Directive 313.20, Political Activity
- ORS § 260.432, Solicitation of Public Employees
- Human Resources Administrative Rule, 4.06, Political Activity
- Human Resources Administrative Rule, 4.09, Use of City Resources
- Human Resources Administrative Rule, 11.01, Statement of Ethical Conduct
- Government Relations Administrative Rule 3.01, Coordination of Government Relations
- Political Activity: An activity directed toward supporting or opposing federal, state, or local measures, candidates, recalls, political committees, or petitions.
1. Member Participation in Political Activity:
1.1. As a City of Portland employee, members may not use their official authority or influence while participating in political activity. Human Resources Administrative Rule 4.06, Political Activity. Examples of prohibited use of official authority or influence while participating in any political activity include, but are not limited to: using their official title, wearing their official uniform or any part or likeness thereof, or using a government owned/leased vehicle.
1.2. Federal, state, and local laws do not restrict the right of City of Portland employees to express personal political views. To avoid the use of official authority or influence members should participate in political activity on their own time, with their own resources (e.g. computers, phones, copy machines, clothing, vehicles, etc.). To avoid the use of official authority or influence, members should announce they are acting in their own capacity as a private citizen while engaged in political activity that involves public presentation or speech.
1.3. State laws prohibits a person from requiring, coercing, or commanding a member to engage in political activity, even if that activity would occur on the member’s own time and with non-City resources. This is true regardless of whether the activity itself would be lawful or unlawful. ORS § 260.432.
1.4. Members with questions about political activity or who suspect violations of these rules should report to their chain of command, the City Attorney’s Office, or the Auditor’s Office.
2. Police Bureau Participation in Political Activity:
2.1. The Police Bureau is responsible for recommending public safety aspects of the City of Portland’s federal and state legislative agendas to the Police Commissioner. As the City’s registered lobbyists, the Office of Government Relations is responsible for advancing the City’s legislative agendas once adopted by the City Council. Government Relations Administrative Rule 3.01, Coordination of Government Relations.
2.2. The Police Bureau is responsible for designating a Bureau Legislative Liaison to coordinate Bureau-specific political activities with the Office of Government Relations through the Chief of Police. Members shall notify the Legislative Liaison anytime interaction with a federal or state official, their staff, or a lobbying interest occurs to ensure a comprehensive response is vetted with the member and the Chief’s Office. Examples of interaction include, but are not limited to:
2.2.1. A request for information is received about Bureau practices or position on an issue,
2.2.2. An invitation is received to attend a legislative meeting, hearing, conference, or event,
2.2.3. A request is received to host the party via a ride along, site visit, or meeting,
2.2.4. Direction is given to the member within their chain of command to apply for federal grant funding, request proclamations, or issue invitations to a Bureau-related event or meeting.
- Originating Directive Effective: 09/06/01
- First Revision Effective: 06/30/15 (Name Change,Rescinded Directive 210.15, Site Visits)
- Next Review Date: 06/30/17
- Review By: Chief’s Office