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HRAR-9.01 - Employee Training and Development

Administrative Rules Adopted by Bureaus Pursuant to Rule Making Authority (ARB)
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Program Overview

The City of Portland recognizes that continuous learning and development of its employees are important contributions toward the productivity and professionalism of the City’s work force. Development and management of the City’s workforce to sustain and improve performance enhances the delivery of services to the public and sustains employee job satisfaction.

BHR Training and Workforce Development

The Training and Workforce Development unit within the Bureau of Human Resources (BHR) is responsible to provide centralized administration and delivery of Citywide Training Programs, including Human Resources Administrative Rule 2.02 Prevention of Workplace Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation;, Cultural Competency; Citywide Professional Development Courses; Manager/Supervisor Development; New Employee Onboarding; Mandatory Reporting of Child and Elder Abuse; and other policy-oriented training, such as workplace violence prevention; employee discipline; and protocol for investigation of discrimination or other complaints.

BHR Training and Workforce Development also coordinates and supports training programs sponsored by City bureaus through the CityLearner learning management system.

Employee Training and Development Programs

Training programs should be structured to either support the business interests of the bureau or enhance the development of employees’ careers and job opportunities in the City. Training programs should include systematic methods for assessing training needs, providing training to meet priority needs, selecting personnel for training, and evaluating the training provided. Some training courses are required by City Council mandate or for compliance with legal or other requirements. The current list of mandatory training is included as an Guidance for this Rule. The Guidance will be updated as needed and made available online through the CityLearner learning management system and also through the BHR Training and Workforce Development web page.

New Employee Onboarding

Upon hire with the City of Portland, new employees are required to review the Human Resources Administrative Rules that are designated by BHR as critical rules as part of the new employee onboarding process within the first week of employment. Training in Human Resources Administrative Rule 2.02 and other mandatory topics must be completed as soon as is practical.

Citywide Training and Development Classes

City employees at all levels are eligible to attend most of the courses offered by BHR Training and Workforce Development; attendance requires bureau approval. Enrollment for some courses may be restricted (e.g., City of Portland employees only, current Managers and Supervisors only, etc.). Others, while not restricted, are best suited for employees at specific levels or occupations. Providing an employee meets any enrollment restrictions, the decision of whether the employee may or may not participate in training during regular work hours, on City time, and/or at City expense is at the discretion of that employee’s bureau and its management/supervisory staff. Exceptions to bureau discretion include all workshops and courses that are required through Council Ordinance or other mandates.

Professional Skills and Development and Training Curriculum

The purpose of professional development is to provide training to meet the business and learning needs of bureaus and employees, through a collaborative process. These courses may be offered through Training and Workforce Development or by an individual bureau.

Technical and Professional Associations

The City encourages employee membership and participation in technical and professional associations and activities on a local and national level. Within the constraints of approved budgets, bureau directors may approve leave, professional dues reimbursement and/or reimbursement for attendance at professional meetings, seminars and similar work-related activities.

Training Schedules

Training schedules are established to be compatible with the needs of bureau operations and employee work schedules. Training for City employees may be conducted both during and outside of an employee’s regular work schedule. Regular or overtime wages will be paid for mandatory training outside the employee’s regular work schedule in accordance with applicable State and Federal laws, Human Resources Administrative Rules, and/or collective bargaining agreements.

Designation of Training as Mandatory

The Director of Human Resources may designate completion of or attendance at training programs for city employees, managers, and supervisors as mandatory, providing the training is provided for one or more of the following reasons: to ensure understanding of and compliance with law; City Code; and City Rules, including HR Administrative Rules and other citywide policies; to support citywide initiatives or mandates as adopted by City Council; to reduce potential risk and liability to the City; and/or to define and communicate expectations and ensure ethical, professional, and appropriate behavior and conduct on the part of City employees in their official capacity.

The Human Resources Director may designate training as mandatory at their initiative or at the request of a bureau director, with commissioner-in-charge approval.

Historical notes


Adopted by Council March 6, 2002, Ordinance No. 176302
Effective April 5, 2002
Revised December 4, 2013
Revised April 25, 2016
Revised April 17, 2017

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