PRK-1.01 - Pioneer Courthouse Square - Transit Use Areas

Administrative Rules Adopted by Bureaus Pursuant to Rule Making Authority (ARB)
Policy category
Policy number
Administrative Rule Adopted by Bureau Pursuant to Rule Making Authority

Section 1 - Rule
The following areas of Pioneer Courthouse Square are designated exclusively for transit use:
A. The walkway areas under the overhead canopies adjacent to SW Yamhill Street, between the southernmost drip line of any overhead canopy and the south side of the base of the decorative wall; and
B. The area within the drip lines of the structures commonly known as the mushroom sculptures adjacent to SW Morrison Street.
No person shall remain in those areas except for the purpose of entering into, exiting from or waiting for a Tri-Met light rain train or trolley.

Section 2 - Rationale
The congregation of persons in the designated areas has unreasonably interfered with ingress to and egress from the interior of the Park and with access to the Tri-Met trains. This rule is necessary in order to reduce user conflicts in the Park, by directing Park users to the areas of the Park designed to accommodate their respective uses. The rule is not intended to remove any person or persons from the Park, but rather, simply to direct persons to the appropriate areas. As with all Park Rules, however, a person's refusal to comply with this Rule will subject that person to exclusion from the Park under provisions of the City Code.

Submitted for inclusion in PPD June 12, 2002.
Rule signed by Commissioner Jim Francesconi June 12, 2002.

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