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0640.18 Case Management

Administrative Rules Adopted by Bureaus Pursuant to Rule Making Authority (ARB)
Policy number
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640.18 Case Management


  • Case Assignment: Police reports submitted by an initial officer that are determined by a supervisor or detective sergeant that an investigation is warranted are then assigned to a member by using the Record Management System (RMS). Assigned cases will typically be identified as “Open” (O), “Pending Additional Information” (U), or “Arrest Protective Custody” (D) in the RMS until the disposition code is changed to a closure status.
  • Disposition Codes: Identifiers listed in the RMS to describe the status of a case. Commonly used codes by members include inactive/suspended, unfounded, or one of the referral options.
  • Investigation: For the purpose of this directive, a case that warrants further follow-up to identify a suspect(s) or locate evidence is assigned to a specific sworn member. Misdemeanor investigations are generally conducted at the precinct level. Felony crimes and aggregate misdemeanor crimes are reviewed by the appropriate investigative unit under the Investigations Branch, with the exception of stolen or recovered vehicles without suspect leads.
  • Record Management System (RMS): A central database of police reports, name records, and other report data. Investigating members, detectives, and supervisors will use the RMS to document the progress of a case, track the status on each assigned case, and monitor all cases assigned for follow up.


1. This directive establishes the procedures for Portland Police Bureau (PPB) members who use the Bureau’s Record Management System (RMS) to manage investigative cases. Case management is a continuous and ongoing process that requires regular maintenance of information by investigating members and supervisors.


1. Member Responsibilities.

1.1. On a weekly basis, members shall log into RMS to monitor assigned cases and identify any new cases assigned to them by their supervisor.

1.2. Members shall update case information in the RMS as an investigation progresses.

1.2.1. Members may use additional resources such as Microsoft Office applications to supplement the management of documentation (e.g., images, spreadsheets) through the course of their investigation.

1.2.2. Investigative work using other resources must be added to the RMS in a timely manner.

1.3. Members shall review their assigned cases every 90 days and document changes and follow-up as needed.

1.4. Members shall input a closure status code at the conclusion or suspension of an investigation. For suspended cases, members shall provide a brief text entry, clarifying the closure status.

2. Supervisors Responsibilities.

2.1. Supervisors shall use the RMS to track case progress in order to maintain uniformity and supervisory control regarding the assignment and closure of cases assigned for follow-up investigation.

2.2. Supervisors shall review incoming police reports that are routed to their case management queue and determine the appropriate course. Supervisors shall determine whether to suspend further investigation of a case, assign an investigator to a case, or send the case to another responsibility unit (RU) for review.

2.2.1. Supervisors shall evaluate whether to assign a case to an investigator based on the following criteria which include, but are not limited to: Physical custody of the suspect, Name of suspect is known, Serial pattern crimes, Level of violence or severity of the crime (Measure 11), Presence of physical or electronic evidence, or Cooperation of the victim(s) and/or witness(es).

2.2.2. If a supervisor determines that there is not enough information to assign a case to an investigator, they shall suspend the case in RMS using an appropriate closure status code. When needed, supervisors who suspend a case shall document the reason for the closure.

2.3. Supervisors shall ensure cases that are being actively investigated or reopened from a suspended status are identified in the RMS as “open” and have an investigator assigned.

2.4. Supervisors shall review each member’s assigned cases every 90 days for updates. Supervisors shall follow up on cases flagged as “overdue” in the RMS and assign more time on the case or cease further investigation.

3. Responsibility Unit Manager or Designee Responsibilities.

3.1. The RU Manager may directly assign a case at their discretion.

3.2. The RU Manager or their designee shall log into RMS every 180 days, at a minimum, to check case statuses.

3.2.1. The RU Manager and any designee must have adequate permissions within the RMS.

3.3. The RU Manager of Detectives shall review case management queues and determine the threshold for overload and acceptable work load by unit.


- Originating Directive Date: 10/06/08

- Last Revision Signed: 12/03/19

- Effective Date: 01/02/20

- Next Review Date: 01/02/22

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