Martin Luther King Jr. Day closure

Most City of Portland offices will be closed Monday, Jan. 20, to observe Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

0700.00 Bureau Response to All-Hazards Using the National Incident Management System (NIMs)

Administrative Rules Adopted by Bureaus Pursuant to Rule Making Authority (ARB)
Policy number
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700.00, Bureau Response to All-Hazards Using the National Incident Management System (NIMS)


  • Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) National Incident Management System (NIMS) 3rd Edition, October 2017


  • Continuity of Operations (COOP) Plan: A document that establishes essential functions, orders of succession, delegation of authority, continuity of facilities and communications, vital records management, and other critical tasks to be performed during a wide range of emergencies. The COOP plan also addresses how the organization will return to normal operations.
  • Emergency Operations Center (EOC)/Emergency Coordination Center (ECC): A physical location where the coordination of information and resources to support incident management (on-scene operations) activities normally takes place.
  • Emergency Operations Plan (EOP): A pre-determined approach for responding to a variety of potential hazards.
  • Incident Command Post: The field location where the primary functions of incident command are performed.
  • Incident Command System (ICS): A standardized approach to the command, control, and coordination of on-scene incident management.


1. The Portland Police Bureau (PPB) has adopted the National Incident Management System (NIMS), as developed by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), to ensure effective and efficient emergency response management for various threats and hazards, as well as planned and unplanned events. NIMS provides the framework for how the PPB works with all levels of government, non-governmental and private sector organizations, across jurisdictions to prevent, protect against, mitigate, respond to, and recover from an incident.

2. PPB will utilize the Incident Command System (ICS), including incident action planning for both planned and unplanned events. Consistent with the ICS, the Bureau will scale its incident management based on the size of the event, from a routine police response to a larger or more complex incident, such as a protest or natural emergency/disaster. An Incident Action Plan (IAP) provides a concise and consistent means of capturing and communicating overall incident priorities, objectives, strategies, and tactics for both operational and support activities. Incidents must have an action plan. However, not all incidents require a written plan. Most initial response operations are not captured with a formal IAP; however, if an incident is likely to extend beyond one operational period, become more complex, or involve multiple jurisdictions and or agencies, preparing a written IAP will become increasingly important to maintain effective, efficient, and safe operations. Using ICS for all incidents or planned events helps members improve and maintain the skills needed for the large-scale incidents.

3. PPB members shall be required to know the principles of ICS and complete the necessary training commensurate with their rank and position.


  1. Emergency Management Unit (EMU) Responsibilities.

1.1. Act as the Bureau’s single point of contact for matters relating to emergency management planning and exercises, as well as NIMS compliance.

1.2. Ensure NIMS concepts, principles, terminology, and processes are adopted when an incident command post (ICP) is activated at the direction of the Chief’s Office.

1.3. Provide input on the City of Portland’s Emergency Operations Plans (EOP) upon request.

1.4. On a quarterly basis, request guidance from the Chief’s Office for information to include in the Bureau’s Continuity of Operations (COOP) plans and any other EOPs.

1.5. Maintain the COOP plan and compliance with NIMS requirements.

1.6. Develop and coordinate the Bureau’s emergency response training and exercises through seminars, workshops, tabletop exercises, or other feasible means in accordance with EMU’s training and exercise plan.

1.7. Identify and inventory all deployable resource assets throughout the Bureau using NIMS resource typing for qualified assets.

1.8. Advise Bureau executive leadership and supervisors on incidents involving emergency response and provide guidance regarding the organization and management of an ICP and Emergency Operations Center (EOC)/Emergency Coordination Center (ECC).

1.9. Identify required FEMA training courses for members, commensurate with rank and position, and submit to the Chief’s office for approval and distribution in a special order.

2. Chief’s Office Responsibilities.

2.1. Designate the EMU as the single point of contact of all matters related to emergency management planning and exercises.

2.2. Ensure PPB complies with Oregon’s Emergency Management NIMS compliance program.

2.3. Ensure the Bureau teaches and utilizes NIMS for all hazards and applies ICS as the standard approach to on-scene command, control, and coordination of incidents.

2.4. Develop intrastate and interagency mutual aid agreements and/or assistance agreements and ensure communications are up-to-date with the State, partnering City agencies, neighboring jurisdictions, and appropriate external organizations.

3. Business Services Group Responsibilities.

3.1. Maintain existing mutual aid agreements and assistance agreements the Bureau has established with the State and other agencies.

4. Training Division Responsibilities.

4.1. The Learning Management System (LMS) Manager shall ensure the required FEMA courses are assigned in LMS for members who need to complete them.

5. Member Responsibilities.

5.1. Newly hired members (officers) or members (officers) who are in probationary status shall complete FEMA’s Independent Study (IS) 100 and IS 700 courses within one year of hire, as required by the Department of Public Safety Standards and Training, in order to receive their basic certification to be a sworn officer.

5.2. Within one year of a promotion to any rank, members shall complete additional courses as required by Oregon’s Emergency Management program or directed by the Chief.

6. Supervisor Responsibilities.

6.1. Supervisors shall apply ICS as the standard approach to on-scene command, control and coordination of incidents, including incident action planning.


  • Originating Directive Date: 03/14/16
  • Last Revision Signed: 09/02/20
    • Effective Date: 10/02/20
    • Next Review Date: 10/02/22

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