours extra employment will be allowed during a workweek. Excluded from the twenty (20) hours is vacation or holiday time a member takes off to work at extra employment (i.e., a member could take forty (40) hours vacation to work forty (40) hours of extra employment plus the allowed twenty (20) hours for a total of sixty (60) hours during a week).

A member may request permission to engage in extra employment by completing an Extra Employment Permit Form and submitting it through channels to the Personnel Division (Personnel) manager. The Personnel manager will examine the form for completeness, accuracy and appropriate endorsement, then forward the form to the Chief of Police. After acting on the request, the Chief of Police will return the form to Personnel for copying and distribution to files.

Upcoming and Recent Changes

0210.80 Extra Employment

Effective Date

210.80 Extra Employment

Effective Date

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