Non-Binding City Policies (NCP)
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Non-Binding City Policy
The complete text of the Central City Plan Action Charts is available for download as a PDF document.
WHEREAS, as stated in Resolution 33717, July 25, 1984, a purpose of the Central City Plan is to identify feasible public actions to assist and attract private investment in the Central City.
WHEREAS, in Resolution 33717, July 25, 1984, the community's purpose and objectives in preparing the Central City Plan are to list public programs and public projects for the future and the priority and timing of these.
WHEREAS, in Resolution 33717, July 25, 1984, an objective of the Central City Plan is to produce a plan that is clear and understandable to the general public, to decision-makers and to private investors.
WHEREAS, in May 1987, the Bureau of Planning was given the task of forging a formal plan, with specific proposals for implementation, which follows the direction of the Citizens Steering Committee and its Functional Advisory Committees.
WHEREAS, the 13 functional policies and eight district policies have action charts which state the proposed projects, programs and regulatory actions, identify an appropriate time-frame for implementation and dentify a possible agency or agencies to lead or oversee the implementation effort.
WHEREAS, 12 functional action charts and eight district action charts have accompanying maps which illustrate further the proposals listed on the Action Charts and provide a geographic context for actions that are site specific.
WHEREAS, the implementation actions are proposed to improve the economic strength and livability of the City of Portland by improving tourism, further developing public attractions and activities, encouraging expansion of business and industry, expanding housing opportunities, improving educational and cultural facilitates and programs, providing necessary services for special needs populations, protecting Portland's citizens and visitors and enforcing the unique character and role of each Central City district.
WHEREAS, the City Council has adopted the Central City Plan as part of the City's Comprehensive Plan through adoption of Ordinance No. 160606 (Adopted March 24, 1988).
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORTLAND, a municipal corporation of the State of Oregon, that:
a. The implementation actions associated with the Central City Plan, as shown on the Action Charts contained in the Central City Plan, are approved by the Council as a starting point from which to build specific proposals.
b. The various City agencies identified on the Action Charts as possible implementing agencies are authorized to engage in activities aimed at implementation projects and programs called for on the Action Charts.
c. Proposals for projects and programs approved by this Resolution are understood to be a starting place. As studies are undertaken, projects and programs may been to be refined or replaced by alternative actions found to be better able to implement the Vision of the Central City Plan.
WHEREAS, the policy elements of the University District and River District Plans are a part of the Comprehensive Plan, the Action Charts are not part of the Comprehensive Plan; and
WHEREAS, the River District Plan and the University District Plan are refinements of past planning for two vital areas of Portland's Central City; and
WHEREAS, in the spring of 1988 the City Council adopted the Central City Plan as the guiding plan for the growth and enhancement of Portland's Central City (Ordinance No. 160606 and Resolution No. 34417); and
WHEREAS, both the University District and River District Plans are citizen generated planning efforts representing the aspirations and vision of the community for these two vital Central City areas; and
WHEREAS, the Action Charts consist of lists of ideas for capital projects and ongoing programs submitted to Council for adoption. Because accomplishment of these provisions is dependent on leaders in the community, these are referred to as leadership items; and
WHEREAS the Action Charts describe the proposed projects, programs and regulatory actions. They identify an appropriate time frame for implementation and identify agencies to lead or oversee the implementation of the item; and
WHEREAS, the Action Charts have accompanying Urban Design Plans that illustrate the proposals listed in the Action Charts and provide a geographic illustration for site specific Action Chart items; and
WHEREAS, the Action Charts also suggest changes in the City's land use regulations and zoning map. Adopted by ordinance, these changes become effective at time that the policy provisions of the plans take effect; and
WHEREAS, the Action Charts also suggest changes in the City's land use regulations and zoning map. Adopted by ordinance, these changes become effective at time that the policy provisions of the plans take effect; and
WHEREAS, the City Council has adopted the Recommended University District and River District Plans as part of the Central City Plan and City of Portland Comprehensive Plan.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Portland, a municipal corporation of the State of Oregon, that the City Council of the City of Portland adopt the Recommended University District and River District Urban Design Plans, Action Charts, and make other adjustments and changes to Central City Plan Action Charts adopted by Resolution No. 34417, (these additions and changes are shown in Exhibit A), and that:
a. The implementation actions associated with the Recommended University District and River District Action Charts are approved by Council as a starting place. Other changes and deletions to central City Plan action Charts are made reflecting the adoption of the River District and University District Plans. New Action Charts adopted, and amendments to the adopted Central City Plan's already adopted Action Charts, are presented in Exhibit A.
b. Proposals for projects and programs approved by this resolution are understood to be a starting place. Actions with identified implementing agencies are adopted recognizing that some will need to be adjusted and others replaced with proposals later found to be more feasible.
c. Identification of an implementing agency for an action is an expression of interest and support with the understanding that circumstances will affect the implementation agency's ability to take action.
d. The City Council authorizes the City agencies identified on the Action Charts as implementors, to engage in activities aimed at implementing the projects and programs called for on the River District, University District Action Charts.
e. The City Council authorizes the City agencies identified on all the Action Charts included in the Central City Plan, as amended by this Resolution, to engage in activities aimed at implementing the projects and programs called for.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Portland, a municipal corporation of the State of Oregon that the City Council authorizes and directs the Bureau of Planning to make minor changes and corrections to the Action Charts of the Central City Plan to correct typographical errors and to ensure parallel structure.
Resolution No. 34417 adopted by City Council February 8, 1988.
Resolution No. 35384 adopted by City Council April 12, 1995.
Filed for inclusion in PPD September 30, 2004.