ENB-1.02 - Urban Services Program

Binding City Policies (BCP)
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Policy number
Binding City Policy

WHEREAS, the City of Portland has an adopted Urban Services Policy (Resolution No. 33327) which provides for the establishment of an Urban Services Boundary and establishes the City's role as the principal provider of municipal services within that boundary; and
WHEREAS, the Urban Services Policy found that there is a need for a higher level of urban services in the urbanized unincorporated areas within the City's Urban Service Boundary than can be provided by Multnomah County; and
WHEREAS, the Urban Services Policy states that the City shall consider annexation of and delivery of services to areas when a majority of residents and property owners within an area desire to annex to the City of Portland; and
WHEREAS, the Urban Services Policy committed the City to initiate and maintain a public education program within the Portland urban Services Boundary and to provide for public participation in the implementation of this policy; and
WHEREAS, Portland made assurance to the 1987 Legislature not to use the triple majority annexation method within the mid-Multnomah County portion of Portland's Urban Services boundary; and
WHEREAS, the City Council currently has a policy (adopted as Resolution No. 34250 on February 25, 1987) of initiating annexations by the resolution method, ORS 199.490(1)(a), until the status of triple majority statutes is clarified. Resolution No. 34250 also changed council policy regarding the effective date of annexations from immediately upon approval of the Boundary Commission Final Order to June 30; and
WHEREAS, the change in the effective date reflects a more fiscally responsible approach to delivery of services in annexed neighborhoods, and insures that the City will begin delivering services at the same time revenues become available to pay for those services; and
WHEREAS, the double majority annexation methods, ORS 199.490(2)(a)(B), enacted by the Legislature in 1987, requires majority consent from both a majority of the registered voters and the owners of a majority of the real property area within specified geographic boundaries for an annexation proposal to quality for Boundary Commission consideration; and
WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Portland finds that the double majority method should be used in future annexations since it best satisfies the provisions of the Urban Service Policy which call for involvement of both voters and property owners in the affected areas; and
WHEREAS, the City council recognized that other annexation methods provided by statute, such as the resolution or island method, may also be used when conditions warrant; and
WHEREAS, Multnomah County's policy and financial support has been fundamental to the successes of the program so far, and continued political support, financial assistance, and cooperation in carrying out intergovernmental agreements is essential to fruition of the program; and
WHEREAS, some 57,000 Multnomah County citizens have annexed to Portland since the Policy was first adopted, and 47,000 residents in urban, unincorporated Multnomah County within Portland's Urban Services Boundary have yet to annex; and
WHEREAS, the Council has reviewed a Five-year Report on the Status of the Urban Service Policy and Annexation Program, attached hereto as Exhibit I, which concludes that the initial reasons for the program are still valid and many of the objectives of the program have been met. The Council concurs with the facts, conclusions, and recommendations therein; and
WHEREAS, Portland and Multnomah County have reviewed the progress of the program and find that a measured pace of activity, designed to substantially complete annexations in Multnomah County by 1993 is generally the most desirable and achievable time frame; and
WHEREAS, the City Council wishes to provide direction for the future of the Urban Services Program that will define the ultimate boundaries of the City of Portland within Multnomah County.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Portland that the following policies and directions are adopted for the future of the Urban Services Program within Multnomah County:
Section 1. The City of Portland shall not utilize the triple majority method of annexation within its Urban Services Boundary in mid-Multnomah County.
Section 2. When there are unincorporated pockets within the City of Portland that complicate service delivery efforts by City and County governments, the City of Portland will consider utilizing the island method of annexation in order to rationalize governmental service boundaries.
Section 3. The City Council supports use of the new Double Majority Method of annexation because this new method provides for higher guaranteed participation and evidence of support for annexation by both property owners and resident voters; and because this method of annexation comes closest to the goal in the adopted Urban Services Policy of involving both landowners and voters in annexation decisions.
Section 4. The City will seek a continued financial and political partnership with Multnomah County in this program that is nationally recognized as a unique example of intergovernmental cooperation and clarification of governmental service roles.
Section 5. The Council of the City of Portland desires to complete annexations within its Urban Services Boundary in mid-Multnomah County under this Urban Services Policy in a manner that:
a) Fully informs prospective residents about the direct services and other benefits available from joining the City of Portland so that these individuals can make informed decisions about annexations, and
b) Retains the City's commitment to insuring a high level of citizen participation and support for annexations, and
c) Proceeds at a pace that allows an adequate quality and quantity of urban services to be provided to annexed neighborhoods, and
d) Continues the effective date for annexations of June 30, unless Council specifies otherwise on a case-by-case basis, and
e) Maintains service levels within the existing City over the long-term, and
f) Completes annexations within the Multnomah County Urban Services Boundary by approximately 1993.

Resolution No. 34425
Adopted by Council April 27, 1988.

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