Non-Binding City Policy
WHEREAS, The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) defines a terrorist incident as the unlawful use of force by individuals or groups against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political and social objectives; and
WHEREAS, the City of Portland, as a major population center and a west coast transportation hub for river, rail and road commerce, is vulnerable to terrorist incidents; and
WHEREAS, the purpose of the 2011 Terrorism Appendix is to establish a planning and response framework to a terrorist threat or incident occurring within the City of Portland; and
WHEREAS, the 2011 Terrorism Appendix recognizes the Portland Police Bureau as the lead response bureau and applies to all City bureaus that may be requested to provide assistance or conduct operations in the aftermath of a terrorist event; and
WHEREAS, the 2011 Terrorism Appendix clarifies the roles and relationships of city, county, state and federal agencies regarding the threat or actual occurrence of terrorist events; and
WHEREAS, the 2011 Terrorism Appendix augments the Basic Emergency Operations Plan and the authorities outlined in City Code 15 and Chapter 3.125.020 and address terrorism incidents specifically; and
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the 2011 Terrorism Appendix to the Basic Emergency Operations Plan is hereby adopted as a non-binding policy, substantially as set forth in Exhibit A, attached to this resolution; and
Link to Exhibit A - Terrorism Appendix (PDF Document, 9 MB)
Resolution No. 36872, adopted by City Council July 13, 2011.