Binding City Policies (BCP)
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Binding City Policy
WHEREAS, issues of food production and distribution significantly affect the public health, land use, economy and quality of life of the Portland and Multnomah County metropolitan region; and
WHEREAS, all residents of the City of Portland and Multnomah County should have access to nutritious, affordable, locally and sustainably grown food; and
WHEREAS, there is no existing agency, organization or body dedicated to addressing the implications of local government policy, programs, operations and land use rulings related to the food system and its corresponding impacts on community health and well-being ; and
WHEREAS, on February 2nd, 2002 over one hundred people including local farmers, restaurants, markets, educators, health care providers and local governments met in Portland for a Food Policy Forum and identified major issues impacting the health of our local food system including:
- food practices in medical and government institutions that promote unhealthy diets and poor environmental stewardship,
- a lack of awareness by local residents regarding nutrition, food skills and the source of their food,
- a high rate of hunger and barriers preventing access to affordable, nutritious food for local residents, regardless of income-level or geographic location,
- urban land use policies and rules negatively affecting local food production and distribution,
- business and economic issues affecting the viability of local farmers, and
- the environmental impacts associated with food production, consumption and waste disposal; and
WHEREAS, participants in the Food Policy Forum expressed overwhelming support for the creation of a local Food Policy Council to provide ongoing data collection and analysis, and recommendations to local governments regarding policies, programs, operations and land use rulings related to local food issues; and
WHEREAS, the Portland/Multnomah County Sustainable Development Commission has recognized and identified the long term environmental, economic and social implications of policy decisions related to local food issues; and
WHEREAS, the Commission supports and has approved forming a subcommittee to serve as a Food Policy Council,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that City Council approves formation of a Portland/Multnomah County Food Policy Council, a subcommittee of the Portland/Multnomah County Sustainable Development Commission; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Portland/Multnomah Food Policy Council shall be composed of 11 members serving one-year terms representing the diversity of the local community and providing a wide range of expertise on local food issues including hunger relief; nutrition; food business and industrial practices; local farming; community education and institutional food purchasing and practices; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Portland/Multnomah Food Policy Council shall
- Provide ongoing advice and input to City and County staff on food related issues as needed, such as the current efforts to attract and site a food composting facility in the Portland Metropolitan area.
- Develop a set of governing principles to guide future local government and community decision making related to food issues by June 1, 2003.
- Identify and report back to City Council and the County Board by June 1, 2003 on options for improving:
- local land use policies and rules related to food production and distribution;
- methods for building regional demand for locally produced foods and food products;
- City and County food purchasing policies and practices;
- the availability of healthy, affordable food to all residents; and
- the capacity of local communities to promote and engage in healthy food practices.
4. Develop a workplan, proposed structure and potential sources of additional funding for the Food Policy Council in fiscal year 2003-04 and subsequent years; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Portland/Multnomah Food Policy Council shall regularly communicate with and actively solicit participation and engagement from interested members of the general public;
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Portland Office of Sustainable Development, Multnomah County Department of Business and Community Services and the County Health Department shall support the efforts of the Council through resources currently dedicated to the Sustainable Development Commission; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Portland/Multnomah Food Policy Council is binding City Policy.
Resolution No. 36074
Adopted by Council May 29, 2002
Adopted by Council May 29, 2002