Street Racing

Street Racing Graphic - See How Fast They Go
Speed Racing is a Class A traffic violation. You can lose your vehicle on the spot as well as thousands of! 

You Race. You Lose!

Speed Racing is a Class A traffic violation. You can lose your vehicle on the spot as well as thousands of!  The Portland Police Bureau has teamed with our partners, the Portland Bureau of Transportation and the Oregon Department of Transportation on a program to reduce speed racing, which is dangerous to all road users. 

Speed racing is a violation of ORS 811.125 and carries a presumptive fine of $435. You may also be committing crimes of 0RS 811.140 Reckless Driving (a Class A Misdemeanor) and ORS 163.195 Recklessly Endangering Another a Person (a Class A Misdemeanor). These crimes are punishable with up to 1 year in jail, 5 years of probation and/or a fine up to $6,250.  This traffic violation can bring negative effects to your auto insurance policy.  Raised rates, reductions in coverage or even cancellations are possible. If you operate a vehicle for employment, these convictions can also impact your career.

The City of Portland, the Oregon Department of Transportation and the Portland Police Bureau have an obligation to the safety of those who live in, work in, and visit our city. Our Vision Zero and Twenty is Plenty traffic safety plans show our commitment to reducing preventable crashes and fatalities. Ending illegal racing events is another step in this overall goal.

If you operate a vehicle for employment, these convictions can also impact your career.

Report a non-urgent traffic safety concern

If you are experiencing speed racing or any other traffic related unsafe activity in your neighborhood, learn more about reporting it.

PBOT Non-Emergency Traffic Concerns