Binding City Policy
WHEREAS, City bureaus were directed in Resolution 36092, as amended, to present for City Council consideration each fiscal year a Regulatory Improvement Workplan to improve City regulations, regulatory procedures and related customer services. Each annual Workplan shall include a detailed Regulatory Code Improvement List (ReCIL) for amending existing regulations and adopting new regulations. The annual workplan also shall include a Regulatory Process and Service Improvement Plan (RiPSIP) detailing how regulatory-related procedures and customer services will be improved. The Workplan shall be developed using a process for receiving and considering public input. The Workplan shall be submitted for City Council consideration and approval, coinciding with but separate from the annual consideration of the City’s budget;
WHEREAS, the Office of the Mayor has conducted a series of meetings and workshops with city bureaus and stakeholders to receive comments and concerns on proposals for the FY 2003-2004 Regulatory Improvement Workplan; and,
WHEREAS, the Regulatory Improvement Advisory Team has reviewed the proposals for the FY 2003-2004 Workplan and prepared recommendations for consideration by the Portland Planning Commission; and,
WHEREAS, the Portland Planning Commission did hold one public hearing and one worksession on the proposed FY 03-04 Regulatory Improvement Workplan and has transmitted its recommendations with the proposed workplan; and,
WHEREAS, after considering the input from these meetings and workshops, the Office of the Mayor has prepared the FY 2003-2004 Regulatory Improvement Workplan based on the Planning Commission recommendation for the City Council’s;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Portland that the following actions occur:
A. The FY 2003-2004 Regulatory Improvement Workplan is adopted, and city bureaus and the Portland Development Commission are directed to begin implementation of the elements within the workplan.
B. The Bureau of Development Services is assigned on-going responsibility for coordinating the implementation of the Regulatory Process and Service Improvement [RiPSIP] portion of the Workplan;
C. The Bureau of Planning is assigned on-going responsibility for coordinating the implementation of the Regulatory Code Improvement List [ReCIL] portion of the Workplan.
D. The bureaus of Development Services and Planning will continue to conduct public outreach for development of subsequent workplans and will involve the Portland Planning Commission and the Development Review Advisory Committee in reporting on progress on the FY 03-04 Regulatory Improvement Workplan and developing future annual Regulatory Improvement workplans.
E. The Office of the Mayor shall continue to convene the Strategic Development Opportunity Team (SDOT). The Strategic Development Opportunity Team, consisting of representatives from the Portland Development Commission and City bureaus involved in land use or building code regulations, shall address specific building permit and land use opportunities related to difficult and strategic development sites. The SDOT also will identify major policy issues requiring either further consideration by the City Council or by the bureaus responsible for particular policy areas affecting key development sites;
F. This resolution constitutes binding City policy and shall be filed as such in the Portland Policy Documents Repository.
Adopted by Council August 13, 2003.