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ENB-11.04 - Brentwood-Darlington Neighborhood Site Review Criteria

Non-Binding City Policies (NCP)
Policy number
Non-Binding City Policy

The complete text of the Brentwood-Darlington Neighborhood Site Review Criteria is available for download as a PDF document.
The Council finds:
1. The Portland Comprehensive Plan and its implementing Ordinances were acknowledged by the Oregon Land Conservation and Development Commission in May 1981. Comprehensive Plan Policy 3.6 (Neighborhood Plan) allows for the adoption and incorporation of a local plan into the citywide Comprehensive Plan. Neighborhood plan provisions must be consistent with the Portland Comprehensive Plan and its implementing Ordinance.
2. The Portland Comprehensive Plan Policy 3.6 (Neighborhood Plan) encourages the creation of neighborhood plans in order to address issues and opportunities at a scale which is more refined and more responsive to neighborhood needs than can be attained under the broad outlines of the City's Comprehensive Plan. The neighborhood plan serves as a component of that document.
3. Adoption of the Policies and Objectives of the Brentwood-Darlington Neighborhood Plan is consistent with the intent, purposes, provisions and map designations of the Portland Comprehensive Plan as more fully set forth in the Report of Planning Commission on the Brentwood-Darlington Neighborhood Plan.
4. There are no Statewide goals, procedures, or timelines to guide the adoption of neighborhood plans other than those addressing citizens involvement (Oregon Statewide Planning Goal 1: Citizen Involvement). Portland's notification procedures, a survey delivered to all residential occupants, attendance at and co-sponsorship of neighborhood meetings and workshops, and public hearings provided opportunities for citizen involvement throughout the plan, development process in compliance with Goal 1.
5. The Brentwood-Darlington Neighborhood Plan was developed by the Brentwood-Darlington Planning Committee and subcommittees, in cooperation with the Bureau of Planning. The Brentwood-Darlington Neighborhood Association initiated a citizen-based effort which culminated in the development of the Brentwood-Darlington Neighborhood Plan amd was adopted by the Brentwood-Darlington Neighborhood Association membership on October 9, 1991.
6. The data base used for formulation of the goal, policies and objectives of the Brentwood-Darlington Neighborhood Plan was provided through an inventory compiled by members of the Brentwood-Darlington Planning Committee and Bureau of Planning staff. A questionnaire was mailed to all residents and property owners. Approximately 400 questionnaires were returned. Responses to the questionnaire provided information on neighborhood attitudes, issues and expectations.
7. Neighborhood plans are intended to promote patterns of land use, urban design, circulation and services which encourage and contribute to the economic, social and physical health, safety and welfare of both the neighborhood and the City.
8. The neighborhood plan is an advisory document for directing and managing change. The adopted Policies and Objectives of the Brentwood-Darlington Neighborhood Plan will serve as an official guide for decision-makers, particularly in land use reviews, and will also guide public deliberations and investments.
9. The Brentwood-Darlington Neighborhood Plan includes strategies which are not being adopted by the City Council as part of the Council's adoption of this plan. They are proposed by the neighborhood as a plan for neighborhood-initiated programs and provide a guide for self-help, private, or city-assisted projects. With the adoption of the Policies and Objectives of this plan, the City is not committing to the implementation of the strategies or to funding projects, although the policies and objectives include projects which could be pursued and funded in the future.
10. The Brentwood-Darlington Neighborhood Plan provides an opportunity for the City and the neighborhood citizenry to address the future of the neighborhood. The plan encourages new investment and development while acknowledging that Brentwood-Darlington is hampered by a lack of public services that need to be provided in order for the neighborhood to grow and prosper.
11. All public notification requirements have been met. In addition to three community workshops and a Planning Commission public hearings, the Brentwood-Darlington Planning Committee worked with the Bureau of Planning staff to develop the plan which has been presented to the City Council.
12. All property owners within the Brentwood-Darlington Neighborhood Association boundaries received notification of the November 26, 1991, Portland Planning Commission public hearing which reviewed the plan.
13. On November 26, 1991, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on the Brentwood-Darlington Neighborhood Plan. The Planning Commission delayed voting on the plan at that hearing in order to receive additional information from staff regarding rezoning proposals. The Planning Commission adopted the Plan, Policies and Objectives at a subsequent meeting on December 10, 1991.
14. The recommendation of the Planning Commission on the Brentwood-Darlington Neighborhood Plan is in conformance with Portland's Comprehensive Plan and with the Statewide Planning Goals as more fully set forth in the Report of the Planning Commission. The recommended Brentwood-Darlington Neighborhood Plan was submitted to the Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development for review as required by ORS 197.610. No objections were received from the Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development.
15. It is in the public interest that the recommendations on the Brentwood-Darlington Neighborhood Plan be adopted to direct and manage change in the Brentwood-Darlington Neighborhood.
16. On January 22, 1992, the City Council held a public hearing and approved the Brentwood-Darlington plan and directed that this ordinance be submitted for City Council adoption.
NOW THEREFORE, The Council directs:
a. The Report and Recommendations of the Planning Commission on the Brentwood-Darlington Neighborhood Plan is adopted and incorporated by reference.
b. Based on the Report and Recommendations of the Planning Commission and the findings of this ordinance, Policy 3.6 (Neighborhood Plan) of the Portland Comprehensive Plan is amended by adding the Brentwood-Darlington Neighborhood Plan to the list of neighborhood plans adopted by City Council.


Ordinance No. 165071 passed by City Council February 12, 1992.
Filed for inclusion in PPD September 28, 2004.

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