This report is updated approximately 15 days after the end of the month.
To download the most recent data set powering this report, click on the gray "Download Data" tab after click on the above link and follow the instructions on the page.
Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Data Introduction
UAS data is collected using the Portland Police Bureau’s RegJIN records management system. Data is sourced from an internal data entry software application and linked to the Record Management System by Call Number. Note that as of November 11, 2024, a new internal application was launched to track drone usage, so some past figures may have changed. The newest application allows for flight entries not related to a Police call (e.g., test or training flights), so those flights are now reflected in the updated visualization.
For a detailed explanation of the UAS program and what calls are eligible for UAS deployment, please visit the Portland Police Unmanned Aerial Systems website.
Dashboard Walkthrough
1. Interactive Dashboard
The Unmanned Aerial Systems Call Activity Dashboard is an interactive data visualization of calls attended by UAS units of the Portland Police Bureau. This tool is built to provide custom analyses of UAS call data to interested members of the community.
2. Technical Specifications
The report has been customized to work on personal computers, smart phones and tablets. For the best experience, it is recommended you use a desktop or laptop computer.
No additional software is required to use this report. The report runs completely within the internet browser using JavaScript. Most modern browsers automatically activate JavaScript; however, it can be turned off based on the security settings of the computer. For more information on activating JavaScript, refer to the browser’s help section or click here for help on Windows computers and click here for help on Apple computers.
3. Visualization Walkthrough
The Unmanned Aerial Systems Call Activity Dashboard is an interactive data visualization. This interactivity allows users to filter the information based on the questions they are hoping to answer with this dataset. An overview of the pre-built filters is included below. Note that most visuals also contain additional information or explanations, available as pop-ups when hovered over.
Tab 1: UAS Calls
a. Filters
The Report Month-Year Filter is the primary selection tool for the date range. The dropdown filter defaults to all months in which data is available. To change the months in view, click the down arrow to the right of "(All)" and select the check boxes next to the corresponding months and years you would like to view and then click ‘Apply’ (or unselect the ones you wish to hide).
b. Icons and Legends
The info icons (a white “i” within a blue circle) can be hovered over to reveal a pop-up with more instructions. The ‘Call Group’ legend is color-coded by the type of call shown on the map below it (Call Group is an aggregate of call category). Clicking on the items within the legend will also highlight them on the map, but not filter any results. Click again to deselect.
c. Drones per Call
These are the average number of drones deployed per call.
d. Calls by Location
This map depicts the location of the call at the 100-block level. Hover over icons to view the report date, the 100-block address and the final call case type (a subset of the call category). You can also click the icon or click and drag to select multiple in order to filter the rest of the dashboard. Hovering over the top-left of the map will reveal several icons. Click the “+” icon to zoom in and the “-“ icon to zoom out (or use your mouse wheel to zoom in and out). Click the pushpin icon to reset the visual to its default position. Hover over the right-arrow button to reveal more selection options. Click the following icons that appear after hovering over the right-arrow: box with magnifying glass (zoom to selection), four-arrows (pan function), dotted square or circle (select by rectangle or circle) and dotted shape (free selection). Click away from any selections to de-select.
e. Flight Types
This table depicts the circumstance in which a UAS was used. As outlined here, during the pilot phase UAS may be used by Traffic (scene documentation and Major Crash Team investigations), for the execution of Search Warrants, for UAS Training, or Exigent circumstances (i.e. gathering information from a safe distance, searching immediate area for secondary explosive devices, confirming location of items, providing support to Critical Incident Commanders and immediate support during disasters such as building collapses) by the Metro Explosive Disposal Unit. Clicking the types will filter the rest of the dashboard – click again to deselect and hold ‘ctrl’ on the keyboard to make multiple selections.
f. Calls by Month
A bar chart depicting the volume of calls attended by UAS by reported month and year. Clicking the bars or headers will filter the rest of the dashboard – click again to deselect.
Tab 2: Data Download
The Portland Police Bureau is a proud member of the Police Data Initiative. Open Data provides an opportunity to improve the relationship between the community and the PPB by increasing transparency, building community trust, and strengthening accountability.
The Download Data tab of this report was custom-built to meet the Bureau’s Open Data goals. To download a copy of the data for custom analyses and presentation click on the hyperlink provided.
Location data is only provided at the block level to preserve victim anonymity. Cases deemed sensitive due to the nature of the crime, victim, victim/offender relationship, or investigation status may contain data that cannot be shared openly at this time. Case numbers and specific location information for sensitive cases are not included in the open data.
The toolbar, located at the bottom of the visualization, contains several buttons that assist in the analysis of the data.
a. Undo. This button allows the user to go back to a prior option or setting when adjusting filters. It only becomes active when the above filters are applied to the report.
b. Redo. This button allows the user to re-activate a filter or selection. It only becomes active when the "Undo" button is utilized.
c. Reset. The "Reset" button reverts all filters and selections back to their original setting when you first visited the page. This is a great way to restart the analysis after clicking several filters.
d. Share. Clicking the "Share" button launches a new window that automatically creates links to share the dashboard with others on the Web and social media.
e. Download. The "Download" button allows users to save a static version of the visualization. This option is great for printing out copies of the dashboard to share at meetings or to include in a presentation.
"Image" generates a .png file of the report with all of the selections and filters.
The "Data", "Crosstab", and "Tableau Workbook" options are unavailable for use with the dashboard.
"PDF" allows users to export the report, with all of the currently selected filters, as a PDF. The options dialogue allows custom scaling and paper size options. For best results, use the default options.
The "PowerPoint" option automatically generates and exports a .pptx file ready for use in Microsoft PowerPoint. The includes a screenshot of the dashboard that can be copied and pasted into any new or existing presentation.
Metadata for UAS Call Data
Cases deemed sensitive due to the nature of the crime, victim, victim/offender relationship, or investigation status may contain data that cannot be shared openly at this time. Specific location information for sensitive cases is not included in the open data.
Field Name | Field Description |
Open Data Call Number | An anonymized number to identify unique calls. |
Call+Drone Name | Added field so data download incorporates a new row for each drone utilized per call - note that multiple drones can be used per call and that each row in the download represents a call/drone name combination. |
Report Date Time | The date and time at which a call was originally reported. |
Drone Name | Name of the drone used on the call. Note that multiple drones may be used per call. |
Neighborhood | The neighborhood in which the call was reported. Of the neighborhood is missing, the incident occurred outside of the boundaries of the Portland neighborhoods or at a location that could not be assigned to a specific address. Note that boundaries and designations vary slightly from those found on the Office of Community and Civic Life website. |
Block Address | Address of arrest at the 100-block level (e.g., 1111 SW 2nd Ave would be listed as 1100 Block SW 2nd Ave) or the nearest intersection. To protect the identity of victims and other privacy concerns, the address and location of certain case types is not released. |
Priority | The priority level that is based on the severity of the incident and used to prioritize the police response. |
Final Call Group | The classification of the call is based on nine call groupings that broadly define the final nature of the call for service. A description of the call groupings is included in the Introduction for Calls for Service guide. |
Final Call Category | A more specific categorization of the final grouping used to define the final nature of the call for service. A description of the call categories is included in the Introduction for Calls for Service guide. |
Final Call Case Type | The call type that was either assigned by the dispatcher based on the preliminary nature of the call or updated by police if the final nature of the call for service changed based on its circumstances. |
Flight Type | The circumstance or unit in which the UAS was used. See this page for a detailed description of instances in which UAS may be deployed during the pilot. |
Open Data Latitude & Open Data Longitude | General Latitude / Longitude of the call location. For calls that occurred at a specific address the point is mapped to the block's midpoint. Calls that occurred at an intersection are mapped to the intersection centroid. To protect the identify of victims and other privacy concerns the points of certain case types are not released. |