1210.00 Building Maintenance, Job Requests

Administrative Rules Adopted by Bureaus Pursuant to Rule Making Authority (ARB)
Policy number
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1210.00 Building Maintenance, Job Requests


1. The purpose of this directive is to establish guidelines for the reporting of building maintenance needs in emergency situations, during normal business, as well as the requesting of major building improvements.


1. Member Responsibilities.

1.1. Emergency Requests.

1.1.1. Members will contact the City of Portland’s Facilities Dispatch Office (“Facilities”) via the phone number listed on the Intranet for emergency requests related to an immediate threat to public or employee safety, building security, or that are vital to continued unit operations.

1.1.2. Members will also contact Facilities by phone for emergency requests related to building systems (e.g., power, water leaks/flooding, HVAC). The Bureau’s Facilities Coordinator will work with Facilities to coordinate and resolve issues, as necessary.

1.1.3. Members will contact the Bureau’s Facilities Coordinator, at any time using the number listed in the Bureau’s phone directory, for emergency requests related to Selectron system failure.

1.2. Major Requests.

1.2.1. Members can submit major requests related to new projects not typically associated with maintenance through their Responsibility Unit (RU) chain of command. These types of requests are non-emergency and involve new construction, alterations, and/or improvements in police facilities.

1.2.2. RU Managers will evaluate requests and notify the Bureau’s Facilities Coordinator of all tentatively approved major requests to determine funding requirements and feasibility. The Bureau’s Facilities Coordinator will be involved in all major requests of a project to assist in the development of a plan and/or proposal. Projects with fiscal amounts that exceed $10,000 require approval from the appropriate Branch Assistant Chief. The Bureau’s Facilities Coordinator will forward an inter-office memorandum through channels to the Assistant Chief with the plan and/or proposal details, costs involved, and center code. The Chief’s Office will return approved requests back to the Bureau’s Facilities Coordinator.

1.3. Minor Requests.

1.3.1. Members will notify Facilities by email or phone for minor, non-emergency maintenance requests. These types of requests are related to the maintenance or repair of existing facilities and systems, such as leaky faucets, janitorial service problems, repair of damage, lighting fixtures, etc.

2. RU Manager Responsibilities.

2.1. RU Managers will designate an individual in their command to coordinate maintenance and repairs with the City of Portland’s Facilities Dispatch Office, as necessary.


  • Originating Directive Effective: 09/06/01
  • Last Revision Effective: 4/20/17
  • Next Review Date: 4/20/19

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