Martin Luther King Jr. Day closure

Most City of Portland offices will be closed Monday, Jan. 20, to observe Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

0315.30 Satisfactory Performance

Administrative Rules Adopted by Bureaus Pursuant to Rule Making Authority (ARB)
Policy number
On this page

315.30, Satisfactory Performance


  • DIR 210.21, Leaves from Service
  • DIR 300.00, Statement of Ethical Conduct
  • DIR 310.00, Professional Conduct and Courtesy
  • DIR 315.00, Laws, Rules, and Orders
  • DIR 334.00, Performance Deficiencies
  • DIR 1010.00, Use of Force


  1. The Portland Police Bureau requires its members to understand their job responsibilities along with the knowledge of applicable Bureau directives, City ordinances, and state and federal laws to perform their duties and functions within a law enforcement agency. The Bureau expects its members to meet the requirements of their position and accomplish their functions in a satisfactory and efficient manner that supports the goals and objectives of the Bureau.


1. Member Responsibilities.

1.1. Members shall maintain sufficient competency and knowledge of Bureau directives (including Standard Operating Procedures), applicable City ordinances, rules, and resolutions along with state and federal laws and job-related skills to properly perform the duties and responsibilities of their positions.

1.2. Members shall perform their duties in a manner that meets the following standards of efficiency and service in order to carry out the functions and objectives of the Bureau.

1.2.1. Sworn members shall prioritize and respond to requests for police assistance.

1.2.2. When a community member requests police action or makes a complaint or report (by any means), the receiving Bureau member shall obtain all pertinent information in a professional and courteous manner in accordance with Directive 310.00, Professional Conduct and Courtesy.

1.2.3. Members shall work their designated hours, unless exempt by their RU manager or supervisor. Members assigned to a specific detail or post shall remain on duty until relieved by a supervisor.

1.2.4. Members shall conform to the work standards established for the rank, grade, and position to which they are assigned.

1.2.5. Members shall not feign illness or injury, falsely report themselves ill or injured or otherwise deceive or attempt to deceive the Bureau as to the condition of their physical or mental health.

1.2.6. Members shall not leave their assignments for an excessive amount of time and will manage their time reasonably for breaks and lunch. Supervisors will ensure that sufficient members are available to carry out the assigned duties of the precinct or division. Supervisors are also required to ensure that no more than two uniform patrol vehicles are at the same location while on a lunch or break, unless that supervisor approved a greater number to be present.

1.2.7. Members shall coordinate their efforts with other members to ensure the Bureau’s objectives and goals are achieved. Members shall aid, assist and protect other members in times of emergency.

1.2.8. Sworn members shall take appropriate action on the occasion of a crime, disorder, or other condition requiring police action. Non-sworn members encountering a life-threatening emergency while working immediately shall summon proper assistance.

1.2.9. Members who come into contact with stranded individuals or motorists in need of assistance (e.g., vehicle towed on freeway) shall offer assistance to the person(s) and make every attempt to facilitate their safe removal from the area without compromising the member’s safety.

1.2.10. Members shall report for duty, unless exempt by their supervisor, at the time and place required by assignment or orders. Members are subject to an emergency recall at any time by their supervisor and shall comply when notified to report for duty. (Trial notices processed through the Court Coordinator’s office and any work related judicial subpoenas constitute an order to report for duty under this section.)

1.2.11. Members unable to remain awake while on duty shall notify their supervisor, who will determine the appropriate course of action.

1.2.12. Members shall refrain from conducting personal business while on duty. Members will request time off in advance to conduct personal business or seek supervisor approval if it becomes necessary for the member to be out of service for an extended period of time.

1.3. Members who do not demonstrate the ability or knowledge necessary to perform their job-related duties shall be evaluated in accordance with Directive 334.00, Performance Deficiencies.

2. Satisfactory performance during confrontation management:

2.1. This subsection sets performance standards for decision-making during confrontations, and requires that members use sound tactics and good decision-making during a confrontation and work diligently toward applying, when practical, less force than the maximum allowed by the constitutional standard and minimizing or avoiding force when possible. This subsection also requires members to develop and display over the course of their practice of law enforcement good confrontation and force management skills.

2.2. The Bureau requires that members be capable of using effective force on behalf of the public, when appropriate, to manage the risks of confrontations.

2.3. It is the intention of the Bureau to accomplish its mission as effectively as possible with as little reliance on force as practical.

2.4. The Bureau places a high value on resolving confrontations, when practical, with less force than the maximum that may be allowed by law.

2.5. When managing a confrontation, members must make confrontation management decisions based on available options reasonably calculated to resolve the confrontation safely and effectively, with as little reliance on force as practical.

2.6. In applying this standard to a member’s performance, the Bureau shall evaluate the member’s decision making from the perspective of the member at the moment the decisions were made. This confrontation management standard is separate from and does not modify the use-of-force standard in Directive 1010.00, Use of Force. The relevant inquiry for this confrontation management standard is whether the member pursued the Bureau’s goal of resolving a confrontation safely and effectively with as little reliance on force as practical and whether there is a valid reasoning in the member’s confrontation management decision-making.

2.7. Over the course of their practice of law enforcement, members must develop and display the skills and abilities that allow them to regularly resolve confrontations without resorting to the higher levels of force allowed by the constitutional standard.

3. Supervisor Performance During Critical Incidents

3.1. Supervisors at any rank should prioritize their supervisory perspective and avoid tactical involvement in incidents to the extent possible, under the totality of the circumstances, if there are a sufficient number of officers available and capable of fulfilling a particular tactical role. Supervisors who are not serving as the incident commander may take a tactical role at the direction of the incident commander. Nothing herein prohibits supervisors from taking immediate law enforcement action when objectively reasonable under the totality of the circumstances. In applying this standard to a supervisor’s performance, the Bureau shall evaluate the member’s decision-making from the perspective of the supervisor at the moment the decisions were made.

3.1.1. Any findings based on an Internal Affairs (IA) case or After Action review of a critical incident must include a finding as to whether the involvement of all supervisors at any rank was consistent with Bureau training and policy.


  • Originating Directive Date: 09/06/01
  • Last Revision Signed: 04/15/20
    • Effective Date: 05/15/20
    • Next Review Date: 05/15/21

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