Binding City Policy
Section 1. The Council finds:
1. The City and the Portland Police Commanding Officers Association (PPCOA) are parties to a collective bargaining agreement (CBA) effective July 1, 2010 to June 30, 2013.
2. The PPCOA is the sole and exclusive bargaining agent for all officers in the classifications of Lieutenant, Captain or Commander (commanding officers) at the Portland Police Bureau (PPB).
3. On or about March 29, 2013, pursuant to the City’s obligations under ORS 243.650 et seq., representatives of the City entered into negotiations for a successor CBA with the PPCOA.
4. On October 2, 2013, representatives of the City and the PPCOA signed a Tentative Agreement (Agreement), Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference, that outlines the terms and conditions of employment for commanding officers in the PPCOA bargaining unit for the period of July 1, 2013 to June 30, 2015 (the 2013-2015 CBA).
5. As of the date this ordinance is submitted, the PPCOA has ratified the Agreement.
6. The Agreement meets the City’s bargaining interests by securing a two-year labor agreement and agreeing to step increases and other terms and conditions of employment.
7. The Agreement continues to apply the principles of total compensation as the basis for bargaining all monetary subjects and ties general compensation to the Consumer Price Index (CPI). General wage increases will continue to be tied to the Portland CPI-W.
8. Upon ratification by City Council, salary rates for commanding officers are to be increased by fifty percent (.9%) of the annual increase in the Portland CPI-W. Salary rates for Year Two are to be increased by 100% of the annual increase in the Portland CPI-W. However, in no event shall the Year Two salary increase be less than one percent or greater than five percent.
9. Upon ratification by City Council, the City will implement a new provision that restricts commanding officers from taking compensatory time off in lieu of pay at time and a half for working on certain holidays. Commanding officers who have accrued holiday compensatory hours prior to the effective date of the 2013-2015 CBA may use the compensatory hours by June 30, 2015; any time remaining as of June 30, 2015 shall be forfeited.
10. The Agreement eliminates longevity premiums for commanding officers, with the exception that commanding officers who have reached the 25-year longevity level before June 30, 2015 shall receive a two percent longevity premium on their PPB appointment anniversary date.
11. In lieu of longevity premium pay, commanding officers in the classifications of Lieutenant and Captain shall receive a two-year step increase at four percent. Commanding officers in the classification of Commander shall receive a one-year step increase at four percent. Members who have at least one year in their classification at ratification will receive a one-year step increase effective July 1, 2013. Members who have at least two years in their classification at ratification will receive a two-year step increase effective July 1, 2013.
12. Any commanding officer who has not reached one year in their classification on ratification will move to the one-year step increase on the anniversary of their appointment date into their classification. Members who have not reached two years in their classification on ratification will move to the two-year step increase on the anniversary of their appointment date into their classification.
13. Representatives of the City and the PPCOA shall enter into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) that outlines the new provisions set forth in paragraphs 11 and 12.
14. The terms and conditions of the Agreement shall be reduced to a successor collective bargaining agreement and shall conform substantially to a form similar to Exhibit A.
15. The Mayor, the Human Resources Director, the Chief of Police and the City Auditor shall be authorized to execute the 2013-2015 CBA with approval as to form by the assigned Senior Deputy City Attorney.
NOW, THEREFORE, the Council directs:
a. The Mayor, the Human Resources Director, the Chief of Police and the City Auditor are authorized to execute the 2013-2015 CBA between the City and the PPCOA relating to the terms and conditions of employment for represented employees in the PPCOA bargaining unit for the period of July 1, 2013 to June 30, 2015, with approval as to form by the assigned Senior Deputy City Attorney.
b. The 2013-2015 CBA shall be in a form similar to Exhibit A.
c. Representatives of the City and the PPCOA shall enter into a MOU that outlines the provisions for step increases for commanding officers as provided in the Agreement.
d. The City is authorized to pay for all funds associated with the 2013-2015 CBA from the General Fund.
e. This ordinance is binding City policy.
Section 2. The Council declares that an emergency exists in order to avoid an unnecessary delay in the orderly implementation of the provisions of the 2013-2015 CBA; therefore, this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage by the Council.
Link to Exhibit A - Tentative Agreement (PDF Document, 1 MB)
Emergency Ordinance No. 186427, passed by City Council and effective January 22, 2014.