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0210.21 Leaves from Service

Administrative Rules Adopted by Bureaus Pursuant to Rule Making Authority (ARB)
Policy number
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Directive 0210.21, Leaves from Service

•    29 U.S.C. 28, Family and Medical Leave
•    City of Portland Human Resources Administrative Rules 6.01 – 6.14 (Leaves)
•    DIR 0060.40, Personnel Orders
•    DIR 0210.70, Secondary Employment
•    DIR 0210.80, Extra Employment
•    DIR 0410.00, Injury, Illness, and Disability
•    DIR 0414.00, Pregnancy and Lactation Accommodations 
•    DIR 0415.00, Return to Work, Modified Assignments, and Accommodations
•    DIR 0416.00, Critical Incidents 
•    DIR 0880.20, Court Coordination 
•    PPB Personnel Division SOP #009, Modified Duty 

•    Leave: Types of absences from work as defined and authorized by the City of Portland Human Resources Administrative Rules                     6.01 – 6.14.

1.    This directive provides guidance for all members regarding leaves from service.

2.    All Portland Police Bureau employees are subject to the City of Portland Human Resources Administrative Rules (HRAR) regarding various types of leaves. Types of leave are found in City of Portland HRAR 6.01 – 6.14. Collective bargaining agreements may also apply. If there is a conflict between a City HRAR and a provision or provisions of an applicable collective bargaining agreement, the provision or provisions of the applicable collective bargaining agreement provision will prevail.

3.    The Bureau will provide members with leave as required by law or applicable collective bargaining agreements. Bureau management may grant leave to members in accordance with applicable law, City code and rules, and collective bargaining agreements. The Bureau of Human Resources (BHR) and the Bureau’s Personnel Division will coordinate leaves of service and are responsible for interpreting applicable laws, rules, and collective bargaining agreements.

1.    Leave Coordination.
1.1.    All members on any kind of leave lasting more than 30 consecutive calendar days shall be transferred to the Personnel Division.

1.1.1.    Upon returning to work, members shall transfer back to their Responsibility Unit (RU) unless:    They request a transfer and that transfer is approved; or    Operational need requires a different assignment, as determined by the Chief’s Office.

2.    Leave Requests.
2.1.    Supervisors shall assist their supervised members regarding requests for leave and shall consult with the Personnel Division            regarding any leave from service other than routine use of vacation leave, comp time, or sick leave.

2.2.    Responsibility Unit Managers shall:
2.2.1.    Ensure that all leaves from service of members within their RU are coordinated with all appropriate divisions, the                               appropriate Assistant Chief, the Personnel Division and, for sworn members, the Training Division.
2.2.2.    Notify all appropriate divisions, the appropriate Assistant Chief, the Personnel Division, and the Training Division upon a                   sworn member’s return from leave.  

3.      Administrative Leave. 
3.1.    The Chief of Police may place a member on administrative leave in accordance with Directive 0416.00, Critical Incidents, and             HRAR 6.01, General and Administrative Leaves of Absence. 

3.2.    Members on administrative leave shall be available, as directed by authorized command staff, to report to work or to answer          work-related questions or inquiries.

4.      Extension of Probation for Probationary Members:
4.1.    Sworn Members.
4.1.1.    The Bureau may extend probation for probationary sworn members who take more than three consecutive weeks of leave                for the amount of time the member was on leave. 
4.1.2.    Training Division shall track the leave of probationary sworn members. 
4.1.3.    If a probationary sworn member takes more than three consecutive weeks of leave, Training Division shall make                               recommendations to the Chief’s Office, via Personnel Division, as to whether the member’s probation should be extended.

4.2.    Non-sworn Members.
4.2.1.    The Bureau, upon mutual agreement with the BHR Director, may extend probation for non-sworn members who take more             than three consecutive weeks of leave.  
4.2.2.    Personnel Division shall track the leave of probationary non-sworn members.
4.2.3.    If a member takes more than three consecutive weeks of leave, their RU manager shall make recommendations to the                     Chief’s Office, via Personnel, as to whether the member’s probation should be extended.

5.    Leave Expectations and Restrictions: 
5.1.    Members shall not engage in other employment while on leave, except with prior written approval by the Chief of Police. 

5.2.    Sworn members taking leaves of absence shall comply with Directive 0880.20, Court Coordination.

6.    Training Upon Return from Leave.
6.1.    Refresher training may be required, depending on a member’s assignment and/or length of leave. 

6.2.    For uniform patrol assignments where a member was on leave for 3 months or longer, the Training Division shall provide the          member with refresher training. 

•    Effective:    11/30/2024
•    Next Review:    11/30/2026

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