Binding City Policies (BCP)
Policy category
Policy number
Binding City Policy
Section 1. The Council finds:
1. Representatives of the City and the City of Portland Professional Employees Association (COPPEA) have signed Tentative Agreements that outline the terms and conditions of employment for employees in the Fire Land Use Review Technician, Hydrogeologist, Materials Quality Compliance Specialist and Planning Assistant classifications through June 30, 2007.
2. The agreements meet the City’s bargaining interests by extending the provisions of the COPPEA contract to the employees in the Fire Land Use Review Technician, Hydrogeologist, Materials Quality Compliance Specialist and Planning Assistant classifications and agreeing to pay rates for this classification.
3. The agreements for the Materials Quality Compliance Specialist and the Planning Assistant classifications meet the City’s bargaining interests by maintaining the pay ranges for the classifications established by Ordinance Nos. 179203 and 179227 as increased by the cost of living adjustments implemented July 1, 2005 and July 1, 2006, and establish pay steps within the ranges effective July 1, 2005.
4. The agreement for the Hydrogeologist meets the City’s bargaining interests by adjusting the pay range and establishing pay steps consistent with other COPPEA-represented classifications effective July 1, 2006. This classification will be treated as eligible for overtime under the terms of the labor agreement.
5. The agreement for the Fire Land Use Review Technician meets the City’s bargaining interests by adjusting the pay range upward in order to reach an acceptable agreement. The pay range is adjusted upward by approximately two and four-tenths percent over the pay range established by Ordinance No. 179622, as increased by the cost of living adjustments implemented July 1, 2006.
NOW, THEREFORE, the Council directs:
a. The Mayor and Auditor are authorized to execute a labor agreement between the City and COPPEA relating to terms and conditions of employment for the Fire Land Use Review Technician, Hydrogeologist Materials Quality Compliance Specialist and Planning Assistant classifications.
b. Said contract to conform to the provisions in the Tentative Agreements attached to this Ordinance as Exhibits A,B,C and D .
c. This ordinance is a binding City policy.
Section 2. The Council declares that an emergency exists in order that this compensation action may occur without delay; therefore, this ordinance shall be in force and effect from after its passage by the Council.
Emergency Ordinance No. 180580, passed by City Council and effective November 15, 2006.