Section 1. The Council finds:
1. Portland’s Comprehensive Plan describes how the City can accommodate future growth and development. To do this well the plan must be regularly updated, and these updates must be based on good facts and sound analysis.
Now, therefore, the Council directs:
a. The documents and maps contained within Exhibit A are adopted as part of the City’s Comprehensive Plan.
b. The documents and maps contained within Exhibit B are adopted as Comprehensive Plan supporting documents.
c. The documents and maps listed in Exhibit C are no longer part of the Comprehensive Plan and are no longer considered Comprehensive Plan supporting documents.
d. Notwithstanding directive “c” above, the City may rely upon the documents and maps listed in Exhibit D for quasi-judicial land use reviews, or to check for the presence of environmental or scenic resources on a site plan submitted for development review.
e. The Portland Plan Public Participation Phase 4 Progress Report, July 10, 2012, in Exhibit E is adopted in fulfillment of the City’s continuing responsibilities under Task I of the periodic review work program.
f. The Bureau of Planning and Sustainability shall submit the documents, maps and report referenced in directives “a,” “b” and “e” above as completed periodic review work products.
g. The Bureau of Planning and Sustainability shall proceed to Task III and IV of periodic review by examining plan and map alternatives that can reasonably accommodate at least 132,000 new households and 147,000 new jobs within Portland’s urban services boundary by the year 2035. Should the Metro Council adopt higher allocations for Portland, the Bureau is directed to report this to council and, with the advice of the PSC, recommend any necessary adjustments to this ordinance.
h. The documents and maps referenced by directives “a” and “b” above become effective on the date they are acknowledged by order of either the Director of the DLCD or the LCDC; all other directives of this ordinance become effective 30 days after passage.
i. Directives “f” and “g” of this ordinance are binding City policy.
Section 2. Severability
If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, diagram or drawing contained in this ordinance, or the map, report, inventory, analysis, or document it adopts or amends, is held to be deficient, invalid or unconstitutional, that shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions. The Council declares that it would have adopted the map, report, inventory, analysis, or document each section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, diagram and drawing thereof, regardless of the fact that any one or more sections, subsections, sentences, clauses, phrases, diagrams or drawings contained in this Ordinance, may be found to be deficient, invalid or unconstitutional.
Ordinance No. 185657, passed by City Council October 3, 2012 and effective November 2, 2012.