A. Purpose
This rule outlines procedures to schedule a public communication, provide public testimony, and submit written testimony for agenda items.
B. Public Communications
- Public communications provide an opportunity for individuals to address Council on a subject of the requester’s choosing for three minutes.
- Public communications are not question and answer periods or time for conversations between the public and Council or staff.
- Community members are encouraged to resolve issues directly by contacting the appropriate City department or Councilor for assistance before requesting a public communication.
- Individuals must request their own communication, as follows:
- The deadline for scheduling a communication is noon on Tuesday for an available spot at the following week’s meeting.
- Requests must be submitted through the Council Meeting Communication Request Form to provide information required by Code Section 3.02.020.
- An email address is required and may be used to provide a requestor with notice of a meeting cancellation and/or to enable the City to follow up with a requestor regarding the concerns raised in their public communication. A phone number is not required.
- The Council Clerk will publish the requestor’s name and the general subject of the communication on the Council agenda. Third-party names will not be published.
- The requester will have three minutes to speak and may also submit written comments to the Council Clerk at the Council meeting.
- Up to five communications are scheduled per regular, non-recessed Council meeting.
- Requesters are limited to one scheduled communication per calendar month.
- Communications may be scheduled no more than two calendar months in advance.
- If a Council meeting is cancelled, individuals with scheduled communications will be notified of the next available date.
C. Verbal Public Testimony on Agenda Items
- Testimony may be taken on the first reading of ordinances and resolutions. At the Presiding Officer’s discretion, testimony may be taken on reports per Code Section 3.02.030.
- The consent agenda is approved by a single unanimous vote without Council discussion. To pull an item from the consent agenda for discussion, email your name and the agenda item number to councilclerk@portlandoregon.gov before the start of the meeting.
- Individuals wishing to provide public testimony on an agenda item must sign up in advance.
- The Council Clerk provides a process for the public to sign-up for testimony prior to the meeting. Agenda items are available to register for public testimony on the published agenda.
- Individuals are typically called to testify in order of registration. The Council Clerk may adjust the testimony order on a case-by-case basis (for example, in response to an accommodation or schedule-related request, or other reason the Council Clerk deems appropriate).
D. Written Testimony on Agenda Items
- Written testimony is accepted on ordinances, resolutions, and reports.
- Written testimony must be submitted electronically on the Council agenda or by mail to the Council Clerk. Written testimony is not accepted by email.
- Unless otherwise stated during the meeting or on the agenda, written testimony will be added to the permanent record if received before Council votes on the agenda item.
- The Council Clerk may remove written testimony from its website and the public record before the record closes if the submission is unrelated to the agenda item. Written testimony is considered unrelated to an item if it does not reference the subject.
E. Declaration Required by Lobbyists and Rules of Conduct at City Council Meetings
- Pursuant to Code Section 2.12.060, a lobbyist must declare, at the beginning of their testimony, which entity the lobbyist is authorized to represent. That disclosure is also required in any correspondence with City officials, including in written testimony.
- Individuals providing a public communication or testimony must adhere to the Rules of Conduct at City Council meetings, Ejection and Exclusion in Code Section 3.02.060.
F. Accessibility
The City of Portland ensures meaningful access to Council meetings:
- The Council Chambers are equipped with assisted listening devices.
- Translation, interpretation, modifications, accommodations, alternative formats, auxiliary aids, or other services may be requested online or by phone at 503-823-4000, Relay Service: 711.
Filed for inclusion in PPD September 30, 2004.
Amended rule adopted by City Auditor and filed in PPD September 12, 2006.
Amended rule adopted by Chief Deputy Auditor and filed in PPD October 19, 2006.
Amended rule adopted by City Auditor and filed in PPD March 7, 2013.
Amended rule adopted by City Auditor and filed in PPD July 28, 2014.
Amended rule adopted by City Auditor and filed in PPD January 5, 2016.
Amended rule adopted by City Auditor and filed in PPD August 19, 2019.
Amended rule adopted by City Auditor and filed in PPD March 14, 2021.
Amended by the City Auditor November 26, 2024, after a minimum 30-day public comment period.