ENB-11.49 - Opportunity Gateway Concept Plan and Redevelopment Strategy

Non-Binding City Policies (NCP)
Policy number
Non-binding City Policy

WHEREAS, the Gateway Regional Center was identified in Metro's 2040 Growth Concept in 1996, and in 1998, City Council requested that the Portland Development Commission collaborate with the Gateway community on a redevelopment strategy that would assist the district with its planning and growth management;  and
WHEREAS, the City of Portland, through the adoption of the Gateway Plan District and Outer Southeast Community Plan, established urban development policies to improve the Gateway district through the promotion of transit-supportive and pedestrian-friendly development patterns;  and
WHEREAS, the district currently suffers from a lack of public parks and a discontinuous network of streets and sidewalks, and is currently characterized by surface parking lots, heavy through-traffic, an aging building stock, low-density strip development and underutilized property;  and
WHEREAS, the district does not adequately capitalize on the massive transportation infrastructure investments that serve it, including two freeways, light rail lines serving points west, east and north, and two light rail stations, one of which is a Transit Center;  and
WHEREAS, it is anticipated that the opening of Airport Light Rail line will create additional opportunity and challenge for enhancing the district's livability; and
WHEREAS, the Opportunity Gateway Concept Plan and Redevelopment Strategy strengthens the City's policy framework by providing a community-driven set of principles and implementation measures by which Gateway can become a Regional Center while improving the livability of those who live and work in and near it;  and
WHEREAS, the Opportunity Gateway Concept Plan and Redevelopment Strategy is the result of the participating of hundreds of citizens over a two year period;  and

WHEREAS, the Opportunity Gateway Concept Plan and Redevelopment Strategy has been endorsed by the Opportunity Gateway Program Advisory Committee, a 38-member committee appointed by Mayor Katz;  and

WHEREAS, the Program Advisory Committee presented the draft Opportunity Gateway Concept Plan and Redevelopment Strategy to the City Council in a work session on December 21, 1999; and
WHEREAS, in that work session, the City Council requested that the final plan be brought before Council for Council's formal acceptance;  and

WHEREAS, on February 17, 2000, the Portland Development Commission endorsed the Opportunity Gateway Concept Plan and Redevelopment Strategy for acceptance by the City Council;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council acknowledges and applauds the vision, concepts and implementation measures contained in the Opportunity Gateway Concept Plan and Redevelopment Strategy (PDF document, 2,104kb) and accepts the Concept Plan and Redevelopment Strategy as an appropriate vision for the redevelopment of Gateway as a Regional Center;  and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council wishes to express its gratitude to the members of the Program Advisory Committee for completing the Opportunity Gateway Concept Plan and Redevelopment Strategy in a manner that balances community and regional objectives, and for the personal commitment demonstrated by each member of the Committee to the Opportunity Gateway project;  and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Program Advisory Committee continue in its charge to provide oversight and recommendations on all activities related to the development of Gateway, and continue to serve as the voice for the vision, concepts and strategies contained in the Opportunity Gateway Concept Plan and Redevelopment Strategy.

Filed for inclusion in PPD October 27, 2003 by Portland Office of Transportation.
Resolution No. 35867 adopted by City Council February 23, 2000.
Renumbered by Auditor - originally PPD Document BCP-ENB-7.01.

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