Martin Luther King Jr. Day closure

Most City of Portland offices will be closed Monday, Jan. 20, to observe Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

1205.00 Pilot Programs

Administrative Rules Adopted by Bureaus Pursuant to Rule Making Authority (ARB)
Policy number
On this page

Directive 1205.00, Pilot Programs


  • Pilot Program: A short-term, preliminary trial to help an organization learn how a project might work in practice.


  1. The Portland Police Bureau is committed to providing its members with proper field equipment. Research and development of any item to be deployed for field evaluation will be conducted through pilot programs, to ensure comprehensive vetting from concept to implementation. Potential pilot program items generally include anything a member may wear or use in the field (e.g. ballistic vest, firearms, flashlights, etc.), but excludes communications infrastructure and fleet.

2. Members may not keep, wear, carry or utilize pilot program items outside the scope of the trial, unless authorized in writing to do so by the Chief of Police or designee. Members may only wear, carry or utilize field equipment that is systematically acquired, issued, and/or approved by the Police Bureau, for official Bureau purposes, in accordance with Bureau policy and training.


  1. Intake and/or Assignment:

1.1. Any Police Bureau member may request a pilot program be conducted by routing a written memorandum and supporting documentation, through the chain of command, to the Assistant Chief of Services.

1.2. The Assistant Chief of Services will review pilot program requests together with the Training Division Manager, the Fiscal Services Division Manager, and the Information Technology Division Manager. The Assistant Chief of Services may assign the pilot program to one (1) of these three (3) Responsibility Unit Managers, who will then be responsible for implementing the pilot program based on the parameters discussed.

2. Evaluation and/or Implementation:

2.1. The Responsibility Unit Manager assigned to the pilot program will provide the Assistant Chief of Services with a written overview of the pilot program and a recommendation for next steps.

2.2. The Assistant Chief of Services will review the pilot program overview and recommendation together with the Training Division Manager, the Fiscal Services Division Manager, and the Information Technology Division Manager.

2.2.1. If the pilot program is determined feasible, the Assistant Chief of Services will further coordinate implementation (e.g. procurement, policy, training, inspections, etc.), after consultation with the Chief of Police. The Assistant Chief of Services will inform impacted union representatives of the Police Bureau’s implementation plans.

2.2.2. If the pilot program is determined impractical, the Responsibility Unit Manager will terminate the trial and retract and dispose of any items tested in accordance with established city procedure.

3. Records regarding pilot programs will be maintained in accordance with 8013-07, Special Project Records.


  • Originating Directive Effective: 3/14/16
  • Next Review Date: 3/14/18
  • Review By: Services Branch

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