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ENB-11.21 - Irvington Neighborhood Plan Action Charts
Non-Binding City Policies (NCP)
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Non-Binding City Policy
The complete text of the Irvington Neighborhood Plan Action Chartsare available for download as a PDF document.
WHEREAS, the Albina Community Plan Process Document was approved by the Portland City Planning Commission on January 9, 1990;
WHEREAS, the goals and objectives of the North/Northeast Task Force (now known as the North/Northeast Economic Development Alliance) Revitalization Strategy were adopted by the Portland City Planning Commission as part of the Albina Community Plan Process Document and these objectives were used as the basis for discussion with neighborhood groups, business associations and other concerned citizens in the formulation of the Albina Community Plan, 11 accompanying Neighborhood Plans, and implementing measures;
WHEREAS, the approved process document named the study area the Albina Community Plan, delineated boundaries for the study area, approved planning objectives for the process, and established the process for development of the plan and for citizen involvement in the plan's development;
WHEREAS, the Albina Community Plan is a comprehensive, realistic, and coordinated revitalization action plan covering policy areas of land use, transportation, business growth and development, jobs and employment, housing, education, public safety, family services, community image and character, and environmental values;
WHEREAS, the following 11 neighborhood associations chose to develop a neighborhood plan in conjunction with the Albina Community Plan to address neighborhood specific issues, opportunities and barriers to stability and revitalization - Arbor Lodge, Boise, Concordia, Eliot, Humboldt, Irvington, Kenton, King, Piedmont, Sabin and Woodlawn;
WHEREAS, Albina Community households, business, institutions, public and non-profit corporation service providers, and community-based organizations and associations have actively participated in the Albina Community's 4 year planning process and worked together to develop a shared vision of the Community's future, identify public and private resources for implementation of the plans' goals and objectives, and coordinate revitalization strategies among implementors to achieve the Community's envisioned future;
WHEREAS, successive drafts of the Albina Community Plan and 11 Neighborhood Plans were reviewed and evaluated over a four-year planning period by the Albina Community Plan Technical Advisory Committee (TAC), consisting of METRO, Tri-Met, Multnomah County, Housing Authority of Portland, Portland City Schools Liaison, Portland Development Commission, and Portland Bureaus of Buildings, Environmental Services, Housing and Community Development, Parks and Recreation, Planning, Police and Transportation;
WHEREAS, successive drafts of the Albina Community Plan were reviewed and evaluated over the Plan's four year formulation process by the Albina Community Plan Technical Advisory Network, consisting of State agencies such as the Oregon State Employment Division, Economic Development Department, and Transportation Department; neighborhood-based groups such as the Albina for profit corporations and non-organizations such as the Urban League of Portland, United Way, 40 Mile Loop Trust Historic Preservation League of Oregon, Interstate Firehouse Cultural Center, Portland Future focus, NE Coalition of Neighbors, Northeast Community Development Corporation, American Institute of Architects-Portland Chapter, Union Apprenticeship Programs; Albina educational and medical institutions such as Portland Community College, Portland School District #1, Concordia College, Portland State University, Emanuel Hospital and Kaiser Permanente, public utilities such as Pacific Power and Light and Portland General Electric; and community-based organizations such as the North/Northeast Economic Development Alliance and Family Services and Jobs and Employment Committees; Peninsula Children's Center, Cascade Business Center Corporation, City/County Advisory Committee of the Disabled, Portland Chamber of Commerce, Oregon Association of Minority Entrepreneurs, Northeast Workforce Center, and Portland Housing Center;
WHEREAS, the Action Charts consist of projects, programs, and regulatory actions necessary for the implementation of the policies and objectives of the Albina Community Plan and 11 Neighborhood Plans;
WHEREAS, the Action Chart implementation framework of 20 years is timed and phased to take into account the step-wise achievement of Plan policies and objectives within the resource limits available over time to identified voluntary plan implementors;
WHEREAS, the southern portion of the Eliot Neighborhood is designated as a distressed area, and an additional action item (SE7) is needed in the Eliot Neighborhood Plan Policy 11: Southern Eliot to create parallel language found in Policy 10: Northern Eliot: Action Item EN10;
WHEREAS, the vision statements, policies and objectives of the Albina Community Plan and 11 Neighborhood Plans are consistent with and incorporated into the acknowledged Portland Comprehensive Plan;
WHEREAS, the visions, policies, and objectives of the Albina Community Plan and Neighborhood Plans are dependent upon the coordination of independent actions carried out by private interests, non-profit organizations, area institutions, public service providers and community-based associations over the 20 year period of the Albina Community Plan and Neighborhood Plans;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Portland, a municipal corporation of the State of Oregon that that City Council adopts the Action Charts of the Albina Community Plan and 11 accompanying Neighborhood Plans (Arbor Lodge , Boise , Concordia, Eliot, Humboldt , Irvington , Kenton, King, Piedmont, Sabin and Woodlawn).
It is understood that the action charts which specify the projects, programs, and regulations needed to implement the Albina Community Plan and Neighborhood Plans are a starting point. Implementation leaders, through their listings in the Action Charts, demonstrate their interest and support for the Albina Community Plan and Neighborhood Plans with the understanding that future circumstances, resource capabilities, and plan performance may require further refinement, replacement, or substitution of existing Action Chart items and timelines.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Portland a municipal corporation of the State of Oregon that the City Council acknowledges its role as a coordinator and implementor of the area revitalization and neighborhood stabilization strategies of the Albina Community Plan and 11 accompanying Neighborhood Plans. The City Council, therefore, amends the Albina Community Plan Policy I Land Use Action Chart to add Action Item LU33 which reads as follows: The Portland City Council shall consider, on an annual basis, the funding of an ongoing monitoring program for the implementation of the Albina Community Plan. Neighborhood and business associations and organizations and service providers shall be involved in the monitoring process. The Portland Bureau of Planning shall be listed as the advocate for the action.
BE IT FUTHER RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Portland a municipal corporation of the State of Oregon that the City Council amends the Albina Community Plan Policy Community Image and Character Action Chart Item CI33 to read as follows: Review the supplemental compatibility standards and associated handbook over the first two years they are effective and include in this review process neighborhood and business associations and organizations, businesses, property owners and development groups. Identify and correct problems with the standards and handbook that make using either difficult or discourage their use.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Portland a municipal corporation of the State of Oregon that the City Council that the City Council amends the Albina Community Plan Policy Community Plan Policy 1 Land Use Action Chart to add Action Item LU34 which reads as follows: Review the need for the Off-site Impact Standards for industrial uses in the EX zone within the Albina Community Plan District within 5 to 8 years. The Portland Development Commission is listed as the advocate. The Portland Bureau of Planning is listed as the implementor.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Portland a municipal corporation of the State of Oregon that the City Council that the City Council amends the Albina Community Plan Policy 1 Land Use Action Chart to add Action Item LU35 which reads as follows: Create and publish a brochure which explains the Off-Site Impact Standards for industrial uses in the EX zone within the Albina Community Plan District. Portland Development Commission is listed as an advocate. The Portland Bureau of Planning is listed as the implementor.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Portland, a municipal corporation of the State of Oregon that the City Council amends the Eliot Neighborhood Plan Policy 11 Action Chart to add Action Item SE7 which reads as follows: Establish residential and mixed use portions of Southern Eliot as distressed areas making them eligible for ten-year property tax abatements for new construction and rehabilitation.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Portland, a municipal corporation of the State of Oregon that the City Council authorizes and directs the Bureau of Planning staff to make minor changes and corrections to the action charts in the Albina Community Plan and accompanying Neighborhood plans to correct typographical errors, ensure parallel construction and to reflect changes in circumstances since the original drafting of an action such as an action having been completed or the establishment of a program which accomplishes the action but in a slightly different manner than is stated in the Plans.
Resolution No. 35169 adopted by Council July 28, 1993.
Filed for inclusion in PPD September 24, 2004.
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