For more information and recent updates, visit the Bureau of Environmental Services 2020 Source Control Manual webpage,
Chapter 1. Purpose and Authority
The Source Control Manual (SCM) is a City of Portland administrative rule that is adopted, implemented, and enforced by the Bureau of Environmental Services (BES). The purpose of the SCM is to describe source control requirements specific to development and post-development activities that have the potential to discharge to surface waters, groundwater, or the storm, sanitary, or combined sewer systems. A source control is a structural, treatment, or operational best management practice (BMP) required by the SCM to prevent or control the release or potential release of pollutants generated by certain site activities or characteristics. This SCM describes required structural, treatment, and operational BMPs designed to control specific types of sources of pollutants and prevent or reduce the release of pollutants for projects or sites with specific site activities or characteristics.
Adopted by Director of Bureau of Environmental Services August 4, 2016.
Filed for inclusion in PPD August 8, 2016, and effective August 19, 2016.
Amended by Director of Bureau of Environmental Services March 12, 2019.
Amended by Director of Bureau of Environmental Services July 17, 2019.
Amended by Director of Bureau of Environmental Services December 14, 2020.