ENB-10.02 - Scenic Views From West Bank of Willamette River

Non-Binding City Policies (NCP)
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Non-Binding City Policy

WHEREAS, the Scenic Resources Protection Plan was adopted by City Council on March 13, 1991;  and
WHEREAS, the adopted regulations did not consider protection of three views from the west bank of the Willamette River and the Springwater Line;  and
WHEREAS, public testimony supported protection of these scenic resources because of their importance to the aesthetic environment of Portland;  and
WHEREAS, City Council adopted a motion during the public hearing on the Scenic Resources Project on October 18, 1990 to include these resources for consideration of protection measures;  and
WHEREAS, the process to evaluate these resources is included as an "Add Package" for FY 91-92 in the Bureau of Planning budget;  and

WHEREAS, the process to evaluate these resources will take approximately three to four months to complete;  and
WHEREAS, in the interim no measures are in place to protect these resources;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Council directs the Bureau of Planning to evaluate three views from the west bank of the Willamette River, generally in the location of Salmon Springs, the south end of RiverPlace, and between Marquam and Ross Island Bridges; and additionally consider the Springwater Line (Belrose Line) as a scenic corridor, commencing June 30, 1991 and to be completed as soon as practicable.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Council directs the Design Commission to consider protection of these resources in evaluating design review proposals submitted after adoption of this resolution.

Resolution No. 34828, adopted by Council March 20, 1991.
Filed for inclusion in PPD September 15, 2004.

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