ADM-14.08 - Cost Sharing Methodology for Distribution Main Extensions and Fire Hydrants Installed in the Public Right of Way

Administrative Rules Adopted by Bureaus Pursuant to Rule Making Authority (ARB)
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Portland City Code 21.08.020 authorizes the Administrator of the Portland Water Bureau to adopt by rule a cost sharing methodology for mains, main extensions and fire hydrants installed by the Portland Water Bureau in the public right of way when the total cost of the project required for the applicant does not exceed $125,000. 

The criteria for developing the methodology, as described in 21.08.020 B, are:

1.  Public and private benefit derived from proposed privately financed water system improvements

2.  Rate impacts

3.  Availability of funds

The provisions of City Code 21.08.020 are applied retroactively to projects which did not include a city cost share and were accepted and paid for by the applicant after June 30, 2007.


As described in City Code 21.08.010, when there is no main or the mains are inadequate for the demands projected, an applicant may apply for the construction or improvement of mains to allow the service. The Chief Engineer prepares a cost estimate for the work to be performed. 

The cost estimate will identify the total cost of the project to construct the requested improvement. 

If the total cost of the project does not exceed $125,000 the Portland Water Bureau will share in the costs of the project proportionate with the benefit to the general public. The distribution of costs shall be as follows:

  • The applicant will be responsible for 60% of the total cost of the project.
  • The Portland Water Bureau will be responsible for 40% of the total cost of the project, not to exceed $4,000 for a fire hydrant installation.

The Administrator of the Portland Water Bureau may update the cost share apportionment at any time by Administrative Rule. In circumstances where it is in the public interest to adjust the cost distribution for an individual project, the cost distribution may be adjusted in accordance with Title 21 with the written approval of the Chief Engineer, the Administrator, and the Commissioner in Charge.


City Code 21.08.020  Distribution Main Extensions Inside City; Cost Sharing

City Code 21.24.080  Administrative Rules, Procedures and Forms


Adopted by Administrator of Portland Water Bureau and effective April 16, 2008.

Filed for inclusion in PPD April 17, 2008.

Revised interim administrative rule adopted by Administrator of Portland Water Bureau February 9, 2009 and filed for inclusion in PPD April 24, 2009.

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