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0410.00 Injuries/Occupational Illness/Disability/LOS

Administrative Rules Adopted by Bureaus Pursuant to Rule Making Authority (ARB)
Policy number
On this page

*This directive is currently under review*



  • ORS 656, Worker’s Compensation
  • City of Portland Charter, Chapter 5
  • DIR 210.21 Leaves of Service
  • Applicable Collective Bargaining Agreements
  • Applicable City of Portland Human Resources Administrative Rule(s) Attending Physician’s Report (Fund)
  • Disability in Line of Duty Report (Fund) Non-Service Disability Report
  • Preferred Provider PPO Election Form (Fund)
  • Report of Earnings From Outside Employment Form (Fund, if Applicable)
  • State of Oregon Worker’s and Employer’s Report of Occupational Injury or Disease (Risk Mgmt.)
  • Work Status Report (Fund)
  • Worker Injury or Illness Incident Report Form (801 Form) (City Risk Mgmt.)

POLICY (410.00)

The purpose of this directive is to provide information to members about the various benefits available in the event they are injured on the job, inform members how to access those benefits, and establish injury reporting requirements. The condition under which disability, worker’s compensation or any other benefit is available is governed by federal and state law, city charter, fund rules, Human Resources Administrative Rules and applicable collective bargaining agreements. References to these benefits within this directive are for informational purposes only.

PROCEDURE (410.00)

Directive Specific Definitions

Injury Log: Used by precincts and divisions to make permanent notations of all alleged injuries received by Bureau members while on duty. An Injury Log should be treated as a medical record and maintained in a locked, secure location and its contents used by supervisors on a need-to-know basis.

Notification (410.00)

Members and supervisors can help facilitate the following processes by obtaining either Public Employees Retirement System (PERS) or Fire and Police Disability and Retirement Fund (Fund) forms and keeping them readily available should a requirement for medical treatment arise.

No copies will be made of confidential medical documents showing physician diagnosis, treatment, prognosis or other privileged medical information. If received, confidential documents shall be forwarded to the City Risk Management (Risk Management)/Worker’s Compensation Office or to the Fund for storage in secure files.

Fund Members (410.00)

a. On Duty Injuries.

1. Injured fund members with approved claims for on duty injuries and Bureau approved work related to secondary employment are paid for by the Fund. Reasonable and necessary medical expenses will be paid for by the Fund for injured members with approved claims for on duty injuries and Bureau approved secondary employment. The Fund requires claims to be filed within 30 days. Members receiving service-connected disability benefits are paid at 75% of his/her base salary less 50% of outside earnings without tax deductions. After one year and medically stationary, the Fund may reduce disability benefits pay to 50% of the member’s base pay rate less outside earnings. Collective bargaining agreements provide for the continuation of medical insurance benefits for a period of 24 months after which the member becomes responsible for his/her own medical benefits.

2. Member Responsibilities:

a) Any member who sustains an on duty or secondary Bureau approved employment injury or disability requiring treatment at a medical facility or requiring them to end his/her shift prematurely will report the injury to an on-duty supervisor as soon as possible.

b) Injured members will complete the Injury Log before going off duty. If unable to do so, the on-duty investigating supervisor will make the entry.

c) If the injured or disabled member requires treatment at a medical facility or must prematurely end his/her shift, a claim will be filed with the Fund and Police Liability Management (PLM) will be notified. This is done by completing the Disability in Line of Duty Report and presenting it to his/her supervisor before going off shift. If the injured member is unable to complete the form, the on-duty investigating supervisor will do so.

d) Disabled or injured members who are treated by a physician must have his/her treating physician complete the Attending Physician’s Report and the Work Status Report. Have the physician mail the reports directly to the Fund and PLM. Additional forms may be required by the Fund.

e) A member who has been transferred to LOS status will contact the Personnel Division (Personnel) to submit his/her Work Status Report and confirm his/her assignment before returning to work. A member who has not been transferred to LOS will submit his/her Work Status Report to his/her supervisor upon returning to work. The Work Status Report must be signed by the treating physician and forwarded through channels to the Fund.

3. Supervisor Responsibilities:

a) If possible, a supervisor will be called to the scene where the injury occurred. If the injury requires immediate medical attention, the supervisor will report to the medical facility. The supervisor will identify and briefly interview police and civilian witnesses and make appropriate personal observations. The supervisor will determine if photographs are of benefit. If the injuries require hospital admission, the supervisor will ensure notification of the Branch chief and the Chief of Police.

b) If the injured member is unable to complete the Injury Log in person or the Disability in Line of Duty Report, the supervisor shall perform the tasks before going off duty.

c) The supervisor will advise the attending physician to mail the Attending Physician’s Report directly to the Fund, emphasizing this form triggers the Fund to pay for the physician’s services.

d) The supervisor is responsible for the review and approval of the injured member’s Disability in Line of Duty Report and will fax a copy to the Fund and PLM before going off shift.

e) The on-duty investigating supervisor will write an Investigation Memo and forward it through channels to the RU manager within 48 hours. This memo will substitute for the “Investigative Supervisors Narrative” section of the Disability in Line of Duty Report and may be called an After Action Report provided the necessary elements are included. The supervisor’s Investigation Memo is not required when no specific event aggravates a previously covered injury or occupational disease as defined by the Fund. In this circumstance, a brief commentary will be made in the narrative section explaining a resubmission or recurrence, for example: Re-injury; refer to Fund files. The memo is required when a specific event aggravates a previously covered injury or disease or causes a new injury.

f) Investigative Memo Format:

1) A brief narrative summary of the incident.

2) Identity of witnesses (civilian and police) with statements.

3) Supervisor’s observations and recommendations.

4) Photographs or reference to them, if made.

5) Attach the following:

(a) Disability in Line of Duty form.

(b) A copy of the Injury Log entry.

(c) Operational report(s).

(d) Medical records.

(1) Medical restriction records stating what the member may or may not do in regards to employment.

(2) No confidential medical records shall be included in this packet.

g) Upon returning to work, the injured member will present his/her completed Work Status Report. The supervisor will forward the report to the Chief of Police’s Office, through channels.

4. RU Manager Responsibilities:

a) Ensure that all reports are complete and signed prior to sending to the Branch chief.

b) Leave Of Service Procedures.

1) LOS is an acronym for Leaves of Service generally due to long term disability or illness. It denotes an administrative procedure to account for members who are not receiving compensation from the Bureau’s budget and permits the filling of the budgeted position. The member placed on LOS would, upon returning to work, be placed in the personnel pool for assignment.

2) LOS is not applicable in instances where the member is authorized voluntary leave for reasons other than immediate and unforeseen personal illness or injury. Prior to submitting the transfer request for a member to LOS status, the RU manager is responsible for the following work availability notification:

(a) Notifying the member of the pending LOS action.

(b) Advising the member that upon receipt of medical certification of fitness to perform previously assigned tasks, they will be returned to work in accordance with applicable procedures.

(c) When the above notifications have been completed, RU managers will document the notifications in an Inter-office Memo submitted through channels to Personnel requesting LOS status.

(d) When a member returns from LOS, the RU manager shall:

(1) Depending on the type of duty and the length of absence, provide refresher training. For uniform members, within three days of returning to work from an absence of three or more months, the member will be provided with refresher training in defensive tactics, baton and firearms. The returning member will be expected to re-qualify with his/her service weapon, at the precinct level.

5. Branch Chief Responsibilities:

a) If a LOS request is made, ensure that the LOS notification for work availability is documented in the LOS memo.

b) Prepare a Personnel Action Form and forward it with a copy of the LOS memo to Personnel for publication in a Personnel Order.

c) Ensure copies of the Investigative Memo are sent to Personnel, Fiscal and the Fund.

d) Ensure copies of the Work Status Report are sent to Personnel.

6. Personnel Division Responsibilities:

a) Prepare any necessary Personnel Orders.

b) Forward Work Status Report to the Fund.

7. Disability Liaison Responsibilities:

a) Acts as a resource for Bureau Members who have questions about disability benefits.

b) Acts as a liaison with members, Fire & Police Disability and Retirement Fund and Bureau of Human Resources.

c) Communicates with the Bureau to coordinate early return to work for limited duty members.

d) Acts as a resource to Bureau members who need referrals to other programs.

e) Maintains contact with members unable to work due to disability status.

f) Acts as a support and resource for injured Bureau Members.

b. Occupational Disease Disabilities: Current Bureau employees who are members of the Fund may be eligible for occupational disability benefits through the Fund if they are unable to perform his/her duties because of certain conditions. Those conditions are identified in section 5-306 of the Portland City Charter as heart disease (with five years service), hernia of abdominal cavity or diaphragm, AIDS, AIDS-related complex, tuberculosis, hepatitis B, or pneumonia (except terminal pneumonia). Medical expenses for occupational disabilities may be paid by the Fund consistent with the Portland City Charter and Fund rules.

1. Member Responsibilities:

a) Complete the Injury Log before going off duty. If unable to do so, the on-duty investigating supervisor will do so. If the disability is diagnosed while off duty, the member, co-worker or family may notify the member’s supervisor to make the entry.

b) The injured member shall cause the Disability in Line of Duty Report to be filed before going off shift, if unable to do so, the on-duty investigating supervisor will complete the form.

c) The disabled member must have his/her treating physician complete the Attending Physician’s Report. This report is confidential and should be sent directly to the Fund by the attending Physician.

d) A Work Status Report will, unless specifically waived by the Fund, be completed if the disability continues into a subsequent pay period.

e) Before returning to work the disabled member will complete the Work Status Report and have it signed by the treating physician, and submit the form to his/her supervisor.

2. Supervisor Responsibilities: Examine the above reports for completeness and forward originals through channels to the RU manager.

3. RU Manager Responsibilities: Forward original reports to the Branch chief.

4. Branch Chief Responsibilities: Forward copies to Personnel, Fiscal, PLM and the originals to the Fund.

c. Non-Service Connected Disability:

1. Member Responsibilities:

a) Promptly notify or leave word for the immediate supervisor that sick leave is going to be used and why. If no supervisor is available, the member shall ask for the acting supervisor or most senior person present to take the report. This person will complete a sick leave report and notify a supervisor as soon as possible.

b) If the member intends to pursue disability benefits, complete a Non-Service Disability Report, Attending Physician’s Report and Work Status Report.

c) Members who are granted an unpaid leave of absence for non-service connected medical reasons will be notified if they are eligible for COBRA by the City’s Benefits Office. Under COBRA, a member may self-pay premiums in order to continue health benefits coverage, up to the maximum period of time established by law (generally 18 months). Members on Family Medical Leave may qualify for continuation of health benefits consistent with Human Resources Administrative Rule 6.05, and federal and state law.

d) Upon returning to duty, the member will turn in the completed Work Status Report to his/her supervisor.

2. Supervisor Responsibilities: If a Non-Service Disability Report was filed, the member will not be allowed back to work until the report is signed by all listed members. No Investigative Memo is needed.

3. RU Manager Responsibilities: Forward original reports to the Branch chief.

4. Branch Chief Responsibilities: Forward original forms to the Fund, copies to Personnel and Fiscal for processing.

5. Personnel Division Responsibilities:

a) When appropriate, notify the member’s RU manager when the member can return to work.

b) After processing confidential medical records, forward to the Fund, keeping no copies.

PERS Members (410.00)

a. Compensable Injuries: Current Bureau employees who are PERS members and who have an accepted worker’s compensation claim may be eligible for compensation as provided under Oregon’s Workers Compensation Law (ORS 656.001-656.990). Occupational disease, as defined in ORS 656.802, is considered an injury for purposes of the Workers Compensation Law. Current Bureau employees who are PERS members and who have an accepted worker’s compensation claim may be eligible for continuation of City-paid medical, dental, vision, and life insurance premiums, as provided under Oregon law (ORS 743.530) and applicable collective bargaining agreements.

1. Member Responsibilities:

a) Members who sustain an on duty injury which does not result in loss of wages or medical bills are to complete the Worker Injury or Illness Incident Report Form and forward it to his/her supervisor.

b) Any member who sustains an on duty injury or disability requiring treatment at a medical facility or requiring him/her to end his/ her shift prematurely will immediately report the injury to an on-duty supervisor, if possible.

c) Complete the Injury Report before going off duty. If unable to do so, the on-duty investigating supervisor will do so.

d) If the injured or disabled member requires medical treatment at a medical facility or must end his/her shift prematurely, a claim must be filed with Risk Management. This is done by completing the Worker’s Section of the State of Oregon Worker’s and Employer’s Report of Occupational Injury or Disease Form and turning it in to his/her on-duty supervisor before going off shift. If unable to do so, the member’s on-duty investigating supervisor will complete the form.

e) In serious disability situations, Risk Management/Worker’s Compensation Office must be notified within 48 hours.

f) Upon returning to work after absence from an on duty injury or physician treatment, the member will have the attending physician or practitioner complete Section C of the Work Release Form and provide the form to his/her supervisor. The member will not return to work without his/her physician’s signature on this form. If any member is having difficulty obtaining a release to return to work, he/she should contact Risk Management immediately. The Bureau’s representative can assist in obtaining the release.

2. Supervisor Responsibilities:

a) For members who suffer an injury which does not result in loss of wages or incur medical bills, ensure that Risk Management’s Incident Report Form is complete and signed before forwarding to RU manager.

b) If possible, a supervisor will be called to the scene where the injury occurred. If the injury requires immediate medical attention, the supervisor will report to the medical facility. The supervisor will identify and briefly interview police and civilian witnesses and make appropriate personal observations. The supervisor will determine if photographs are of benefit. If the injuries require hospital admission or in serious disability situations, the supervisor will notify Risk Management within 24 hours, sooner, if possible, and ensure notification of his/her Branch chief or the Chief of Police.

c) If the injured member is unable to complete the Injury Log in person or the State of Oregon Worker’s and Employer’s Report of Occupational Injury or Disease Form, the supervisor shall perform the tasks for the member before going off duty.

d) The supervisor is responsible for reviewing the injured member’s State of Oregon Worker’s and Employer’s Report of Occupational Injury or Disease Form and Injury Log and forwarding the original Worker’s and Employer’s Report of Occupational Injury or Disease Form through channels to the RU manager and fax a copy to Risk Management before going off shift.

e) The on-duty investigating supervisor will write an Investigation Memo and forward it to his/her RU manager within 48 hours. This memo will be in addition to the Worker’s and Employer’s Report of Occupational Injury or Disease Form. The purpose of the Investigation Memo is to verify the validity of the injury alleged to be in the line of duty. The memo will consist of the following format:

1) A brief narrative summary of the incident.

2) Identity of witnesses (civilian and police) and statements.

3) Supervisor’s observations and recommendations.

4) Photographs or reference to them, if applicable.

5) All applicable reports, including:

(a) Copy of State of Oregon Worker’s and Employer’s Report of occupational Injury or Disease Form.

(b) A copy of the Injury Log entry.

(c) Operational report(s) (i.e., Traffic Collision Report, Special Report, etc.).

(d) Medical records.

(1) Medical restriction records stating what the member may or may not do in regards to employment.

(2) No confidential medical records will be included in this packet.

f) Under no circumstances will a supervisor allow a member who was absent due to an on duty injury or illness, which was treated by a licensed physician or practitioner, to return to work without a Work Release Form signed by a licensed physician or practitioner. Once a signed Work Release Form is received, the member’s supervisor will complete the Employer portion of the Work Release Form and present the member’s copy to the member. The Work Release Form will then be forwarded to the RU manager through channels.

3. RU Manager Responsibilities:

a) After review, forward incident Report Forms to Risk Management.

b) Forward the Investigation Memo’s packet to the Branch chief.

c) When members suffer an illness or injury which renders them incapable of performing assigned tasks for an extended period of time, RU managers have the option of requesting the member be transferred to LOS status in order that another member may be assigned to maintain appropriate staffing levels.

d) LOS procedures: Refer to procedures for Fund members, except that the Work Release Form would replace the Notice of Recovery from Disability form.

4. Branch chief, Loss Control manager and Personnel Responsibilities: Refer to Fund procedures. Personnel will forward Continued Disability paperwork to Risk Management.

b. Off Duty Illness/Injury: Medical expenses are not paid by Risk Management. In addition, medical, dental, vision and City paid life insurance premiums are not paid by Risk Management.

1. Member Responsibilities:

a) Promptly notify or leave word for the immediate supervisor that sick leave is going to be used and why. For precincts, if no supervisor is available, the member shall report to the desk clerk. The desk clerk taking the report will complete a sick leave report and notify a supervisor as soon as possible. For other divisions or units, if no supervisor is available, the member shall ask for the acting supervisor or most senior person present to take the report. This person will notify a supervisor as soon as possible.

b) The member will inform the supervisor in his/her unit of the estimated date of return. The member may be required by his/her supervisor to obtain a physician’s release before returning to work. The attending physician or practitioner will complete Section C of the Work Release Form.

c) Members who are granted an unpaid leave of absence for non-work related medical reasons will be notified if they are eligible for COBRA by the City’s Benefits Office and may self-pay premiums in order to continue health benefits coverage, up to the maximum period of time established by law (generally 18 months). Members on Family Medical Leave may qualify for continuation of health benefits consistent with Human Resources Administrative Rule 6.05, and federal and state law.

2. Supervisor Responsibilities:

a) When a member has sustained an off the job injury or illness that has the potential of being aggravated if they return to work, his/ her supervisor may prohibit his/her return to work until a Work Release Form is signed by a licensed physician or practitioner. However, a supervisor may, for non-serious types of absence (colds, flu, dental work, etc.) waive the work release requirement or assign the member to restricted tasks.

b) The member will have the attending physician or practitioner complete Section C.

3. RU Timekeeper Responsibilities:

a) Immediately notify Fiscal’s Payroll Section of any time loss due to on duty injury.

Probationary Members (410.00)

When a probationary member is off work or assigned to limited duty for an extended period of time, his/her training is substantially affected. To help maintain a high level of training for these probationary members, his/her probationary period may be extended for the amount of time they were off work or assigned to limited duty and not available for normal training and evaluation. The following policy shall be in effect immediately:

a. Sworn Members.

1. When a probationary member is off duty due to an on duty or off the job injury for three or more weeks, or assigned to limited duty status for a period of three consecutive weeks or longer, or if either of these conditions is expected, his/her supervisor will notify Training in writing with the last day the member worked and the circumstances of absence or assignment to limited duty. This notification is to be made at the time absences are approved or after injuries or illnesses have occurred and the medical prognosis indicating length of recovery time.

2. When the probationary member returns to duty, his/her supervisor will notify Training in writing as to the date he/she returned to duty.

3. Training will make recommendations to the Chief, via Personnel, as to whether probation will be extended.

4. Personnel shall be responsible for coordinating any extension of probationary period, including notifying and acting as a liaison with bargaining units and obtaining concurrence with the Director of Human Resources.

b. Non-Sworn Members.

1. When a non-sworn probationary member is off duty for an extended period of time or is expected to be off duty, the RU manager may recommend the member’s probation period be extended, via Personnel, to the Chief of Police.

2. Personnel shall be responsible for coordinating any extension of probationary period, including notifying and acting as a liaison with bargaining units and obtaining concurrence with the Director of Human Resources.

Reserve Police Officers (410.00)

Many medical expenses are paid for Reserve members on duty injuries. For additional information, contact Risk Management.

a. Reserve Member (Reserve) Responsibilities:

1. Any Reserve who sustains an on duty injury requiring treatment at a medical facility or requiring them to end his/her shift prematurely will as soon as possible report the injury to an on-duty regular supervisor, and, if possible, the Reserve Coordinator.

2. Complete the Injury Log before going off duty. If unable to do so, the on-duty investigating supervisor will do so.

3. If the injured or disabled Reserve requires treatment at a medical facility or must end his/her shift prematurely, a claim must be filed with Risk Management This is done by completing the Worker’s Section of the State of Oregon Worker’s and Employer’s Report of Occupational Injury or Disease form and turning it into his/her on-duty supervisor before going off shift. If unable to do so, the Reserve’s on-duty investigating supervisor will complete the form.

4. In serious disability situations, Risk Management must be notified within 48 hours.

5. Upon returning to work after absence from an on duty injury or physician treatment, the Reserve will have the attending physician or practitioner complete Section C of the Work Release Form and provide the form to his/her supervisor. The Reserve will not return to work without his/her physician’s signature on this form. If any Reserve is having difficulty obtaining a release to return to work, he/she should contact Risk Management immediately. The Bureau’s representative can assist in obtaining the release.

b. Supervisor Responsibilities:

1. If possible, a supervisor will be called to the scene where the injury occurred. If the injury requires immediate medical attention, the supervisor will report to the medical facility. The supervisor will identify and briefly interview police and civilian witnesses and make appropriate personal observations. The supervisor will determine if photographs are of benefit. If the injury requires hospital admission overnight, the supervisor will notify PLM and the Reserve Coordinator, and ensure notification of his/her Branch chief or the Chief of Police. Ensure that in serious disability situations that Risk Management has been notified within 48 hours.

2. If the injured Reserve is unable to complete the Injury Log in person or the Worker’s and Employer’s Report of Occupational Injury or Disease form, the supervisor shall perform the tasks for the Reserve before going off duty.

3. The supervisor is responsible for reviewing the injured Reserve’s Worker’s and Employer’s Report of Occupational Injury or Disease form and Injury Log and forwarding the original Worker’s and Employer’s Report of Occupational Injury or Disease form through channels to the Reserve Coordinator and faxing a copy to Risk Management before going off shift.

4. The on-duty investigating supervisor will write an Investigation Memo and forward it to the Reserve Coordinator or designee within 48 hours. This memo will be in addition to the Worker’s and Employer’s Report of Occupational Injury or Disease form. The purpose of the Investigation Memo is to verify the validity of the injury alleged to be on duty. The memo will consist of the following format:

a) A brief narrative summary of the incident.

b) Identity of witnesses (civilian and police) and statements.

c) Supervisor’s observations.

d) Photographs or reference to them, if applicable.

e) All applicable reports, including:

1) Copy of State of Oregon Worker’s and Employer’s Report of Occupational Injury or Disease form.

2) A copy of the Injury Log entry.

3) Operational report(s), (i.e., Traffic Collision Report, Special Report, etc.).

4) Medical Records.

(a) Medical restriction records stating what the Reserve may or may not do in regards to employment.

(b) No confidential medical records will be included in this packet.

c. Reserve Coordinator Responsibilities:

1. Forward the Investigation Memo packet to the Branch chief.

2. Under no circumstances will the Reserve Coordinator allow a Reserve who was absent due to an on duty injury or illness which was treated by a licensed physician or practitioner return to work without a Work Release Form signed by a licensed physician or practitioner.

3. Once receiving the physician signed Work Release form, the Reserve Coordinator will complete the Employer portion of the form and present the member’s copy to the Reserve.

Volunteers (410.00)

Volunteers are not customarily covered for injuries or illness; refer to DIR 630.30.

Disposition of Forms Summary (410.00)

a. Work Status Report.

1. Copies authorized.

2. With no restrictions: Retained in the member’s files at the RU level for two fiscal years.

3. With permanent restrictions: Retained in Personnel files, Risk Management files and the City’s Personnel files with limited access.

4. With temporary or limited restrictions: Retained in the Personnel files until another Work Release Form is presented which removes the restrictions.

5. From prior restrictions: Retained in the member’s files at the RU level for two fiscal years.

6. Flow: Member, attending physician’s signature, supervisor or Personnel (if on LOS), RU manager and the Branch chief.

b. Disability in Line of Duty Form.

1. Copies authorized.

2. Flow: Member, supervisor, supervisor faxes copy to the Fund and PLM and includes the original in the investigative packet, RU manager, and the Branch chief.

c. Attending Physicians Report Form.

1. No copies authorized.

2. Flow: Member, attending physician, physician signs and mails directly to the Fund.

d. Continued Disability Report Form.

1. Copies authorized.

2. Flow: Member, attending physician’s signature, supervisor, RU manager, Branch chief, Personnel and the Fund.

e. State of Oregon Worker’s and Employer’s Report of Occupational Injury or Disease.

1. Copies authorized.

2. Flow: Member, supervisor, supervisor faxes copy to Risk Management and PLM, the original included in the investigative packet to RU manager and the Branch chief.

f. Worker Injury or Illness Incident Report Form.

1. Copies authorized.

2. Flow: Member, supervisor, RU manager, and Risk Management to retain for 5 years.


Supervisors will investigate all on duty injuries and ensure appropriate notifications are made. Supervisors will also ensure all appropriate paperwork is initiated, received and forwarded at the time of injury and upon a member’s return to work as required. The Reserve Coordinator will ensure all appropriate paperwork is completed and forwarded as required. RU managers will ensure his/her supervisors and timekeepers have followed procedures and ensure all appropriate paperwork is forwarded to the Branch chief. RU managers will also coordinate with Personnel regarding available limited duty positions within his/her RU and when placing a member on LOS. The Personnel manager will coordinate with RU managers, Training and the Loss Control manager as necessary. The Personnel manager will ensure all paperwork is processed and forwarded as required.

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