060.60, Standard Operating Procedures
- Directive/Standard Operating Procedures Form (See Intranet)
- Standard Operating Procedures (SOP): A Branch, Division, Unit, or Precinct order, which gives detailed direction for handling a specified matter or event.
1. Responsibility Unit Managers may draft standard operating procedures, which affect their area of command responsibility. All standard operating procedures must be approved by the respective Assistant Chief.
2. A standard operating procedure may be established for contingency planning, information purposes, to outline procedures for routine matters, or provide guidance relating to emergency occurrences, among other reasoning.
3. A standard operating procedure must be derived from Bureau policy, procedure, rule, and/or command guidance, yet be more detailed in content and application.
1. Responsibility Unit Responsibilities:
1.1. A Responsibility Unit Manager may create and implement a standard operating procedures in the standard Bureau format, which may be downloaded from the Intranet. Standard operating procedure format shall not be changed or altered without permission of the Chief of Police. The format is:
1.1.1. Number/Title: An identifying name is to be assigned.
1.1.2. Heading: Standard operating procedures are to be published on Bureau letterhead.
1.1.3. Caption Box: Subheading includes “Standard Operating Procedure,” “Date:,” “To:,” “Re:,” “Action: Enactment/Revision of Number/Title, Effective (date).”
1.1.4. Refer Section: A list of documents (e.g. Directive, Training material, etc.) to which the standard operating procedure topic(s) relates, giving authority, or scope to the direction covered within the standard operating procedure.
1.1.5. Definitions: Meaning, explanation, and/or examples of key terms.
1.1.6. Policy: A course or line of action adopted and pursued by the Branch, Division, Unit, or Precinct that provides guidance on the philosophy on identified issues – why it was created and what it is intended to accomplish.
1.1.7. Procedure: A detailed description of how a directive is to be accomplished, describing the steps to be taken, the frequency of the task, and the persons responsible for completing the tasks. Statements concerning who, what, when, where, and how the named intent is to be accomplished – clarity is of primary importance.
1.1.8. History: Bullet points highlighting the date of the originating standard operating procedure, effective dates of prior revisions, and projected date of the next review.
1.1.9. Endorsement: Signature/date lines for the Responsibility Unit Manager.
1.2. Standard operating procedures are to be stored electronically and made available to impacted members either electronically or in hard copy form.
1.3. Responsibility Unit Managers are required to review standard operating procedures every two (2) years, update standard operating procedures to ensure direction remains consistent with Bureau standards and reflects current practice, or rescind standard operating procedures as necessary.
1.4. All enacted versions will be permanently maintained within the Responsibility Unit files (e.g. originating document and all approved updates thereafter). Standard operating procedure versions/files may not be purged without the approval of the Chief’s Office and the City Attorney’s Office.
- Originating Directive Effective: 09/06/01
- First Revision Effective: 5/1/15
- Next Review Date: 5/1/17
- Review By: Chief’s Office