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ECN-1.01 - Small Business Advisory Council

Binding City Policies (BCP)
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Binding City Policy

  1. There are nearly 43,000 small businesses or firms with less than 50 employees, in the Portland Metro area1. These same firms employ 255,294 people with a payroll of approximately $2.1 billion.
  2. Small businesses are the backbone of job creation. 95% of all firms in the Portland metro area are small businesses that contribute to wealth creation and the economic vitality of our region.
  3. The Portland City Council is committed to open and accountable city government and believes that bureaus should understand concerns and impacts on small businesses as new regulations and policy modifications are being considered. The Council believes small businesses benefit from a better understanding of the issues, concerns and requirements related to city bureau responsibilities and understands their actions are a factor in the economic health and vitality of city's small businesses.
  4. Local tax and regulatory policies can have a disproportionate effect on small businesses. Sharing proposed policies, regulations, actions with affected stakeholders can be valuable in making informed policy decision.
  5. Oregon has become more diverse. Its minority population has doubled since the 1990 Census, climbing from 9 to 15 percent of the resident population. The City recognizes this change and that many minority firms are struggling to access city services and maintain viable business operations.
  6. In the recent Economic Development Strategy conducted by the Portland Development Commission, the Mayor-appointed Blue Ribbon Committee identified a number of strategies to benefit all sizes of business, two of which are of particular interest to small businesses.
    1. Strategy Number 1 prioritizes Business Climate to “create and maintain a business climate that is understandable, predictable, stable, timely and customer driven.”
    2. Strategy Number 6 prioritizes Business Formation stating “the City should develop services and systems to support an entrepreneurial environment”.
  1. The Portland City Council recognizes that many small businesses are not aware of policies, programs and resources that can help them succeed and profit. Providing a mechanism to help disseminate information about issues, programs and resources is important to the health and vitality of Portland’s small business community.
1 Oregon Employment 2001 Data for the five county area


NOW, THEREFORE, the Council directs:
a. The City of Portland Small Business Advisory Council, is hereby adopted and made part of the Portland Policy Documents.
b. The Small Business Advisory Council Guiding Principles (Portland Policy Document BCP-ECN-1.02) are binding City policy.
c. The Small Business Advisory Council is to be staffed by the Small Business Advocate with regular reports to the entire Council.

Ordinance No. 177336
Passed by the Council March 19, 2003.

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