Martin Luther King Jr. Day closure

Most City of Portland offices will be closed Monday, Jan. 20, to observe Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

0210.24 Petty Cash

Administrative Rules Adopted by Bureaus Pursuant to Rule Making Authority (ARB)
Policy number
On this page



  • Petty Cash Voucher Form (City)
  • PPB Financial Policies Handbook –Dollars and Sense (Fiscal)

PROCEDURE (210.24)

a. Purchases may be reimbursed from petty cash with prior approval from the appropriate RU manager or designee for goods not exceeding $100.00 per total purchase.

b. The Petty Cash Voucher Form will be completed by the member before making the purchase. If appropriate, the RU manager or designee may then approve the voucher. The manager or designee will indicate the center code and account codes to which the purchase is to be charged. Authorized signees cannot approve their own Petty Cash Voucher. Two authorized signatures are required.

c. After completing the purchase, the member will sign the Petty Cash Voucher and forward it, along with the original receipt, to Fiscal Services Division (Fiscal).

d. The Fiscal manager, or designee, will review the Petty Cash Voucher for completeness and compliance with purchasing with purchasing directives. If in compliance, the Petty Cash Voucher will be approved.

e. If in compliance, the Petty cash request & voucher will be approved and processes within one week.

1. Totals in excess of $20.00 will be paid by check.

a) Petty Cash Vouchers may be submitted to Fiscal for check reimbursement through interoffice mail.

b) The check will be returned by interoffice mail.

2. Totals less than or equal to $20.00 may be paid in cash.

a) Petty Cash Vouchers for cash reimbursement will be presented to Fiscal directly.

b) Cash will not be sent through interoffice mail.

f. Each RU manager will provide Fiscal with a current list of members authorized to approve Petty Cash Vouchers. Petty Cash Vouchers require three signatures, employee receiving reimbursement and two authorized personnel to approve petty cash payments. See Signature Authorization forms in Dollars and Sense.

g. Magazine subscriptions, books, organization dues and other items being ordered by mail may be ordered through Fiscal from the petty cash account provided a vendor supplied order form showing the cost of the item being ordered (not to exceed $100.00) is presented.

h. Small invoices for purchases, shipments, etc., may be paid by petty cash check in lieu of a check from Central Accounting. The vouchers require appropriate approval signatures.

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