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ENB-11.16 - Guild's Lake Industrial Sanctuary Plan Action Charts
Non-Binding City Policies (NCP)
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Non-Binding City Policy
The complete text of the Guild's Lake Industrial Sanctuary Plan Action Charts is available for download as a PDF document.
WHEREAS, neighborhood and area plans are intended to promote patterns of land use, urban design, infrastructure facilities, and services which encourage and contribute to the economic, social, and physical health, welfare, and safety of the neighborhood and the city; and
WHEREAS, the Guild's Lake Industrial Sanctuary Plan was developed with the cooperation of City bureaus and other public agencies and with the participation of neighborhood organizations, property owners, business persons, area residents, and other interested persons; and
WHEREAS, the attainment of the vision, policies, and objectives of the Guild's Lake Industrial Sanctuary Plan is dependent upon the coordination of independent actions carried out by private interests, public service providers, and community-based associations; and
WHEREAS, action charts describe the proposed implementation projects, programs and regulations of the Guild's Lake Industrial Sanctuary Plan, identify appropriate timeframes for their implementation, and identify agents to oversee or participate in the implementation of an action; and
WHEREAS, the Guild's Lake Industrial Sanctuary Plan vision, policies and objectives are adopted as part of the Comprehensive Plan, and actions taken to implement the Guild's Lake Industrial Sanctuary Plan also uphold the Comprehensive Plan; and
WHEREAS, public notice was mailed on August 30, 2001 to interested persons and all property owners within the study area regarding the Portland Planning Commission public hearing held on September 25, 2001; and
WHEREAS, the Portland Planning Commission held a public hearing and accepted public testimony on September 25, 2001 and unanimously voted to recommend that the City Council adopt the action charts of the Guild's Lake Industrial Sanctuary Plan; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission's recommendations on the Guild's Lake Industrial Sanctuary Plan are contained in Exhibit A; and
WHEREAS, it is in the public interest that the recommendations contained in the Guild's Lake Industrial Sanctuary Plan be adopted to preserve, protect and enhance the Guild's Lake Industrial Sanctuary primarily for industrial activity.
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Portland, a municipal corporation of the State of Oregon that the City council adopt the action charts of the Guild's Lake Industrial Sanctuary Plan as shown in Exhibit A, and that:
1. The implementation actions associated with the action charts of the Guild's Lake Industrial Sanctuary Plan are approved by City Council as a starting place for projects, programs and regulations that will help implement the policies of the plan; and
2. All actions are adopted with the understanding that they may need to be adjusted or replaced with more feasible alternatives. Identification of an implementor for an action is an expression of interest and support with the understanding that circumstances will affect the implementor's ability to take action; and
3. The City Council authorizes the City agencies identified on the action charts as implementors to engage in activities aimed at implementing the projects, programs and regulations called for in the action charts of the Guild's Lake Industrial Sanctuary Plan.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Portland, a municipal corporation of the State of Oregon that the City Council authorizes and directs the Bureau of Planning staff to make minor changes to the action charts of the Guild's Lake Industrial Sanctuary Plan that correct typographical errors and to ensure parallel construction.
Resolution No. 36041 adopted by Council November 21, 2001.
Filed for inclusion in PPD September 24, 2004.
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