ENB-10.07 - Workplan to Update the City Comprehensive Plan

Binding City Policies (BCP)
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Binding City Policy



WHEREAS, pursuant to Oregon Revised Statutes 197.628 to 197.650 and Oregon Administrative Rules 660-25, the City of Portland is required to periodically review its Comprehensive Plan to respond to changes in local, regional and state conditions; to ensure its plan remains in compliance with the Statewide Planning Goals; and to ensure that its plan makes adequate provision for economic development, needed housing, transportation, public facilities and services, and urbanization; and

WHEREAS, the City of Portland received a notice dated November 13, 2007 from the Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development (DLCD) initiating periodic review; requiring the City to evaluate its Comprehensive Plan and identify any needed updates; and if updates were identified, submit, by May 12, 2008, a work program and public engagement program providing for the completion of the identified updates; and

WHEREAS, the City of Portland requested and received a 90-day extension of the May 12, 2008 deadline to August 11, 2008; and

WHEREAS, notice of an April 22, 2008 public hearing before the Portland Planning Commission regarding the evaluation of the Comprehensive Plan and was published 30 days in advance of the public hearing and a preliminary evaluation was made available 21 days in advance of the public hearing; and

WHEREAS, on April 22, 2008 the Planning Commission opened its record of hearing and began receiving testimony regarding the preliminary evaluation of the Comprehensive Plan; and

WHEREAS, notice of a June 24, 2008 public hearing before the Planning Commission regarding the Comprehensive Plan evaluation and work program was published 30 days in advance of the public hearing and a draft work program, including a draft public engagement program, was made available 21 days in advance of the public hearing; and

WHEREAS, on June 24 the Planning Commission received further testimony on a preliminary evaluation of the Comprehensive Plan, on a draft work program for updating the Comprehensive Plan, land use regulations and other and plan implementing measures, and on a program for public engagement; and closed its public hearing record at the conclusion of testimony; and

WHEREAS, the Planning Commission considered and responded to comments and testimony provided by interested individuals and agencies, and on July 8, 2008 recommended that the Portland City Council approve a work program updating the economic development, housing, transportation, public facilities, and urbanization elements of the comprehensive plan; and

WHEREAS, The Portland Planning Commission recognized that Comprehensive Plan updates warrant an enhanced level of public engagement, and recommended that the City Council establish a public engagement committee and program for these updates; and

WHEREAS, notice of an August 6, 2008 public hearing before the Portland City Council regarding the Planning Commission's recommended evaluation and work program was published 30 days in advance of the hearing, and copies of the Planning Commission's recommended assessment and work program were provided to the Periodic Review Assistance Team, and persons requesting such copies, 21 days in advance of the hearing; and

WHEREAS, the city is also considering updates to the Central City Plan and other parts of the Comprehensive Plan that are not mandated by periodic review, which will be coordinated through the work program for the Portland Plan; and

WHEREAS on August 6, 2008, the City Council opened its record of hearing and received testimony regarding the comprehensive plan evaluation, work program, and public engagement program recommended by the Portland Planning Commission; and

WHEREAS the Portland City Council considered and responded to public testimony.


NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the evaluation and periodic review work program, attached as Exhibit A and made a part of this resolution, and the public engagement work program, attached as Exhibit B and made a part of this resolution, are hereby approved by the Portland City Council; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Bureau of Planning is directed to submit an evaluation and periodic review work program in substantial conformance to Exhibit A, to the Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development for state approval; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Bureau of Planning is directed to submit a public engagement work program in substantial conformance to Exhibit B, to the state Citizen Involvement Advisory Committee for its recommendation and to the Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development as a discrete task within the periodic review work program; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that there is established a public engagement committee to consist of no more than three members of the Portland City Planning Commission and no fewer than nine other members nominated by the Mayor and confirmed by the City Council; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the public engagement committee is charged with oversight of the proper implementation of the public engagement work program and authorized to recommended improvements and additions to the public engagement standards and practices described with this work program; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council gratefully acknowledges the excellent work of the City Planning Commission and of the many community members whose generous contributions of time and talent will greatly benefit the City of Portland; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, this resolution is binding City policy.


Resolution No. 36626, adopted by City Council August 6, 2008.

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