*This Directive is currently under review*
Directive 313.10, Gratuities, Gifts, and Rewards
- City of Portland, Human Resources Administrative Rule, 4.07, Awards, Gifts, Prizes and Promotional Items
- Directive 300.00, Statement of Ethical Conduct
1. Police Bureau members shall not solicit or accept any gratuity or any other thing of value where there is any connection between such offer or solicitation and the member’s employment, in accordance with Human Resources Administrative Rule 4.07, which is incorporated into this Directive by reference.
1. Oregon law prohibits any City of Portland employee from using or attempting to use their official position to obtain a financial gain or to avoid financial detriment that would not otherwise be available, but for the employee’s position. Police Bureau members shall not directly or indirectly, solicit or accept any gratuity, gift, or reward offered due to their position and work for the City or that would not have been available but for the member’s position or work for the City, including, but not limited to the following:
1.1. Any gratuities of merchandise, meals, beverages, or any other thing of value that might tend to influence their own or any other employee’s actions in any matter of police business or cast an adverse reflection on the Bureau or any of its members.
1.2. Any free or discounted services or merchandise whatsoever as a result of their Bureau employment, unless such service or item is routinely offered to the general public and not limited to Bureau members.
1.3. Any reward for services rendered incident to their position or duty as a member of the Bureau.
1.4. Any free or discounted admission for members or others, except in the line of duty.
1.5. Any free or discounted rate on travel amenities (e.g. government rate for hotel) should members extend their stay before or after representing the Bureau at a conference or training session.
2. A member shall immediately report to the Chief’s Office, through the chain of command, any offer or attempt to offer, any gift, fee, or other reimbursement that may be made in an effort to affect their official conduct.
- Originating Directive Effective: 09/06/01
- First Revision Effective: 11/19/14
- Second Revision Effective: 11/13/15
- Next Review Date: 11/13/17
- Review By: Chief’s Office