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Traffic Division

PPB Motorcycle
The Traffic Division is charged with the specific duties of traffic enforcement, serious injury collision investigation, fatal collision investigations, DUII enforcement, traffic complaints and major traffic crime investigations.
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The Traffic Division also provides traffic control services for numerous community events including parades, demonstrations, dignitary motorcades and sponsored runs and walks.

The Traffic Division is committed to providing enforcement and raising awareness regarding traffic safety for vehicles, bicyclists and pedestrians. Each year, traffic officers respond to preventable collisions. These collisions can deeply impact those involved, their families and loved ones.Traffic officers' number one priority is to address behaviors of all road users that might lead to a collision, including speed, impairment, distraction and disobeying signals.

If you have received a Photo Radar Citation or a Red Light Camera Citation, please take a moment to read the frequently asked questions before calling the Traffic Division.

For information about Fixed Speed camera enforcement, visit the PBOT website.

What are the reporting requirements if I've been involved in a collision?

A traffic collision will be investigated by the Portland Police Bureau if one or more of the following criteria are met:

  • all fatal or potential fatal collisions
  • serious physical injury collisions
  • collisions involving operators who are under the influence of intoxicants
  • collisions involving drivers who fail to perform the duties required of them at traffic collision scenes (Hit and Run)
  • collisions involving hazardous material spills 

Collisions where no Police Officer was at the scene of the collision to investigate it, cannot later be investigated once the scene has been cleared and the drivers have left. This does not apply to Hit and Runs.

Beyond the above investigative criteria for the Bureau, every driver involved in a collision may be required under Oregon State Statute to file a DMV Traffic Accident and Insurance Report, if any of the following criteria have been met:

  • Damage to the vehicle you were driving is over $2,500;
  • Damage to any vehicle is over $2,500 and any vehicle is towed from the scene as a result of damages from this accident;
  • Injury or death resulted from this accident; or
  • Damages to any one person's property other than a vehicle involved in this accident is over $2,500.

How do I file a State Accident report?

Oregon law requires these reports be filed within 72 hours of the accident. If you are not able to file within the 72 hours, submit it as soon as possible. If you fail to report the accident to DMV, it may result in suspension of your driving privileges. If the police department files a police report, you are still required to file your own Accident Report with DMV. If you are an out-of-state resident, you are still required to file your own Accident Report with DMV. DMV does not determine fault in an accident, but does post the accident to the driving record of each driver involved, unless the vehicle was parked and unoccupied.

You may print the Oregon Traffic Accident and Insurance Report, obtain a copy at the nearest DMV office, or from any of our three precincts . The instructions for completing the form are attached to the form. Once the form is completed, it must be mailed directly to DMV at the following address:

Accident Reporting Unit
1905 Lana Ave NE
Salem, Oregon 97314

More information is available on the DMV website. 

What's required of me if I'm involved in a collision?

An involved driver in a collision is required to do the following:

1. Immediately stop the vehicle at the scene of the collision or as close as possible. Every stop, as required, should be made without obstructing traffic more than is necessary.

2. Render to any person injured in the collision reasonable assistance, including the conveying or the making of arrangements for the conveying of such person to a medical facility.

3. Remain at the scene of the collision until the driver has fulfilled all of the requirements outlined.

4. Give to the other driver or passenger, the name and address of the driver and the registration number of the vehicle that the driver is driving and the name and address of any other occupants of the vehicle.

5. Upon request and if available, exhibit and give to the occupant of, or person attending any vehicle damaged, the number of any documents issued as evidence of driving privileges granted to the driver. (e.g. Driver's license)

If the person is the driver of any vehicle that collides with any vehicle that is unattended, the person shall immediately stop and:

  • locate and notify the operator or owner of the vehicle, the name and address of the driver and owner of the vehicle striking the unattended vehicle; or
  • leave in a conspicuous place in the vehicle struck a written notice giving the name and address of the driver and of the owner of the vehicle doing the striking, and a statement of the circumstances.

If the person is the driver of any vehicle involved in an accident resulting only in damage to fixtures or property legally upon or adjacent to a public street or highway, the person shall do the following:

1. Take reasonable steps to notify the owner or person in charge of the property of such fact and of the driver's name and address and of the registration number of the vehicle the driver was operating.

2. Upon request and if available, exhibit any document issued as official evidence of a grant of driving privileges to the driver. (e.g. Driver's license)

How can I obtain a copy of a traffic collision report?

Any driver involved in a motor vehicle collision where an Officer filed a Police Report, may obtain a copy of the police report by one of the following methods:

  • Obtain a copy of the report by contacting the Portland Police Records Division, located at 1111 SW 2nd Ave (Justice Center), 503-823-0043. There are fees for these reports. Please check the website for fees.
  • If you received a Traffic Crash Exchange Report, it is most likely the only report written about the vehicle incident or accident. To obtain the case number that has been assigned to this report, you can contact the Records Division at 503-823-0043. Please wait at least 72 hours before making an inquiry for the case number.

How do I order Traffic discovery documents for my trial?

Traffic discovery documents can be ordered online by following this link: Traffic Discovery Records - PPB . You will click on the second link with the same title to create an account and follow the directions given.

What are some of the most common driver errors that cause traffic collisions?

  • Driving under the influence of intoxicants (DUII)
  • Failure to avoid stopped or parked vehicles ahead
  • Driving too fast for conditions
  • Following too close
  • Inattention (Distracted Driving)
  • Disregard of traffic signal
  • Improper change of traffic lanes
  • Failure to yield right-of-way
  • Failure to maintain lane

What are my choices in handling a traffic citation?

Information regarding your options in handling a traffic citation are listed in their entirety on the reverse side of the driver's copy of the citation. For those charged only with infractions as checked at the top of citation, in a nutshell, you have the following options:

Option 1: Appear in court at the time indicated at the bottom of the citation. You may plead not guilty and a trial date will be set. You may also plead guilty to the charge, and the judge will set the appropriate fine at that time.

Option 2: Fill in the blanks, attach a written statement to the court, send the summons, the written statement and the check or money order for the bail amount to the court. You waive your right to a trial and consent to the judgment of the court. The court may forfeit all or part of the bail and will return that part, if any.

Option 3: Fill in the blanks, attach a check or money order in the amount of the bail, and send the summons and money to the court. You are pleading guilty to the charge and waive the right to have a trial by the court. You may still send a written explanation if you choose.

Option 4: Fill in the blanks, and send the summons to the court. This will be asking the court to enter a plea of Not Guilty, and a trial date will be set. The court will notify you of the court date. The court may impose penalties if you do not appear at the time given in the notification.

Option 5: Go to the Court Clerk, before the time the summons requires you to appear, and determine if you qualify to proceed with a trial by affidavit. If so, the trial will be based upon sworn, written statements; future court appearances may not be necessary.

In all cases where you will be sending the summons via mail, remember that you must send all paperwork to the court, and they need to receive it, prior to the arraignment date and time set at the bottom of the citation. Failure to either appear at the appointed date/time, or failure to notify the court by mail prior to the court date/time, may result in suspension of your driver's license and/or issuance of a warrant for your arrest.

I have questions about a photo radar citation I received in the mail, who do I contact?

Please follow this link to our Photo Enforcement page for more information on photo radar questions.

What if I have questions regarding my court date and/or payments?

Read the back of the citation, and then if you still have questions, contact the Multnomah County Circuit Court:
Portland 971-274-0545
Gresham 971-274-0700, then dial zero (0) for the operator.

For online payments:

How do I handle a parking violation?

Please visit the Portland Bureau of Transportation website for parking violation information

How can I get my vehicle out of impound?

If your vehicle was towed due to any of the following reasons:

  • Public Safety
  • Hazard
  • Safekeeping
  • Alarm Disturbance, per City Code
  • Possible Stolen
  • VIN Inspection
  • Evidence
  • Forfeiture

 Then visit  the Records Division website and follow their instructions on how to retrieve your vehicle.

How can I find out if my vehicle was towed?

You may either contact the Records Division in person at Central Precinct in the Justice Center Lobby, 1111 SW 2nd Ave or call 823-0044. Do not call 911.

How can I report an abandoned vehicle?

If you feel you have an abandoned vehicle in your neighborhood, call the Abandoned Vehicle Hot-Line at 823-7309. Do not call 911 for this type of problem.

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