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Police Overtime Dashboard

PPB Overtime Dashboard
The Overtime Dashboard is an interactive data visualization of Portland Police Bureau usage of overtime. This tool provides custom analysis of overtime data to interested members of the community and general public.
On this page

Data for this dashboard is refreshed on the first business day following the first of the month.

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The Overtime Dashboard is an interactive data visualization of Portland Police Bureau usage of overtime. This tool provides custom analysis of overtime data to interested members of the community and general public.

Overtime is reported using data maintained by the Portland Police Bureau's UDAR software system. The data is a record of overtime usage by Report Units (RUs) and Activity type, which will be refreshed on a monthly basis.

Technical Specifications

The dashboard has been customized to functional on personal computers, smart phones, and tablets. For the best experience with the entire range of interactivity it is recommended you use a desktop or laptop computer.

No additional software is required to use this tool. The visualization runs completely within the internet browser using JavaScript. Most modern browsers automatically activate JavaScript; however, it may be turned off based on the security settings of your computer. For more information on activating JavaScript, refer to the browser's help section or click here for help on Windows computers or click her for help on Apple computers.

Visualization Walkthrough & How-To

The dashboard is an interactive data visualization. This interactivity allows user to filter information based on questions they hope to answer with the provided dataset. An overview of the pre-built filters and an explanation of the visuals is included in the following sections.


There are three tabs on this dashboard, located at the top-left of the page. Simply click on the headers to toggle between pages.


At the top, right of each page are filters. They consist of dropdown menus that be used to narrow down the visualized data. To use, click on the down arrow within the filter box, select or deselect the check boxes, click the 'Apply' button at the bottom of the dropdown, then click the down arrow again to close the box. Multiple filters can be applied at a time.

Undo, Redo, and Rest Icons

Do not use the browser's back and forward buttons to undo filters applied or to navigate between pages. To undo a filter or selection, click the 'undo' icon located at the bottom-right of the page. To go forward or 'redo' an action, click the redo icon. To reset all data and action and restore to its default position, click the 'reset' icon.

First Tab: Overtime Work Hours per Day by Month

The first tab displays the average number of hours Bureau employees spend working overtime on a daily basis by month. For example, if the figure for May 2019 displays '559', then Bureau employees worked an average of 559 overtime hours each day for that month. To see the total volume of hours worked for that month, hover over the point and a pop-up will display the figure. The blue-dotted line represents the daily average for the entire selected time period. Hover over the line to view a pop-up of the daily average, which is also displayed at the far-left of the graph above the line.

The display will update based on the usage of the filters.

Second Tab: Overtime Work Hours Comparison

This visualization allows users to compare Reporting Units (RUs) and overtime Activity types side-by-side. Each bar represents the total amount of overtime. The blue shaded portion is the number of hours worked, and the orange the number of hours paid. The worked hours are displayed on the blue bars. To view the paid hours, hover over the bars to view a pop-up box with the figures.

RUs and Activity are displayed alphabetically by default, but to toggle the sorting and sort by volume click on the sort icon. The icon is located to the right of the "?" mark icon. Hover to the right of the "?" icon and the sort icon will appear, which can then be clicked.

The comparison selector dropdown menu allows users to toggle between comparing overtime by RU and overtime by Activity. Filters are also displayed in the top-right of the dashboard.

Download Image, PDF, or PowerPoint

To save/download the displayed visual, navigate to the toolbar at the bottom of the page. Click on the 'download' icon to display a box prompt.

For an image of the currently displayed page click 'Image' and the prompts will guide you through saving.

To download multiple pages or save as a PDF, click 'PDF' within the prompt box.

Four options will be displayed: 'Include' (allows you to choose the current view or multiple pages of the dashboard), 'Scaling' (it is recommended you choose 'Automatic' to ensure proper dimensions), 'Paper Size' (if printing or want to save in a different-sized format), and 'Orientation' (the dashboard is displayed vertically, so it is suggested you use the 'Portrait' option). To save multiple pages use the 'Include' dropdown menu and select 'specific sheets from the workbook'. You can then click on the displayed thumbnail images you wish to download, or simply choose 'Select All' to save all pages. Click 'Create PDF' when finished. Follow the prompts to complete the download

Download Data

For ease of use, the third tab has been created for downloading the raw data. Note that you cannot download using the 'download' icon used for image saving. Navigate to the third tab and simply click on the displayed icon to download the data set.


Data Field Definitions

IDA unique identifier to denote an overtime request
Request DateDate in which the overtime was worked
BackfillDenotes when a staff member is working a shift for another member who is absent
CategoryGrouping of types of overtime into broad categories
RankJob classification (for both sworn and non-sworn employees)
Work HoursHours worked on an overtime assignment
Paid HoursHours paid for an overtime assignment. Labor contractors can stipulate that members be paid a minimum amount of hours for an overtime assignment.

Reporting Unit Descriptions

Note that RU names change over time to reflect updates in duties. Additionally, personnel within RUs changes often and roles within a specified RU may shift to other RUs over time.

Reporting Unit (RU) Display NameDescription
BSDBusiness Services Division- has oversight of the bureau's budget, grant management and compliance, purchasing, ordinance preparation and filing, accounting, payroll, financial planning, alarms management, fleet management, facilities management, Quartermaster program management, and SAP change management.
CentralCentral Precinct - comprised mostly of patrol-level officers and support staff.
Chief's OfficeOffice of the Chief of Police and their support staff.
Community EngagementOffice tasked with community collaboration adn engagement efforts.
DetectiveComprised of detectives and investigative support staff.
DVDDrugs and Vice Division -  former name for NOC team (see below)
EastEast Precinct - comprised mostly of patrol-level officers and support staff.
Equity and DiversityEquity & Inclusion Office - dedicated to embedding equitable practices and inclusive behavior into the daily functioning of the Bureau.
Family ServicesWorks to reduce crime, violence and victimization in families, especially concerning domestic relationships, children and the elderly, through criminal investigations, law enforcement, victim assistance and community partnerships.
FiscalFormer name of BSG (see above)
ForensicsOrganized into three functions: sworn criminalists, non-sworn identification technicians, and non-sworn photo reproduction specialists. Responsible for fingerprints, forensic evidence collection, and the photo lab.
FSDsee Family Services above
ICP EventIncident Command events, i.e., those in which involve large-scale responses such as elections and special events.
Information TechnologyProvides technology services and support and is under the Public Safety Technology Division in the Bureau of Technology Services.
Internal AffairsConducts administrative investigations into alleged policy violations by Portland Police Bureau members.
NOCNarcotics and Organized Crime - functions as disrupter to mid-to-high-level drug trafficking operations, investigation of all cases of drug overdose death where actionable leads may result in the arrest of suspects who contributed to the death through the supply of illegal drugs, and provide support to the patrol precincts to help solve neighborhood livability issues.
NorthNorth Precinct - comprised mostly of patrol-level officers and support staff.
PersonnelHuman resource-related service to the bureau. Includes background investigations, maintaining personnel records, and implementing recruitment.
Professional Standards OfficeIncludes the Department of Justice Compliance Team (DOJ), the Force Inspector, Employee Information System (EIS), and the Policy Unit. DOJ Compliance works towards fulfilling the requirements of the DOJ Settlement Agreement. EIS compiles information to enable review of sworn members' work performance. The Force Inspector reviews all uses of force and makes recommendations regarding improvements to the systems of accountability. The Policy Unit reviews existing Bureau directives and creates new directives to ensure alignment with best practices.
Property/EvidenceMaintains the integrity of the chain of custody of all property and evidence submitted by Portland Police, Portland State University Officers, Oregon Health Sciences University Officers, and some federal agents.
RecordsProcess police records, requests and perform day-to-day operations promptly and accurately.
REGJIN SustainmentThe Regional Justice Information Network is a multi-agency shared records management system sponsored by the Portland Police Bureau. Staff oversee the system which provides a common platform for electronic police reports.
Specialized Resource DivisionInclusive of specialized units such as K9, FIT, ECST, and SERT. 
Strategic ServicesProvides research, analysis, statistics and data to internal and external stakeholders to support law enforcement functions.
TIGTechnology Integration Group - see REGJIN Sustainment above
TODTactical Operations Division - provides support to the Operations Branch (patrol) and Investigations Branch (detectives) including: air support, explosives disposal, rapid response, crisis negotiation, and gun violence reduction.
TrafficTraffic enforcement, serious injury collision investigation, fatal collision investigations, DUII enforcement, traffic complaints and major traffic crime investigations.
TrainingProvides training to members of the bureau in areas including: advanced academy, sergeant's academy and employee in-service.
Transit PoliceCoordinates inter-governmental agreements between TriMet and eleven other counties and municipalities.
Youth ServicesWorks to keep youth in school and out of the criminal justice system through both restorative justice practice and trauma-informed approaches. Includes School Resource Officers.

Category Descriptions

AdministrationIncludes staff meetings, administrative work, and report writing.
Call BacksIncludes call-outs related to special assignments.
Court CategoryIncludes criminal and traffic court.
GrantsAll grant-related overtime.
InvestigationsIncludes case follow-up surveillance, warrant service, crime scene coverage, major incident support, fatal accidents, traffic accidents, late calls, and drug overdose.
Non PPB PostingsWork charged to other bureaus.
NullActivities that have not yet coded to the category table.
Payroll DOEIncludes coaches' pay, on-call pay, and holiday pay.
Reimbursable / RevenueIncludes secondary employment, athletic events, and federal reimbursements.
Special Tracking - FundedIncludes personnel shortage, priority projects, gun violence reduction, problem-solving, walking beats, community engagement, and grants match.
Special Tracking - UnfundedIncludes demonstrations, dignitary protection, and response to emergent events and disasters.
TrainingIncludes instructors to provide training for advanced academy, in-service, and related training.
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