Martin Luther King Jr. Day closure

Most City of Portland offices will be closed Monday, Jan. 20, to observe Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

0630.33 Neighborhood Officer Programs

Administrative Rules Adopted by Bureaus Pursuant to Rule Making Authority (ARB)
Policy number
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  • Neighborhood Response Team Officer (NRT)
  • Neighborhood Liaison Officer (NLO)

POLICY (630.33)

The Neighborhood Response Team (NRT) and Neighborhood Liaison Officer (NLO) programs are designed to reduce crime and the fear of crime in neighborhoods and to improve neighborhood livability as well as empower area residents with methods of crime prevention and reduction.

Each precinct will have a NRT and/or NLO Program which follows the general guidelines established in this directive. Each Police Bureau precinct has its own special needs and issues. Therefore, these policies and procedures should not be considered all-encompassing. Precincts will also address issues specific to their particular neighborhoods in their SOP for the NRT/NLO program.

PROCEDURE (630.33)

The recommended responsibilities for NRT and NLO officers are outlined in this directive. Precinct commanders have the authority to enhance the responsibilities of their personnel, as needed.

NRT Officer Responsibilities (630.33)

NRT officers will work directly with members of the community and district officers to address identified neighborhood issues. NRT officers will also:

a. Network with community members, the Office of Neighborhood Involvement (ONI), Crime Prevention Program Coordinators (CPPCs), precinct command and district officers, and work to develop innovative and effective methods to identify and address underlying conditions of problems.

b. Develop and routinely participate in project teams with community policing partners such as Parole and Probation, Animal Control, Office of Neighborhood Involvement, Department of Human Services, OLCC, Housing Authority of Portland, etc., to work on identified problems using a team approach.

c. Provide verbal and written reports of problem solving efforts to immediate supervisors. These reports will detail the problems, concerns and recommendations of community members within the affected neighborhood. These reports will be shared with CPPCs.

d. Be familiar with the SARA method of problem solving and participate in partnership agreements when appropriate.

e. Write and execute missions, warrants or other projects to deal with neighborhood livability issues as appropriate.

f. Respond to follow-up calls from the community and CPPCs.

g. Attend NRT and NLO training.

NLO Responsibilities (630.33)

a. Develop an enhanced knowledge of community resources and key neighborhood contacts, neighborhood concerns, crime patterns and major incidents occurring in the assigned neighborhood.

b. Coordinate crime updates and information and insight into public safety issues.

c. Involve community members in both the identification and resolution of problems.

d. Act as a liaison with neighborhood association members and the Portland Police Bureau.

e. Attend and report on neighborhood association meetings, through channels, to the precinct commander as appropriate.

f. Attend NRT and NLO training.

Enhanced communication between shifts is essential to the success of this program. Members are also encouraged to contact specialized units for assistance with problem solving.

Members Not Designated as NRT/NLO (630.33)

Precinct members not designated as NRT officers or NLOs will assist with directed patrol activities related to problems identified by the NRT or NLO. Members are encouraged to initiate and assist in all neighborhood problem solving activities as well as act as a liaison between community members and NRT officers as appropriate.

Sergeants (630.33)

Detail sergeants need to balance the NLO dispatched workload with their coordination of proactive responses to neighborhood problems. It is important that sergeants are aware of criminal and livability issues within their member’s assigned neighborhood areas. Sergeants have the primary responsibility to coordinate the problem solving efforts. When circumstances dictate, they are responsible for leading and coordinating the NRT officer and NLO activities in a manner that involves other bureaus. Sergeants will:

a. Facilitate member acquisition of business cards imprinted with the neighborhood association name.

b. Ensure that members attend neighborhood meetings as appropriate.

c. Monitor progress of problem solving methods and reports.

d. Encourage the use of Partnership, Trespass and Neighborhood Agreements for problem solving when appropriate, and will be familiar with procedures for each.

e. Identify and arrange for appropriate training for NRT and NLOs.

f. Coordinate projects and information sharing between shifts.

g. Respond to follow-up calls from the community and CPPCs.

h. Attend NRT and NLO training.

i. Review schedules for proactive patrol activity and neighborhood meetings.

j. Encourage creative problem solving and neighborhood involvement.

k. Attend meetings with NRT and NLOs, CPPCs and command staff as appropriate.

Precinct Commanders (630.33)

Precinct Commanders are responsible for directing the NRT/NLO programs within their precinct and identifying ways to enhance the problem-solving activities of their personnel.

In addition, precinct commanders will:

a. Review community policing activities of NRT/NLOs.

b. Report to the Chief of Police or designee on community policing activities occurring within their precincts and the status of the NRT/NLO programs as requested.

c. Ensure inter-shift and intra-shift coordination and information sharing with other units.

Chief of Police’s Office (630.33)

Chiefs will provide program direction and expectations. The Branch chiefs and Chief of Police will assist precinct commanders in developing NRT/NLO program implementation strategies and provide overall guidance for reporting and accountability.

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