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0710.00 Dignitary Protection

Administrative Rules Adopted by Bureaus Pursuant to Rule Making Authority (ARB)
Policy number
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  • Planned Operations Risk Assessment Form (TOD)

POLICY (710.00)

The Bureau will assist the Secret Service with any visit of a federally designated protectee. Additionally, the Bureau will provide security and protection to other individuals when directed to do so by the Chief of Police or his/her designee.

PROCEDURE (710.00)

The following procedures will be employed in order to provide security for Secret Service protectees when visiting the City:

a. Upon notification from the Secret Service, the Operations Branch chief will designate a captain as the overall coordinator and incident commander. However, if the visitor is to be the President of the United States the incident supervisor will be the Operations Branch chief.

b. The assigned supervisor will prepare an operations order establishing the assignments for the Bureau. The order will be modified by addenda from assisting RU’s. The operations order will contain the following:

1. Situation.

2. Mission.

3. Execution.

4. Service Support.

5. Command and Signal.

c. During the visit, the incident supervisor, or his/her designee, will travel in any motorcade and remain on-site during all appearances.

d. The incident supervisor will immediately notify other units within the Bureau of the pending visit. At a minimum, the following will be notified:

1. Criminal Intelligence Division.

2. Detective Division (Detectives).

3. Forensic Evidence Division (Forensics).

4. Public Information Officer (PIO).

5. All Operations Branch RU Commanders (including Reserves).

6. Bureau of Emergency Communications (BOEC).

7. Tactical Operations Division (TOD).

8. Operations Support Unit (TRU).

9. Records Division Manager.

10. The Secret Service will normally notify the following as part of their procedure: Multnomah County Sheriff’s Office, Oregon State Police, Fire Bureau and Portland Traffic Engineer.

e. As visitation sites and hotel accommodations are identified by the Secret Service, the precinct responsible for the geographical area will be assigned site responsibility. Each site will have a sergeant assigned to the Secret Service who will have responsibility to coordinate with the motorcade and the Secret Service in order to provide the necessary support. The primary or other identified sergeant will be at the site during the visit. Any major site with the President of the United States as the dignitary will require a lieutenant as the site supervisor.

f. All Operations Branch RUs will identify a reserve force of members with a supervisor to assist in the event that they may be needed.

g. BOEC will be requested to provide a radio net and a dispatcher. During the actual movements of the dignitary, a member who is familiar with the operations order will be present at BOEC. The Secret Service will also be requested to staff that location with an agent who is familiar with their operations.

h. The Mounted Patrol will be made available and may be staged in an area so as to be available for crowd control.

i. Forensics will be available to photograph demonstrations in order to record criminal activity.

j. The Detective Division Mass Arrest Team will be placed on standby. The Detective Division will also staff the command post during overnight visits.

k. The Secret Service will establish a command post prior to the arrival of the dignitary. The command post will be staffed 24 hours a day by a sworn member when the protectee is in the Portland metropolitan area. The command post communication equipment will be tested ahead of the visit. If the need arises, the Bureau of Electronic Services will be asked to assist in order to have reliable communications with the command post.

l. During any visit, radio earphones will be provided to members involved in a demonstration.

Security/Protection Measures for Other Individuals (710.00)

The providing of security for other individuals by the Bureau will be determined by the Chief of Police. The Chief of Police will designate an incident supervisor who will determine the appropriate course of action based on the requirements of the event.

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