FIN-2.06.01 Roles and Responsibilities for Revenue

Binding City Policies (BCP)
Policy number

CFMP Procedure

It is the responsibility of each bureau to achieve budgeted revenues. Each bureau that produces revenues shall:

  • Prepare annual revenue estimates as part of the annual budget request. Annual review of fee schedules should include necessary adjustments to address cost of service study results.
  • Monitor actual revenue receipts throughout the fiscal year and report on status within the regular budget monitoring process.

The City Budget Office shall:

  • Review bureau rates and revenue estimates as well as monitor the receipt of bureau revenues. Variances between planned and actual revenues shall be reported to Council in the regular budget monitoring process along with recommended actions.
  • Review bureau requests for adjustments related to revenue prior to Council action, in accordance with procedures for the Council Calendar or regular budget monitoring process.
  • Provide assistance to bureaus to complete fee studies.
  • Establish bureau overhead rates and General Fund overhead allocations.


City Budget Office

Historical notes


Adopted by City Council August 2014

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