0630.20 Harbor Responsibilities

Administrative Rules Adopted by Bureaus Pursuant to Rule Making Authority (ARB)
Policy number
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  • City Code 19 Harbors

PROCEDURE (630.20)

The Bureau and the Multnomah County Sheriff’s Office (MCSO) agree that law enforcement on the waterways within the City of Portland will be the responsibility of MCSO.

a. Investigation of crimes occurring on or about waterways within the City continues to be the concern of the Police Bureau.

b. The Portland Fire Bureau (PFB) will notify the Bureau of Emergency Communication (BOEC) if crimes come to their attention. BOEC is responsible for notifying the appropriate responding agency of the crime.

c. If crime scenes are not readily accessible from land and are the investigative responsibility of the Bureau, MCSO will furnish transportation to the site. If MCSO is unavailable to assist, PFB will be notified.

Precincts will assume complete police responsibility for waterfronts and shorelines within their boundaries. Commanders will ensure active patrol in these areas.

Requests for marine services will be referred to BOEC.

a. MCSO is responsible for the investigation of crimes occurring upon waterways.

b. The Bureau is responsible for crimes occurring on land bordering the waterways.

c. If the responsibility for the investigation is not determined in the initial investigation, detectives from the Bureau and MCSO will consult with each other to determine investigative responsibility.

d. Under this policy, MCSO and the Bureau agree when a situation rises to the level of a tactical response or incident command, the Bureau will be responsible for the situation and MCSO will assist with their watercraft if needed.

In situations that MCSO is not available to assist, PFB will be notified.

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