ENB-2.14 - Major Projects Group Program Fees

Binding City Policies (BCP)
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Binding City Policy

The Council finds:
1. The Major Projects Group (MPG) Program is a multi-bureau pilot program developed in 2003 to provide expanded process management and plan review services for the City’s largest and most complex development projects.  To date, the MPG Program has provided these expanded services to projects in the South Waterfront development as part of the South Waterfront Development Agreement. 
2. MPG’s project-based inter-bureau review and inspection team provides early and ongoing plan review of the project design plans as they are being developed, along with weekly design team meeting attendance and phased permitting to facilitate these large projects through the design, plan review and construction phases of a project.
3. The MPG Program has been very successful for the City and customers at the South Waterfront development, and additional customers have been requesting MPG services for major projects outside of South Waterfront.  The City has been unable to accommodate these requests due to insufficient funding and staffing for the MPG Program.
4. In June 2005, MPG City staff and customers met to discuss the program’s success and possible expansion.  Meeting participants agreed that the labor-intensive nature of the program made further expansion untenable without additional City staffing.  Customers have expressed support for establishing a project surcharge in order to facilitate the MPG expansion.

NOW, THEREFORE, the Council directs:
a. A Major Projects Group Fee of $50,000 per project shall be added to the Bureau of Development Services’ Building Permit Fee Schedule effective July 1, 2006.
b. A Major Projects Group Fee of $20,000 per project shall be added to the Portland Office of Transportation’s Fees for Street Use Permits Fee Schedule effective July 1, 2006.
c. A Major Projects Group Fee of $20,000 per project shall be added to the Bureau of Environmental Services’ Sewer Fee Schedule effective July 1, 2006.
d. A Major Projects Group Fee of $10,000 per project shall be added to the Bureau of Fire, Rescue, and Emergency Services’ Fire Regulation Fee Schedule effective July 1, 2006.
e. This ordinance is binding City policy.

Ordinance No. 180191, passed by City Council May 31, 2006 and effective June 30, 2006.

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