ENB-11.11 - Cully/Parkrose Community Design Guidelines

Non-Binding City Policies (NCP)
Policy number
Non-Binding City Policy

The complete text of the Cully/Parkrose Community Design Guidelines is available for download as a PDF document.

The Council finds:
1. The Multnomah County Comprehensive Framework Plan was adopted as amended on July 15,1980 and updated in 1983. This plan sets the framework for inter-relating all of the Statewide goals into a broad statement of public policy.
2. The Cully/Parkrose Community Plan was adopted as integral component of the Multnomah County Comprehensive Framework Plan in April, 1979. The community plan addresses local issues and needs within the broad policy parameters of the Framework Plan and is a detailed amplification of that plan. Where conflicts arise between the local and area-wide plans, the provisions of the community plan take precedence (Comprehensive Framework Plan Policy 1-Plan Relationships.) The extensive findings of the County community plan support the adoption of the reformatted Cully/Parkrose Community Plan for application to properties which have received Portland Plan Map designations and zoning.
3. The Portland Comprehensive Plan and its implementing Ordinances were acknowledged by the Land Conservation and Development Commission in May 1981. Comprehensive Plan Policy 3.6 (Neighborhood Plan) allows for the adoption and incorporation of a local plan into the Citywide Comprehensive Plan. Community/neighborhood plan provisions must be consistent with the Portland Comprehensive Plan and its implementing Ordinances.
4. Substantial portions of the Cully/Parkrose community were annexed to the City by 1985. Consequently responsibility for ongoing planning efforts for large portions of the community were transferred to the City. Parkrose I Study Area properties, 717.5 acres, were annexed to Portland in 1983-1985.
5. The 1979 Portland/Multnomah County Urban Area Planning Agreement establishes guidelines for the replacement of County Plan Map designations and zoning with Portland classifications on annexed properties. This agreement gives the City the option to impose the closest equivalent City designations and zones to existing County zones or to impose different zoning where no comparable City/County classifications exist. Under the latter circumstances, conversion to noncomparable Portland designations and zones must be supported by findings. The Portland Zoning Code has no procedures or criteria for the placement of conditions on legislatively approved Comprehensive Plan Map designation and zone changes.
6. Urban Area Planning Agreement provisions are designed to ensure the orderly transition of planning functions between the two jurisdictions and integration of annexed areas into the City. Adoption of reformatted County community plans as Portland community/neighborhood plans facilitates agreement objectives.
7. Ten policies in the original Cully/Parkrose Community Plan addressed local circumstances, issues, and concerns were considered for inclusion in the reformatted neighborhood plan. The Mobile Home Policy No. 25 was deleted because of its inconsistency with Portland Comprehensive Plan policies. In the County manufactured housing is allowed on properties zoned for multifamily use. Portland Plan provisions allow this housing type in specified single-family or commercial zones. The minimum site size for mobile home parks in the City is four acres. The remaining nine recommended policies have been reformatted for consistency with the Portland Comprehensive Plan and its implementing Ordinances.
8. The recommended general, community and site design guidelines serve as community recommendations which the City would consider in making future land use decisions and assessing local needs. The Community and site guidelines are also used in land use and site reviews to promote functional, safe and attractive developments which are compatible with the surrounding area. The nine geographically specific design areas exhibit redevelopment potential or present opportunities for urbanization.
9. Criteria used to compare Portland and Multnomah County Comprehensive Plan Map designations and base zones for use in the Parkrose I study Area were: purpose, uses, dimensional requirements, and development limitations.
a. The Portland Single-family (R5 and R7) Map designations and zones meet the intent and are consistent with the County Urban Low Density Residential (LR-5 and LR-7) zones for developed neighborhoods.
b. The Portland Townhouse (R3) and Multifamily (R2) Map designations and zones meet the intent and are consistent with the County Urban Medium Density (MR-3 and MR-4) and Urban High Density Residential Map designations and zones for residential uses. Offices, motels, and hotels are among the uses allowed as conditional uses in the County multifamily zones. These uses are not permitted in Portland residential zones. The closest equivalent City Map designations and zones, given the scale of development in Parkrose I, for developed offices, motels and hotels are Limited Commercial (C5) and General Commercial (C2) respectively.
c. Portland Limited Commercial (C5) Map designation and zone is consistent with the intent of the County's Urban Business and Professional Office classifications for office uses. Differences exist because of the County's allowance of up to 20 percent of the gross floor area in an office building to be devoted to retail activities and the City's scale oriented development regulations.
d. The Portland Neighborhood Commercial (C4) Map designation and zone is comparable in intent and consistent with the County Local Commercial (LC) Map designations and zones for sites which can support a maximum of 7,000 square feet of improvements for a primary use. A commercial activity in the County LC zone may occupy up to 10,000 square feet of gross floor area. The closest equivalent for larger uses in Portland is the General Commercial (C2) zone. A wider range of commercial uses are allowed in the Portland C2 zone than either the City C4 or County LC zones.
e. The Portland General Commercial (C2) Map designation and zone is the closest equivalent to the County Urban Neighborhood (NC) and General Commercial (CG) classifications. No limitations on scale of development are present in the City C2 zone.
f. To facilitate traffic flows on high volume arterials with limited capacities, Multnomah County developed the Strip Conversion (SC) Commercial Map designation and zone. Sit improvement standards in this zone place limits on the frequency of vehicular turning movements to/from sites. Portland has no comparable classification but regulates traffic impacts of development through Arterial Streets Classification Policy (ASCP). The closest equivalent zone, based on uses allowed and other development regulations, is the Portland General Commercial (C2) Map designation and zone.
g. Urban Future (UF) Map designations and zones were used by Multnomah County to implement the Comprehensive Framework Plan's growth management strategies. Until levels of public services could support urban patterns of development, interim land uses such as agriculture were encouraged. By limiting subdivision of property in UF zones below state minimums such as 10, 20 or 40 acres, large sites could be preserved for future urban development. The closest City equivalent is Farm and Forest (FF) which has a 2 acre minimum lot size. The selling of farm produce on-site is not allowed in the FF zone.
g. The Aircraft Landing Map designations and zones for the City (L) and County (LF) are comparable in intent and regulations.
i. The Portland Site Review (SR) Overlay zone encompass the intent and criteria used by the County in the design review process.
j. The Portland Buffer (B) Overlay zone can be used to mitigate the potential off-site adverse impacts of development on abutting properties and the surrounding area.
10. Parkrose I water, sanitary sewer, and stormwater facilities are operated by Portland. Existing public infrastructure or planned improvements are adequate to support urban development allowed under recommended Portland Comprehensive Plan Map designations and zoning. Intensification of existing land use patterns will support the efficient operation and delivery of public services.
11. The recommended Portland Comprehensive Plan Map designations and zoning are consistent with the goals, policies, and design guidelines of the reformatted Cully/Parkrose Community Plan and Sandy Boulevard redevelopment plans. These plans encourage the siting and expansion of firms providing a wide range of consumer goods and services in the Parkrose business district and NE 122nd Avenue commercial node.
12. Application of the Portland Townhouse Comprehensive Plan Map designation and R3 zoning on Urban Future areas at NE 122nd and NE Shaver is consistent with Cully/Parkrose Community Plan strategies or urbanization of the area.
13. The term "Neighborhood" is not reflective of the size, scale, or diversity of the Cully/Parkrose Community area. The term "Community" rather than Neighborhood will be used in the title and text of the neighborhood plan for this community.
14. Based on the long-standing issues associated with the zoning and use of properties on the southeast corner of NE Prescott and NE 112th, the City Council directed further study and consideration of the area and referred the issue to mediation. These properties will retain County Map designations and zoning pending the results of mediation and further action by the City Council.
15. The Cully/Parkrose Community Group, Argay and Parkrose Neighborhood Associations and Riverwood Condominium Associations support the adoption of the reformatted Cully/Parkrose Neighborhood Plan and application of recommended Parkrose I Study Area Portland Comprehensive Plan designations and zoning. All public notification requirements have been met. In addition to Bureau of Planning sponsored community meetings and Planning Commission public hearings, Bureau of Planning staff attended more than 20 meetings in the community to discuss the plan reformatting and zoning conversion process.
16. On April 22 and June 10, the Planning Commission held public hearings on the Cully/Parkrose Community Plan and the application of Portland Comprehensive Plan Map designations and zoning to annexed properties in the Cully/Parkrose Study Area. On June 10, 1985 the Planning Commission recommended adoption of the Cully/Parkrose Community Plan under Portland Comprehensive Plan Policy 3.6 and application of Comprehensive Plan Map designations and zoning to annexed properties in the Parkrose I Study Area.
17. The recommendations of the Planning Commission on the Cully/Parkrose Community Plan and application of Portland Comprehensive Plan designations and zoning to annexed properties in Parkrose I Study Area are in conformance with Portland's Comprehensive Plan and with the Statewide Planing Goals. The recommended Cully/Parkrose Community Plan and the recommended Comprehensive Plan Map designations and zoning were submitted to the Department of Land Conservation and Development for review as required by OAR 660, Division 18, Post-acknowledgement Procedures. No objection was received from the Department of Land Conservation and Development.
18. It is in the public interest that the recommendations on the Cully/Parkrose Community Plan and Comprehensive Plan Map designations and zoning for the Parkrose I Study Area be adopted to promote the orderly integration of annexed areas into the City.
NOW, THEREFORE, the Council directs:
a. That the Cully/Parkrose Community Plan, attached as Exhibit A and incorporated herein by this reference, is thereby adopted as a Portland Neighborhood Plan under Policy 3.6 (Neighborhood Plan) of the Portland Comprehensive Plan.
b. That the Portland Comprehensive Plan Map designations and zoning are hereby applied to the Parkrose I Study Area, as shown on the attached Exhibit B, and incorporated herein by this reference.
c. That the facts, findings, conclusions, and recommendations in the Report of the Planning Commission on the Cully/Parkrose Community Plan and Parkrose I Study Area Portland Comprehensive Plan Map Designations and Zoning for the Parkrose I area attached as Exhibit C and incorporated herein by this reference, are thereby adopted by the Council.

Ordinance No. 158942 passed by Council August 27, 1986.
Filed for inclusion in PPD September 29, 2004.

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