1200.00 Inspections, Maintenance, Responsibility and Authority

Administrative Rules Adopted by Bureaus Pursuant to Rule Making Authority (ARB)
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*This Directive is currently under review*

1200.00, Inspections, Maintenance, Responsibility and Authority


  • Directive 60.60, Standard Operating Procedures
  • Directive 215.00, Member Performance Evaluations
  • Directive 312.50, Identification
  • Directive 317.40, Authorized Use of Bureau Resources
  • Directive 345.00, Employee Information System
  • Directive 1500.00, Training
  • Inspection Form


  1. Inspection and control is necessary to evaluate the adequacy, use, and performance of policies and procedures, Bureau resources, and personnel.

2. All Assistant Chiefs, Responsibility Unit Managers, and designees have responsibility and account­ability for every aspect of their commands. They have the authority to coordinate personnel and resources to achieve organizational objectives. They must perform the full range of administrative functions, relying on policy, direction, training, and personal initiative to achieve the highest level of performance possible. This includes conducting ongoing inspections to ensure proper performance and the most efficient use of budget, equipment, material, facilities, and other resources.


  1. Assistant Chief Responsibilities:

1.1. The Assistant Chief or designee will initiate annual inspections within their respective Branches every February 1-28, by sending a memorandum to Responsibility Unit Managers. The scope of inspection is set by the Inspection Form, the current version of which is available on the Intranet. The Assistant Chiefs may identify additional items/areas for inspection as necessary.

1.2. Written requests to modify the Inspection Form must be routed through the chain of command, to the Assistant Chief of Services, for review and approval.

2. Training Division Responsibilities:

2.1. After the Chief’s Office initiates the annual inspection the Training Division will provide Responsibility Unit Managers with a training compliance list of their respective direct reports for supervisor review during annual inspections.

3. Responsibility Unit Manager Responsibilities:

3.1. On a regular and ongoing basis, Responsibility Unit Managers or their designee(s), will:

3.1.1. Visually inspect personnel within the assigned unit, associated police equipment, and Bureau resources, including fleet and facilities.

3.1.2. Review procedures and practices within the assigned unit to ensure compliance with applicable standards.

3.1.3. Take appropriate action to correct any defect or deficiency identified.

3.1.4. After inspections, a memorandum will be written documenting the results of the inspection process and any plans or recommendations for correcting deficiencies. Each inspection memorandum will be forwarded through the chain of command, to the respective Assistant Chief, by March 15.

4. Supervisor Responsibilities:

4.1. Supervisor(s) or their designee(s) will:

4.1.1. Conduct visual inspections of all personnel within their unit using the current inspection form as a template for those items requiring inspection. of reviews will be noted by marking a “check” in the “Discussion” box on the current inspection form. comments related to these reviews will be included in the “Comments” section of the current inspection form.

4.1.2. In addition to elements listed on the inspection form, supervisor(s) or their designee(s) will: the training compliance list, as provided by the Training Division, to ensure each member’s training is up to date and complete. each member’s time sheet and work history for evidence of sick time abuse and tardiness, before noting deficiencies within the Employee Information System.

5. Member Responsibilities.

5.1. Members must present items for visual inspection and correct deficiencies.


  • Originating Directive: 09/06/01
  • First Revision Effective: 09/26/02
  • Second Revision Effective: 01/20/06
  • Third Revision Effective: 03/30/07
  • Fourth Revision Effective: 12/04/14
  • Fifth Revision Effective: 11/13/15
    • Rescind Directive 210.40, Personnel Information Required
    • Rescind Directive 1220.00, Communication Equipment
    • Rescind Directive 1225.00, Communication Technology
    • Rescind Directive 1250.00, Bureau Equipment Use
  • Next Review Date: 11/13/16
  • Review By: Chief’s Office

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