Binding City Policies (BCP)
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Binding City Policy
WHEREAS, long range planning is a high priority for the City Council as we work to meet the City’s housing and employment goals; maintain and improve neighborhood livability; ensure Central City vitality; work in partnership with Metro and the region to meet 2040 goals and state land use requirements; respond to the challenges of the Endangered Species Act; maintain a healthy environment; meet growing transportation demands; and respond to growth pressures and citizen concerns about growth and to increased demand for city services and facilities; and
WHEREAS, the creation of the Office of Planning and Development Review (OPDR) and transfer of the Bureau of Planning’s Development Review section to OPDR have taken place; and
WHEREAS, the Council directed the Mayor to return to the Council by May 12 with recommendations for the placement and organization of long range planning functions of the City of Portland and its bureaus; and
WHEREAS, the Mayor set up an Advisory Team to assist her in developing recommendations for the Council; and
WHEREAS, interviews were conducted with bureau managers and City Council members and ten focus groups were conducted with community and city stakeholders to solicit input to use as the basis for the Advisory Team’s Report to the Mayor; and
WHEREAS, the Report to the Mayor from the Advisory Team (Exhibit A) and the Long Range/Strategic Planning Focus Groups Analysis and Report (Exhibit B) were widely circulated for public comment; and
WHEREAS, the Mayor received comments and feedback to the report from over 50 individuals and groups, who agreed with all or most of the recommendations; and
WHEREAS, the Council supports the establishment of a Planning Coordination Team to convene on a regular basis for the purpose of coordinating and integrating policy development and implementation, with this team to be chaired by the Planning Director and to include the bureau managers of the following agencies: Portland Development Commission, Office of Transportation, Office of Finance and Administration, the Bureau of Housing and Community Development, the Office of Neighborhood Involvement, the Bureau of Parks and Recreation, the Bureau of Environmental Services, the Water Bureau and the Office of Planning and Development Review; and
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Council adopts Option #2 (Maintaining the Planning Bureau and Increasing the Responsibility of the Planning Director) in the Advisory Team’s Report to the Mayor (Exhibit A ) as the organizational structure of the Bureau of Planning; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the core functions of the enhanced Bureau of Planning shall include those outlined in the Advisory Team’s Report to the Mayor; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the core functions of the enhanced Bureau of Planning will also include an evaluation and monitoring function; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Planning Coordination Team to convene on a regular basis for the purpose of coordinating and integrating policy development and implementation; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Council directs the Office of Finance and Administration to work with the Bureau of Planning and Office of Planning and Development Review to finalize the transfer of personnel and settle budget issues arising from the transfer of development review staff to OPDR by July 1, 1999; to establish which functions of the Urban Services Program should be transferred to OPDR and to the Bureau of Planning; and with the Commissioner in charge to initiate a hiring process for Planning Director that will include the City Council in the selection of the new Planning Director as well as community and stakeholder input in the process; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Commissioner in charge will return to the City Council with ordinances to codify the functions and authorities of the Bureau of Planning and the Planning Director.
Resolution No. 35789, adopted by Council May 12, 1999.
Filed for inclusion in PPD September 15, 2004.
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